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Computer Science II Lab exercise set 1

CSC 242: Introduction to Computer Science II
Lab exercise set 1

These exercises should be completed during the lab on Wednesday. In order to receive full credit
for the lab, you must attend the session, remain in the lab for at least 45 minutes, and submit a
file that contains solutions to all these exercises.
The exercises for this week are a review of material covered in CSC 241. You should find them
to be straightforward. If that's not the case, please be sure to review your CSC 241 materials as a
part of your first week of work for this class.
You are encouraged to work in groups of no more than three people on lab exercises. If you do
work with someone, you must include the name(s) of your collaborator(s) at the top of the file
you submit. For more information about collaboration policies in this class, see the Academic
Integrity policy posted in the syllabus.
If you complete the lab exercise early, please read Chapters 7 and 8 in the textbook and work on
the first assignment. You must remain in the lab for at least 45 minutes to earn full credit. You
are only allowed to work on assignments with at most two-other people, either directly or
indirectly, who must be formally identified as part of your assignment submission. Please see the
assignment description and the course Academic Integrity pledge for the full description of the
process you must follow when completing assignments. If you need additional help on the
assignment, please ask the lab assistant.
Begin the lab by downloading the zip file found on the D2L site. It contains a template file
adding the bodies for the functions. When you do, make sure to remove the placeholder pass
statements that are currently there.
You must write doc strings for each function. Submissions without doc strings will not receive
full credit.
1 Implement a function longestWord () that takes one parameter which is a string
representing the name of a text file. The function should return the length of the largest
word in the file. The punctuation in the file should be removed (see str.maketrans) prior
to determining the average length of a word in the file. For the purposes of this question
the valid punctuation symbols are commas (,), periods (.), exclamation marks (!),
question marks (?), semicolons (;), and colons (:). If the file is empty, the function should
return 0.
2. Write a function uniqueWordCount() that takes as a parameter a string representing the
name of a text file. The function returns a dictionary of all the unique words in the file
and their count. Make sure to remove all punctuation (i.e. all commas, question marks,
periods, colons, and semicolons see str.maketrans) before determining whether any words
are duplicated so that the punctuation won't interfere with the process. Capitalization
should be ignored. The information below shows how you would call the
function uniqueWordCount() and what it would show for a couple of sample
This is what the output looks like when running against the samples files:
Submitting the exercises
Modify the template file provided on D2L and upload it to the associated D2L dropbox.
The lab session is worth 10 points. See the lab grading rubric for more detail.
Submitting the exercises
You must submit your solution to the exercises using the lab 1 dropbox on the D2L site. Submit
only a single text file ( with each of the completed functions and classes for the
lab exercises in it. Submissions after the deadline listed above will be automatically rejected by
the system. See the syllabus for the grading policy.
The lab session is worth 10 points. If you complete the lab exercises before the end of the lab
session, please work on the first assignment. Remember that the rules for collaboration on
assignments is different from labs. Please review the Academic Integrity policy for more
information. If you have questions about the assignment, please ask the teaching assistant.

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