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Computer Organization Assignment 4 SOLVED

CS3350B, Computer Organization
Assignment 4 
General Instructions: This assignment consists of 4 pages, 5 exercises, and is marked
out of 100. For any question involving calculations you must provide your workings. You
may collaborate with other students in the class in the sense of general strategies to solve
the problems. But each assignment and the answers within are to be solely individual work
and completed independently. Any plagiarism found will be taken seriously and may result
in a mark of 0 on this assignment, removal from the course, or more serious consequences.
Submission Instructions: The answers to this assignment are to be submitted on OWL
as a single PDF file. Ideally, the answers are to be typed. At the very least, clearly scanned
copies (no photographs) of hand-written work. If the person correcting your assignment is
unable to easily read or interpret your answer then it may be marked as incorrect without
the possibility of remarking.
Useful Facts:
Figure 1: MIPS Datapath with Interstage Registers
Exercise 1. [20 Marks] Consider the multi-cycle MIPS datapath presented in Figure 1,
it shows 4 inter-stage registers: IF/ID, ID/EX, EX/MEM, and MEM/WB. Consider also
the control signals presented in the diagram in blue. Assume the ALUOp control signal is
3 bits. Ignore control signals not shown (i.e. the ones controlling forwarding). Determine
the minimum size, in bits, of each of the four inter-stage registers. For part marks, ensure to
include workings and not just the total values.
Exercise 2. [15 Marks] Consider a pipelined processor with 𝑠 stages. Each stage except
the last runs in 𝑡 units of time (say pico-seconds) meanwhile the last stage runs in 𝑟 × 𝑡 units
of time where 𝑟 1. Thus, the last stage is slower than the other ones. Assume there are 𝑛
tasks being processed by this pipeline.
(a) Compute an expression for the actual pipeline speedup based on the variables 𝑠, 𝑡, 𝑟,
and 𝑛. Show your workings.
(b) Compute an expression for the ratio of time for which the pipeline runs at full occupancy
based on the variables 𝑠, 𝑡, 𝑟, and 𝑛. Show your workings.
Exercise 3. Consider the following C code:
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
a[i] = b[i] + i;
where a and b are 32-bit integer arrays of size n. We have a corresponding MIPS instruction
add $t0, $0, $0 # $t0 = 0, which corresponds to i in C code
loop: lw $s1, 0($s4) # assume $s4 stores the base address of array b
add $s0, $s1, $t0 # $s0 gets b[i] + i
sw $s0, 0($s2) # assume $s2 stores the base address of array a
addi $t0, $t0, 1 # ++i
addi $s2, $s2, 4 # get address of a[i+1]
addi $s4, $s4, 4 # get address of b[i+1]
slt $t2, $t0, $s5 # assume that $s5 holds n
bne $t2, $0, loop # if $t2 == 1, go to loop
Assume that the above MIPS instructions will be executed on a 5-stage pipelined processor.
Ignore control hazards and structural hazard. Assume the branch condition is computed in
the EX stage.
(a) [10 Marks] Draw the pipeline execution diagram for one iteration of the loop, that is,
starting at the label loop. Assume there is no data forwarding. Compute the CPI (clock
cycles per instruction) for that one iteration. Do not re-order the instructions.
(b) [10 Marks] Draw the pipeline execution diagram for one iteration of the loop, that
is, starting at the label loop. This time, assume all possible data forwarding is used. For
each instance of data forwarding, annotate your pipeline diagram (say, with arrows, colors,
or footnotes) to indicate the source and destination of the forwarding; also say what kind of
forwarding it is. Compute the CPI (clock cycles per instruction) for that one iteration. Do
not re-order the instructions.
(c) [10 Marks] Apply loop unrolling (as well as instruction re-ordering, if you like) on the
above MIPS code for two iterations. Write out the corresponding MIPS instruction code. Make
sure to use offsets appropriately to avoid unnecessary instructions.
(d) [15 Marks] Consider a 2-issue extension of MIPS. That is, a VLIW extension of MIPS
where two instructions occur in each instruction word. The issue packet has the following
format: the first instruction must be arithmetic or branch, and the second instruction must
be a data transfer instruction (lw or sw). Still assume all types of forwarding.
Using the code of your unrolled loop of part (c), statically schedule one iteration of the loop
to run optimally on this 2-issue machine. You may use additional registers to accomplish this
task. Consider using the following table as a starting point and to help guide you through
the process.
ALU or branch Data transfer CC
loop: 1

Exercise 4. [15 Marks] Consider a shared-memory multiprocessor that consists of three
processor/cache units where cache coherence is maintained by a MESI protocol. The private
caches are direct mapped. Assume that words X1, X2 and X3 are in the same cache line.
Given the following sequence of events, identify each access as a cold miss (CM), a true
sharing miss (TM), a false sharing miss (FM), or a hit (H).
Clock Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor 3 CM, TM, FM or H
1 Read X1
2 Read X2
3 Read X3
4 Write X1
5 Write X3
6 Read X1
7 Write X2
8 Read X1
9 Read X2
Exercise 5. [5 Marks + 5 Bonus] An inlined function is a function augmented with the
keyword inline. The keyword inline is a directive to the compiler to insert the function’s
code body in place of any call to the function. An example is below. Based on all of the
material in this course, explain why inlined functions can allow for code to execute more
quickly. A short one sentence (correct) answer will yield the 5 marks. Very good answers
will yield 5 bonus marks.
inline int foo(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i = 10;
int j = 12;
int c = foo(i,j);

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