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Computer Security and Privacy  ASSIGNMENT 2

CS 458/658 Computer Security and Privacy 

Written Response Questions TA: Jiayi Chen
(Office hours: Thursday 15:00 pm–16:00 pm in DC 3333)
Programming Questions TA: Nikita Volodin
(Office hours: Tuesday 11:00 am–12:00 pm in DC 3333)
Please use Piazza for all communication. Ask a private question if necessary. The TAs’ office
hours are also posted to Piazza for reference. You are expected to follow the expected Academic Integrity requirements for Assignments; you can find them here: https://uwaterloo.
ca/library/get-assignment-and-research-help/academic-integrity/academic-integritytutorial. Strict penalties will be enforced on students for any Academic Integrity violations.
Written Response Questions [30 marks]
Note: For written questions, please be sure to use complete, grammatically-correct sentences.
You will be marked on the presentation and clarity of your answers as well as the content.
1. Authentication [Total: 10 marks]
Alice’s smartphone supports five different authentication methods to unlock the screen
by default, namely PIN, password, unlock pattern (see course slide 3-59), fingerprint,
and wearable device unlock1
. To enhance security, Alice has additionally installed an
application to enable touch-based implicit authentication that automatically locks the
phone if a finger swipe of the user does not match Alice’s finger swipe pattern. Please
answer the following questions about authentication:
(a) Which authentication factors are being used by these six authentication methods?
Please refer to the course slides about authentication factors (3-33) and classify
them into the correct categories. [3 marks]
(b) Suppose that Alice chooses PIN, unlock pattern, and wearable device unlock for
the screen lock. Any of these methods can be chosen to unlock the screen. Please
list one potential threat for each method. [3 marks]
(c) Suppose that Alice adopts touch-based implicit authentication. The false acceptance rate (FAR) of the application is 5% (i.e., the phone incorrectly identifies
a stranger’s finger swipes as Alice’s swipes 5% of the time). The false rejection
rate (FRR) of the application is 8% (i.e., the phone incorrectly identifies Alice’s
swipes as a stranger’s swipes 8% of the time). Suppose Alice knows that her
smartphone is being used by others 10% of the time. If the smartphone locks
after only one swipe, what is the probability that the lock is a result of someone other than Alice using the phone? [2 marks] How can we (possibly) reduce
the false rejection rate? [2 marks] (Hint: please refer to the Bayes’ Theorem: )
2. Security Policies [Total: 10 marks]
In a certain organization, all the documents and members are classified into three sensitivity levels satisfying the following hierarchy:
Confidential (C) ≤ Secret (S) ≤ Top Secret (TS),
where “≤” means “less sensitive than or as sensitive as”. Each document/member is
assigned to one or more of four compartments: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta.
1As long as the wearable device is in proximity of Alice’s smartphone, authentication is done automatically.
(a) Suppose that the organization follows the Bell-La Padula confidentiality model,
and Alice is a member with clearance (Secret, {Alpha, Delta}). Please indicate
whether she has read access, write access, or both to each of the following documents. [5 marks]
• D001: (Confidential, {Alpha, Gamma})
• D002: (Top Secret, {Alpha, Gamma, Delta})
• D003: (Secret, {Alpha, Delta})
• D004: (Secret, {Beta, Gamma, Delta})
• D005: (Confidential, {Delta})
(b) Suppose that the organization follows the dynamic Biba integrity model (i.e.,
satisfying both Subject and Object Low Watermark Properties), and there are
four members with the following integrity classification:
• Alice: (Secret, {Alpha, Delta})
• Bob: (Confidential, {Alpha, Gamma, Delta})
• Carol: (Secret, {Alpha, Gamma})
• Eve: (Confidential, {Beta, Delta})
For the following operations in the given order, please state the change in the
integrity classification of the subject and the object one by one. [5 marks]
i. Alice writes to D101 (Top Secret, {Alpha, Gamma, Delta}).
ii. Alice reads from D102 (Confidential, {Alpha, Beta, Gamma}).
iii. Bob writes to D103 (Secret, {Beta, Delta}).
iv. Eve writes to D104 (Secret, {Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma})
v. Carol reads from D104 (after Eve has written to it).
3. Firewall [Total: 10 marks]
A uWaterloo research group has recently moved to a new laboratory with several
computers and one server. Some of these computers are used to collect experimental
data and upload it to the server. The other computers are used by researchers for
work. You are the network security engineer who ensures the lab network security.
(a) Suppose that uWaterloo sets up a packet filtering gateway. What kind of spoofing
attacks can it defend against? [2 marks]
(b) Suppose that you need to satisfy the following requirements: 1) to prevent hosts
in external networks from initiating a connection to the experiment computers
and the server, 2) to prevent all the devices in the lab from browsing malicious
websites, and 3) to record all remote login operations from the external networks
to the work computers. In addition to a packet filtering gateway, what kind of
firewall do you need to deploy and how do they work together to satisfy these
requirements? [2 marks]
Switch 1 Switch 2
Experiment Computers Work Computers
Private Network:
Private IP:
Private Network:
Public IP:
(c) Suppose that the lab network topology is organized as shown in the figure.
Can the firewall control access from the work computers to the experiment computers and the server? Please justify your answer. [2 marks] Suppose that the
packet filtering functionality is now part of the router, which is enabled by maintaining extended access control lists (ACLs)2
. Use the table below to define a
set of packet filtering rules on the interface connecting Router and Switch 1 that
enable only the work computer users to connect to the server via SSH. Note that
you can consider the following access control list as a white list. PROTOCOL field
only accepts transport layer protocols. [4 marks] (Hint: please make rules with
the given directions3
. You can use “ANY” to represent all possible options. For
example, “OUT,TCP,,ANY,,80” means permitting all outgoing
TCP traffic from host (any port) to subnet (port 80).)
2Extended ACLs can control traffic according to both source and destination addresses of the IP packets
as well as more Layer-3 and Layer-4 information.
3OUT - from Router to Switch 1; IN - from Switch 1 to Router
Programming Response Questions [32 marks]
You are tasked with performing a security audit of a custom-developed web application for
your organization. The web application is a content sharing portal, where any user can view
content, which includes articles, links, images, and comments. Registered users can log in
and then post content. Note, users in the process of using the website can inadvertently leak
information that may assist you in solving your tasks. You are provided black-box access to
this application, that is, you can access the website in the same manner as a user.
The website uses PHP to generate HTML content dynamically on the server side. The server
stores the application data, which includes usernames, passwords, comments, articles, links
and images, in a SQLite3 database on the server. In this manner, we consider two systems,
a relational database and HTML forms, that by default do not validate user inputs.
1. [20 marks] User impersonation
(a) [4 marks] Confirmation hash
One of the users on the website has been inactive for some time and now must
confirm the username in order to be able to use the website.
i. [3 marks] Find the user, their confirmation hash value and obtain access as
that user. Save the server response from the hash confirmation request into
the file response.txt.
ii. [1 mark] Create a post on behalf of the user you just impersonated.
What to submit: exploit1 a.tar file which contains the following files (not
inside a folder):
• — shell script performing the confirmation and logging in as the
• response.txt — file with the response from the server after successful log
in. It should contain the hash that you just sent in the URL.
(b) [4 marks] SQL Injection
User-generated data is directly passed into database queries in several contexts.
For example, to insert or modify user-generated content in a database, or to
query a database that contains user credentials for authentication. A user can
craft their input to include malicious database queries, such as to alter queries or
insert/modify records.
i. [3 marks] Use an SQL injection attack on the log-in form to obtain access
as another user. Save the response from the log-in request into the file
ii. [1 mark] Create a post on behalf of the user you just impersonated.
What to submit: exploit1 b.tar file which contains the following files (not
inside a folder):
• — shell script with exploit.
• response.txt — file with the response from the server after successful log
in, containing username and password.
(c) [4 marks] Easily guessable password
One of the users on the website has a password that is very easy to guess.
i. [3 marks] Guess the password and save the response from the log-in request
into the file response.txt.
ii. [1 mark] Create a post on behalf of the user you just breached.
What to submit: exploit1 c.tar file which contains the following files (not
inside a folder):
• — shell script that performs the login as the user with the weak
• response.txt — file with the response from the server after successful log
in, containing username and password.
(d) [8 marks] Incorrect server configuration
As mentioned above, the website uses PHP to generate HTML content dynamically on the server side. This implies that the client browser is sending requests
for the PHP scripts and the web server executes these requests on the fly. A
common mistake of developers is to not restrict file access during the execution of
these requests. As a consequence, any user of the website might access confidential files. For instance, the attacker might learn sensitive information about the
content and structure of the database. Based on this information, the attacker
might be able to mask the occurrence of the attack by manipulating the database.
i. [3 marks] Your task is to come up with an exploit script that obtains a dump
of the website’s database and saves it as data.db alongside the exploit file.
ii. [4 marks] By examining the structure of the database file from part 1(d)i,
come up with an exploit that injects the new user into the database of the
website. The new user should be indistinguishable from a real user registered
on the website. Save the username and the password of the new user into the
file credentials.txt and save the response from the server after issuing the
request into the file response.txt.
Note, the solutions to parts 1a and 1b might give you hints necessary to solve
this question.
iii. [1 mark] Create the post on behalf of the user you just created.
What to submit: exploit1 d.tar file which contains the following files (not
inside a folder):
• — shell script injecting user into the database.
• data.db — database file downloaded from the server.
• credentials.txt — file containing the username and password of a new
user. Include username on the first line and password on the second line,
followed by the new line character and nothing else.
• response.txt — file with the response from the server after injecting the
user into the database.
For the rest of the assignment, please use the following credentials:
username: “alice”
password: “passw0rd”
2. [6 marks] Cross-site scripting attack
Cross-site scripting attacks involve injecting malicious web script code (including HTML,
Javascript) into a webpage via a form. As a result, the document object model (DOM)
of the HTML webpage changes whenever the code is executed. Depending on whether
the change persists across reloads of the webpage, XSS attacks are classified as stored
(persistent) or non-persistent attacks.
As a tester, who wants to detect changes in the DOM of the HTML webpage, you
may want to check the source code of the page and monitor the HTTP requests and
responses. This can be done using standard ‘Developer tools’ menus in browsers and/or
using adequate flags for command-line utilities like curl.
(a) [3 marks] Write a JavaScript function that first finds the ID of a post given the
post content as parameter and upvotes the post.
(b) [3 marks] Create a new post, which contains the script we created in part 2a (it
might be slightly modified), so that the post is automatically upvoted by every
person who sees the post.
Refer to Section Notes about JavaScript for resources about JavaScript.
What to submit: exploit2.tar file with the following files (not inside a folder):
• — shell script that creates new post.
• response.txt — file with the response from the server after creating the post,
containing the type, title, and post content.
• upvoteScript.js — file with the script as described in part 2a.
3. [6 marks] Cross-site request forgery attack
Cross-site request forgery attacks manipulate the browser to send state information
maintained by the client to the website without the knowledge of the user. Hence, they
use the fact that there is no way to identify whether an HTTP request is ‘genuinely’
sent by the user or if the browser has been ‘duped’ into sending it.
(a) [3 marks] URLs on the website are created using the html tag <a, as follows:
<a href="[LINK]"[LINK TITLE]</a with [LINK] indicating the URL and the
[LINK TITLE] indicating the title of the URL. Substitute the [LINK] in such a
manner that the comment is created on the post with id “2” on behalf of the user
who follows the [LINK].
Note that clicks on <a links result in GET requests by the browser, which might
not be something that we would like in order to create a new post. There are
some tricks how to override the behaviour of the <a tag, for example, as in this
post on stackoverflow.
(b) [3 marks] Create a new post, which contains the link with the malicious URL as
described in part 3a. Whenever a user clicks on that link, a comment is created
for the post containing the malicious link in the name of the user.
NOTE: The attack performed in part 3b is not a pure CSRF attack. Strictly
speaking, the attack has elements of both XSS (including malicious code in the
post) and CSRF (having the user’s browser execute code without the user’s intention). Normally, a CSRF attack requires the link to be embedded in a different
website. However, to demonstrate the general idea of the attack within the limited scope of the assignment, we use the web portal as both the attack, i.e., the
website responsible for the malicious behaviour, and the target website, i.e., the
website that is affected by the user’s unintended behaviour.
Refer to Section Notes about JavaScript for resources about JavaScript.
What to submit: exploit3.tar file with the following files (not inside a folder):
• — shell script which creates the new post and follows the newly
created link in a post.
• response.txt — response from the server after creating the post, containing
type, title and content of the post.
• url.txt — URL as described in the part 3a.
Rules about exploit script execution
A web server is running on each of the ugster machines, and a directory has been created
using your ugster userid. Your copy of the web application can be found at:
where ugsterXX and userid are the machine and credential assigned to you previously from
the Infodist system. If you need to reset the webserver, simply access the following URL:
This will delete all changes made to your copy of the web application, and restore it to its
original state.
As with the previous assignment, the ugster machines are only accessible to other machines
on campus. If you are working from home, you will need to first connect through another
machine (such as linux.student or the campus VPN).
You need to submit exploit scripts. These are the tarball files with the name and contents specified in the text of the assignment. Tarballs may also contain other files that
are required for Submitted exploits have to be standalone, as the environment will be reset for each exploit execution. The exploit script must accept
exactly one command-line argument, which will be the URL address of the web server
(e.g. ’./’). Failure to
follow this rule will result in 1 mark being deducted for every time script accepts
incorrect parameters.
Obviously, these are exploit files and can potentially steal confidential information. Therefore
these scripts will be ran on the air-gapped system in the Faraday cage in the CrySPTM lab.
It means the execution environment will not have any Internet access. It means that scripts
injected via exploits can only rely on themselves and cannot rely on any resource served on
the Internet.
Note 1: If one of your exploits forces the application into an unusable state, you can restore
the default state by accessing the URL above. If the web server itself becomes unusable,
please report this on Piazza, along with a description of what you were doing when the
problem occurred. Do not perform denial of service attacks on either the ugster machine
or the web server. Any student caught performing DoS attacks, will receive an automatic
zero on the assignment, and further penalties may be imposed.
Note 2: Do not connect to the web server with a userid different from the one that
is assigned to you. Any student that is caught messing around with another student’s
web application by connecting to the wrong URL will receive an automatic zero on the
assignment, and further penalties may be imposed.
Note 3: These scripts will be performing requests and saving responses of the server. You
should save the exact response of the server. For example, if the server replies with the
redirect message, then this is what should be logged (as there might be more information in
the reply of the server). In particular, if you choose to complete the assignment using curl
as your main tool, do not use the flag -L.
Attacks and protocols
The following links may be helpful in designing exploit scripts.
• Cross-site scripting attacks and defenses:
• Cross-site request forgery and defenses:
• SQL Injection attacks and defenses:
• HTTP: (if you are
new to how HTTP/web works)
• JS:
• Document Object Model:
Document_Object_Model/Introduction (API for accessing parts/objects of an HTML
Writing your exploits
You may use any language of your choosing (within reason) to exploit the server; the only
restriction is that your exploits run correctly on the ugster machines. You may use external
tools to aid you if they are not directly required for exploit execution (i.e., they help you
gather information during programming, etc.).
A basic understanding of HTML forms will also be helpful for completing this assignment.
A good starting point for learning about forms might be: or
For some of the requests, you might need to consult with
in order to successfully deliver data to server over the URL.
Here are some other links that you may find useful:
• cURL: (information about headers, GET,
• cURL Scripting: (if you don’t know
how HTML forms work)
• Shebang: (if you are new to scripting)
• Web sessions: (go
to the section on Web Server Session Management)
• Netcat: — Making network connections from a command line
Notes about JavaScript
Here is a template for the parts where you need to come up with JavaScript code. This should
help with the task, but it does not mean that your solution has to follow this template.
1 function fn( content ) {
2 var aTags = ...;
3 var foundTag ;
4 for (var i = aTags . length - 1; i = 0; i - -) {
5 if ( aTags [i]. textContent === content ) {
6 foundTag = aTags [i];
7 break ;
8 }
9 }
10 var postID = ...;
11 var request = ...;
12 ...; // send the request
13 }
14 fn(’... ’) ;
In order to fill those missing gaps in the template, you might consult with the following
pages from reputable sources:
• document.querySelectorAll()
• RegExp
• XMLHttpRequest.send()
You can also test out your JavaScript source code in the browser’s developer tools console:
for chrome, for firefox.
What to hand in
Using the “submit” facility on the student.cs machines (not the ugster machines or the UML
virtual environment), hand in the following files:
a2.pdf: A PDF file containing your answers for all written questions and programming
questions when requested. It must contain, at the top of the first page, your name,
UW userid, and student number. -3 marks if it doesn’t! Be sure to “embed all
fonts” into your PDF file. Some students’ files were unreadable in the past; if we can’t
read it, we can’t mark it.
exploit{1 {a,b,c,d},2,3}.tar: Tarballs containing your exploits for the programming portion of the assignment. To create the tarball, for example for the first question, cd into
the directory containing your, and run the command
tar cvf exploit1_a.tar .
(including the .).

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