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Computer Vision Homework #1

EN.601.461/661 – Computer Vision
Homework #1

Note: All updates will be marked in green
10/1 2:27pm: Removed advice about consecutive label numbers.
9/28 4:23pm: added point value for each item
9/27 11:09pm: added notification of lateness policy
9/27 12:37am: clarified input and output parameters
9/24 10:55pm: added file name conventions for programming question 2.
9/24 9:48pm: clarified binary images
9/15 2:13pm: changed due date. Heavily clarified and modified Programming 1c.
9/13 8:53pm: added note about binary images using 0s and 1s
9/13 8:33pm: added note about using python 2
9/13 2:55pm: changed imagesc to pyplot.imshow()
9/13 12:50pm: changed Gradescope submission to Blackboard submission
All solutions (e.g., code, README write-ups, output images) should be zipped up as
and posted on Blackboard, where ‘yourJHED’ is your JHED ID (e.g. areiter2). If you have hand-written the
written assignment, please make a scan and attach the .pdf in the submission zip. Only basic Python
functions are allowed, unless otherwise specified. If you are unsure of an allowable function, please ask
on Piazza before assuming! You will get no credit for using a “magic” function to answer any questions
where you should be answering them. When in doubt, ASK!
Similar rule applies with the use of OpenCV. Basic image IO functions such as cv2.imread,
cv2.imwrite etc. are allowed. When in doubt, ask on Piazza!
About Piazza usage: Piazza is a great tool for collaboration and questions. However, never post big
chunks of source code as a public post. Make use of this tool to talk about ideas, concepts and
implementation details.
Please use python 2 for all programs. There isn't a huge difference between python 2 and 3 nowadays,
but for testing purposes, it'll be better if we can predict which version you'll use.
Written Assignment
1) Consider a pinhole camera with perspective projection.
a. (10 points) Consider a circular disk that lies in a plane parallel to the image plane. The
disk does not necessarily lie on the optical axis. What is the shape of the image of the
disk? Show your work and derive your equations.
b. (5 points) Suppose the area of the image of the circular disk is 1 mm
2 when the distance
from the pinhole to the plane of the disk is 1 meter. What is the area of the image of the
circular disk if the distance is doubled? Again, show your work and how you arrived at
your solution.
c. (7 points) Now, replace the disk with a sphere. What is the shape of the image of the
sphere? (Be careful with this one.)
2) (600.661: Required for Graduate Students) (10 points)
Once again, consider a pinhole camera. Where on the image would the vanishing points of ALL
lines on the plane Ax+By+Cz+D = 0 lie? The coordinate frame is located at the pinhole with the
z-axis pointing towards the image and the effective focal length is f.
Programming Assignment
1) Our goal is to develop a vision system that recognizes two-dimensional objects in images. The
two objects we are interested in are shown in the image two_objects.pgm. (All of the images
given to you are gray-level PGM images). Given an image such as many_objects_1.pgm, we
would like our vision system to determine if the two objects are in the image and if so compute
their positions and orientations. This information is valuable as it can be used by a robot to sort
and assemble manufactured parts.
The task is divided into four parts, each corresponding to a Python function you need to write
and submit. Each of the following parts a)-d) requires a separate Python function, one for each
(so 4 in total). Then write a “driver” program which loads the images that are needed, calls each
of the functions, and reports/displays/writes the results. Therefore there should be 5 total files
handed in with this question:,,, and Please stick to
these naming conventions to make the grading easier.
a. (5 points) Write a Python function named p1 that converts a gray-level image to a binary
one using a threshold value:
def p1(gray_image, thresh_val): # return binary_image
Select any threshold that results in “clean” binary images for the gray-level ones given to
you (A binary image can be saved as a PGM file, and is no different from a regular image,
but will have only 2 values, preferably 0 and 255). You should be able to use the same
threshold value for all the images. (When submitting your assignment, please indicate
the value you used in a separate README file.) Apply function p1 to the image
b. (15 points) Implement the sequential labeling algorithm (and name the function p2) that
segments a binary image into several connected regions:
def p2(binary_image): # return labeled_image
Note that you may have to make two passes of the image to resolve possible
equivalences in the labels. In the “labeled” output image each object region should be
painted with a different gray-level: the gray-level assigned to an object is its label. The
labeled images can be displayed to check the results produced by your program. Note
that your program must be able to produce correct results given any binary image. You
can test it on the images given to you. Apply function p2 to the binary version of the
image two_objects.pgm.
c. (15 points) Write a Python function named p3 that takes a labeled image and computes
object attributes, and generates the objects database:
def p3(labeled_image): #return [database, output_image]
The generated object database should be a dictionary of dictionaries ({0:dict1, 1:dict2,
…} ), where each inner dictionary represents an object attached to its label (remember
that the label is the gray level in the image). Each inner dictionary will have keys
referring to attribute names, and values corresponding to those attributes' values. We
use an outer dictionary rather than an array because labels are not necessarily
For example, the position attribute of the first object in the database_out list
(with label 0) would be accessed this way:
Whereas the orientation attribute of the second object, which happens to have
label 41 (as a random example), would be accessed this way:
Since you will be using these attributes to recognize objects, it's up to you to experiment
and find good attributes to list in the database. Every attribute will be added as a key to
all the objects. Be sure to mention the attributes you chose in your README file. These
attributes will serve as your object model database.
The output image should display positions and orientations of objects in the input image
using a circle for the position and a short line segment originating from the center circle
for orientation. Apply function p3 to the labeled image of two_objects.pgm.
d. (10 points) Now you have all the tools needed to develop the object recognition system.
Write a function named p4 that recognizes objects from the database:
def p4(labeled_image, database): # return output_image
Your program should compare (using your own comparison criteria) the attributes of
each object in a labeled image file with those from the object model database. It should
produce an output image which would display the positions and orientations (using
circles and line segments, as before) of only those objects that have been recognized.
Using the object database generated from two_objects.pgm, test your function on the
images many_objects 1.pgm and many_objects_2.pgm. In your README file, state the
comparison criteria and thresholds that you used.
2) Your task here is to develop a vision system that recognizes lines in an image using the Hough
Transform. Such a system can be used to automatically interpret engineering drawings, etc. We
will call it the “line finder”. Three images are provided to you:
hough_simple_1.pgm, hough_simple_2.pgm, and hough_complex_1.pgm.
Each of the following parts a)-d) requires a separate Python function, one for each (so 4 in total),
with d being only for graduate students. Write a “driver” program which loads the images that
are needed, calls each of the functions, and reports/displays/writes the results. There should be
5 total files handed in with this question:,,, (for graduate students) and Please stick to these naming conventions to make the grading easier.
a. (10 points) First you need to find the locations of edge points in the image. For this you
may either use the squared-gradient operator or the Laplacian. Since the Laplacian
requires you to find zero-crossings in the image, you may choose to use the square
gradient operator. The convolution masks proposed by Sobel should work reasonably
well. Else, try your favorite masks. Generate an edge image where the intensity at each
point is proportional to the edge magnitude. In the README, write down which mask(s)
you used and why.
def p5(image): #return edge_image
You may NOT use the edge function from the Image Processing Toolbox (or the
equivalent in OpenCV). However, you can compare your output to the output of this
function for verification (in fact this is a good idea to test out your code!).
b. (15 points) Threshold the edge image so that you are left with only strong edges. Return
this image. We will not use edge orientation information as it is generally inaccurate in
the case of discrete images. Next, you need to implement the Hough Transform for line
detection. As discussed in class, the equation y = mx + c is not suitable as it requires the
use of a huge accumulator array. So, use the line equation xsin(θ) − ycos(θ) + ρ = 0.
What are the ranges of possible θ values and possible ρ values (be careful here)? You
can use these constraints to limit the size of the accumulator array. Also note them
down in the README file.
The resolution of the accumulator array must be selected carefully. Low resolution will
not give you sufficient accuracy in the estimated parameters, but very high resolution
will increase computations and reduce the number of votes in each bin. If you get bad
results, you may want to vote for small patches rather than points in the accumulator
array. Note that because the number of votes might exceed 255, you should create a
new 2d array and store the votes in this array. Once you’re done voting, copy over the
values into an output image, scaling values so that they lie between 0 and 255. This
image should be of the same resolution as your hough array, which will be different
from the input image resolution, in general. In the README, write down what resolution
you chose for your accumulator array (and why), what voting scheme you used (and
why), and what edge threshold you chose.
def p6(edge_image, edge_thresh): # return
[edge_thresh_image, hough_image]
c. (8 points) To find “strong” lines in the image, scan through the accumulator array
looking for parameter values that have high votes. Here again, a threshold must be used
to distinguish strong lines from short segments (write down the value of this threshold
in the README; it can be different for each image). After having detected the line
parameters that have high confidence, paint the detected lines on a copy of the original
scene image (using the cv2.line function in OpenCV). Make sure that you draw the
line using a color that is clearly visible in the output image.
def p7(image, hough_image, hough_thresh):
#return line_image
d. (600.661: Required for Graduate Students) (10 points)
Note that the above implementation does not detect end-points of line segments in the
image. Implement an algorithm that prunes the detected lines so that they correspond
to the line segments from the original image (i.e. not infinite). Briefly explain your
algorithm in the README.
def p8(image, hough_image, edge_thresh_image,
#return cropped_lines_image
Total points: undergraduates 100, graduates 120

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