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Computer Organization Assignment 4

CS1026A , Computer Organization
Assignment 4
General Instructions: This assignment consists of 9 pages, 1 exercise, and is marked out
of 100. Assignments are the independent work of each student. Software may be used to
detect cheating.
Non-Functional Code Instructions:
1. Include brief comments in your code. Identifying yourself (the code’s author) by name
and user ID in the initial comment header. Comment also on key instructions and
calculations in your code.
e.g. ##
# Plays the game of tic-tac-toe.
# Student Name: Alex Brandt
# Student ID: abrandt5
2. Follow good coding style and normal Python conventions. This includes, but is not
limited to:
(i) Meaningful variable names.
(ii) Conventions for naming variables and constants.
(iii) Use of constants over “magic numbers”.
(iv) Readability: indentation, appropriate white space (blank spaces) within instructions, consistency in the use of all of the above.
1. Functional Requirements:
(i) Does your classes correctly implement its specification?
(ii) Does your main program behave according to the specifications?
(iii) Does your main program handle invalid input?
(iv) Does your main program output everything as expected?
2. Non-Functional Requirements (above).
3. Ability to follow directions precisely.
Submission Instructions: Your submission should include exactly two files (zipped into
a zip file, if you’d like). These two files are: and where
userid is replaced by your UWO User ID (everything preceding “@” in your UWO email; e.g.
abrandt5). The contents of these two files are described below.
Learning Outcomes: In this assignment we will look at using classes, objects, and saved
states, and program interaction.
Exercise 1. In this assignment you will implement a simple text-based game of tic-tactoe (a.k.a. naughts and crosses, X’s and O’s), see
To complete such a task, you should implement two classes and two Python files. The
first file,, will hold two classes GameBoard and ScoreBoard. The second file, will hold your main function and effectively run the loop which drives
progress through the game.
Part 1. In this section we will define the contents of the file. In this file we
look to implement two classes, GameBoard and ScoreBoard.
The class GameBoard :
• Holds a representation of the game board throughout the running of a single game of
• You should use a 3-by-3 table to encode the game board. You may use any data you
wish inside the table, but I recommend strings.
• Must have a printCurrentBoard method which prints the current state of the game
board in a nice way. That is, it should print the board itself as well as any “X” or “O”
that have been placed so far on the board by the players. For example:
X| |
| |O
O| |X
• Must have a placeX method which adds an “X” to some space on the board. This
method takes self (as all Class methods take) and two additional parameters i and
j which are the row index and column index, respectively, of where to place the “X”
on the board. This method returns True if the move is legal (i.e. the space specified
is blank) and False otherwise. If the move is legal, the table should be updated to
indicate an “X” is now in that space on the board.
• Must have a placeO method which adds an “O” to some space on the board. This
method takes self and two additional parameters i and j which are the row index
and column index, respectively, of where to place the “O” on the board. This method
returns True if the move is legal and False otherwise. If the move is legal, the table
should be updated to indicate an “O” is now in that space on the board.
• Must have a decideWinner method which determines if there is a winner on the current
board. It should determine if “X” is the winner or “O” is the winner. If neither are
winners then it should return a special value to indicate there are (yet) no winners.
• Must have a boardFull method which returns a Boolean value to indicate if the board
is full (and thus no more legal moves exist and the game is over). This method returns
True if the board is full and False otherwise.
The class ScoreBoard :
• Holds a representation of a score board.
• Must keep track of the number of wins, number of losses, and number of draws that
have occurred for each player since the start of the program (see part 2 for further
explanation on a “player”).
– Hint: use a few dictionaries or a dictionary of lists to encode this data.
• Must have an addWin method which takes as parameters self and a player’s name.
This method increases the input player’s win count by 1.
• Must have an addLoss method which takes as parameters self and a player’s name.
This method increases the input player’s loss count by 1.
• Must have an addDraw method which takes as parameters self and a player’s name.
This method increases the input player’s draw count by 1.
• Must have a printScoreBoard method which cleanly prints the name of each player
and their number of wins, losses, and draws as a table. For example:
Name | Wins | Losses | Draws
Foo | 1 | 0 | 1
Bar | 0 | 1 | 1
– Hint: use %ns where n is a number to help with .
Part 2. In this section we define the contents of the file. In this file
you shall import your other file (e.g. by the command from myBoards import *) and then
use those imported classes within your main function. Your main function will run the game
loop which, in general, follows the following format:
(i) Take input from the user
(ii) Update the current game state
(iii) Output new information to the user
Specifically, your main function should do the following.
1. Begin by printing out instructions to the user on how to play your game. For example,
We are playing tic tac toe!
To play the game enter two numbers to indicate where to place
each game piece. Enter numbers from 1 to 3.
(1,1) is the top left corner. (3,3) is the bottom right corner.
2. Ask the users to enter the names of the two players who are playing the current game.
Ask who will play as X’s. Then ask who will play as O’s. A player’s name is their
identifier for the ScoreBoard.
3. Then enter the game loop, which repeats until a winner is found or a draw occurs. The
game loop is:
(i) Print out the state of current game board.
(ii) Tell the players whose turn it is by their name. For example, “It’s Alex’s Turn!”.
(iii) Prompt the current player to enter their move as two numbers on one line. For
example, “Where should X go?”
(iv) Parse the line entered by the player (e.g. by using split to get the individual
numbers) and use either the placeX or placeO methods of the GameBoard, as
appropriate, to update the board’s state. If their move is invalid (either outside
the bounds of the board or is on top of another piece which is already played) go
back to step (iii).
(v) Determine if there is a winner by using GameBoard’s decideWinner method. If
there is a winner, tell the players who the winner is, print the final game board,
and exit the game loop.
(vi) Determine if there is a draw by using GameBoards’s boardFull method. If there
is a draw, inform the players of the draw, print the final game board, and exit the
game loop.
4. Update the scoreboard for the current players based on wins/losses/draws and print out
the current scoreboard. You should make use of the ScoreBoard’s addWin, addLoss,
and addDraw methods as appropriate.
• Note: the printed scoreboard should contain all players from the current execution
of the program. Therefore, if you play again and the players’ names change, then
your score board should have more than two entries in it. The order of entries
printed does not matter.
5. Ask the user if they want to play again. If they respond with any string containing
“y” or “Y”, then go back to step 2 and play the game again. Otherwise, terminate the
An Example Playthrough:
We are playing tic tac toe!
To play the game enter two numbers to indicate where to place each game piece.
Enter numbers from 1 to 3.
(1,1) is the top left corner. (3,3) is the bottom right corner.
Who is playing as X? Foo
Who is playing as O? Bar
| |
| |
| |
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 1
X| |
| |
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should O go? 2 3
X| |
| |O
| |
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 2
| |O
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should O go? 2 2
| |
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 3
Winner is X !
| |
Name | Wins | Losses | Draws
Foo | 1 | 0 | 0
Bar | 0 | 1 | 0
Play again? (Y/N) y
Who is playing as X? Bar
Who is playing as O? Buzz
| |
| |
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 1 1
X| |
| |
| |
Buzz’s turn! Where should O go? 2 2
X| |
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 3 3
X| |
| |X
Buzz’s turn! Where should O go? 3 2
X| |
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 1 2
Buzz’s turn! Where should O go? 1 3
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 3 1
Buzz’s turn! Where should O go? 2 1
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 2 2
That tile is already occupied!
Bar’s turn! Where should X go? 2 3
That game ended in a draw!
Name | Wins | Losses | Draws
Foo | 1 | 0 | 0
Bar | 0 | 1 | 1
Buzz | 0 | 0 | 1
Play again? (Y/N) y
Who is playing as X? Foo
Who is playing as O? Bar
| |
| |
| |
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 1
X| |
| |
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should O go? 2 2
X| |
| |
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 2
| |
Bar’s turn! Where should O go? 3 3
| |O
Foo’s turn! Where should X go? 1 3
Winner is X !
| |O
Name | Wins | Losses | Draws
Foo | 2 | 0 | 0
Bar | 0 | 2 | 1
Buzz | 0 | 0 | 1
Play again? (Y/N) n

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