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Computer Vision Homework #3

EN.601.461/661 – Computer Vision

Homework #3

● 11/2 11:30pm fixes to last 2 convolution layers
● 11/8 3pm minor correction to last convolution layer (layer 13)
● 11/15 11:40am Added information on submitting the models.
● 11/20 2:20pm clarified you only need to submit models for which you used data augmentation.
All solutions (e.g., code, README write-ups, output images) should be zipped up as
and posted on Blackboard, where ‘yourJHED’ is your JHED ID (ie.tkim60). Only basic Python library
functions are allowed for part 2, unless otherwise specified. Part 1 is about deep learning and is thus
quite different in terms of its limitations -- you should be able to use most opencv, pyplot, numpy and
pytorch functions here. If you are unsure of an allowable function, please ask on Piazza before
assuming! You will get a penalty for using a “magic” function to answer any questions where you should
be answering them. When in doubt, ASK!
Submitting The Models
In addition to your code, you'll also have to submit your trained models. (Make sure to save your models
as specified at the end of the pytorch introduction) This sounds simple until you realize that each model
is 500MB, making the total 1GB (only submit the models created with data augmentation)!!! How do
we do this? Well, first you'll pull the model files off of the VM using either SimpleHTTPServer or gcloud
compute scp (see the gcloud document for details). Once they're on your computer, you'll upload the 2
model files to your google drive at Place them in a directory called HW3_yourJHED.
Once the 2 files are uploaded, you can share the files by right clicking on their directory (in Google Drive)
and clicking on 'Get Shareable Link'. Copy your link and paste it in your submission's README file on
blackboard. Make sure not to modify your model files after submission time, or we'll have to deduct
late days. Also, keep those 2 model files around in your google drive until we're done grading homework
3, or we won't have access to them.
Programming Assignment
1) Make Deep Learning Happen With Faces:
Using the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, along with the train/test splits that we
provide to you, the goal of this exercise is to train variants of deep architectures (using your
Google Cloud access) to learn when a pair of images of faces is the same person or not. Each of
the following questions is designed to approach the problem in a slightly different manner, and
then we ask you to analyze and say a few words about the performance of each in the end. For
the following, we will specify an exact architecture for you to implement (with PyTorch) and you
will train and test a classifier to specify if a pair of images is the same or not. You will train only
with the training split we give you, with and without data augmentation, and then report your
average accuracy on the train and test split. Please read each part carefully!
You'll be using PyTorch for this assignment. PyTorch is a dynamic neural network library which
was introduced in class. A good introduction to PyTorch can be found here, and the ipython
notebook shown in class is here as a jupyter notebook or here copied to a google doc. You'll be
using a combination of mostly high-level modules (torch.nn) and some lower-level code (torch)
and utilities (torchvision) to create these networks.
To save your model in pytorch, use, PATH) to
save, and the_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(PATH)) to load. Note that if
you make the slightest change to your model, it'll no longer be compatible with the old
saved weights!
You'll also be using the google cloud (gcloud) for this assignment. The most important thing is
for you to save your work, and not to leave the cloud VM running longer than you need to. If
you somehow exceed your assigned credits, report it to us immediately on Piazza! More
information about using gcloud can be found here. You can skip part 1 if you already followed
the instructions on piazza.
As part of your submission, you must include programs and, and the saved model
weights. These programs must behave as follows: they will assume the image data files are in
the location ./lfw (ie. the directory lfw in their current directory), and that the test/train split
files are located in the same directory. Passing the argument '--load WEIGHTS_FILE' to these
programs (e.g. ./ --load my_weights1) will automatically load the saved network weights
from the file WEIGHTS_FILE and test over both the train and test data, displaying accuracy
statistics for both and anything else you want to show. Running the programs with '--save
WEIGHTS_FILE' will cause the programs to train and save their weight data into WEIGHTS_FILE.
What happens with any other arguments/no arguments is up to you -- just make sure you follow
our interface for the arguments we want. Make sure when we run your program, we get the
best parameters you've found.
Consider a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), denoted by C, that takes as input a single
image I and outputs a feature vector f ∈ ℜ , where f is simply the output of the final fully
connected layer that contains N nodes (and hence, N numbers are produced). In other words,
. A Siamese Network is a CNN that takes two separate image inputs, I1 and I2 C(I) = f ∈ ℜ ,
and both images go through the same exact CNN C (e.g., this is what’s called “shared weights”),
and so we can say: C(I ) f and (NOTE that we use the same C here, not two 1 = 1 C(I ) f 2 = 2
different C’s!! Only one network -- this is key!). We can process the images in one pass, and
then we can “play games” with the features that are output to learn what it means for two
images (of faces) represented by their respective 'latent embeddings' (f) to be the same
person/identity or not. Here’s the base architecture we will use throughout. Let’s call this C:
1. Convolution Layer
Input: image of size 128x128x3 (3 for RGB color channels)
Parameters: 64 features of size 5x5, stride of (1,1), padding=2
Output: tensor of size 128x128x64
2. ReLU (in-place)
3. Batch Normalization Layer
64 features
4. Max pooling layer
Input: tensor of size 128x128x64
Parameters: none, perform 2x2 max-pooling with (2,2) stride
Output: tensor of size 64x64x64
5. Convolution Layer
Input: 64x64x64
Parameters: 128 features of size 5x5, stride of (1,1), padding=2
Output: tensor of size 64x64x128
6. ReLU (in-place)
7. Batch Normalization Layer
128 features
8. Max pooling layer
Input: tensor of size 64x64x128
Parameters: none, perform 2x2 max-pooling with (2,2) stride
Output: tensor of size 32x32x128
9. Convolution Layer
Input: 32x32x128
Parameters: 256 features of size 3x3, stride of (1,1), padding=1
Output: tensor of size 32x32x256
10. ReLU (in-place)
11. Batch Normalization Layer
256 features
12. Max pooling layer
Input: tensor of size 32x32x256
Parameters: none, perform 2x2 max-pooling with (2,2) stride
Output: tensor of size 16x16x256
13. Convolution Layer
Input: 16x16x256
Parameters: 512 features of size 3x3, stride of (1,1), padding=1
Output: tensor of size 16x16x512
14. ReLU (in-place)
15. Batch Normalization Layer
512 features
16. Flatten Layer
Input: tensor of size 16x16x512
Parameters: none, simply flatten the tensor into 1-D
Output: vector of size 16x16x512=131072
Note: this simple layer doesn't exist in pytorch. You'll have to use view(), or implement it yourself.
17. Fully Connected Layer (aka Linear Layer)
Input: vector of size 131072
Parameters: fully-connected layer with 1024 nodes
Output: vector of size 1024
18. ReLU (in-place)
19. Batch Normalization Layer
1024 features
For this network C, a feature f is produced as the output of layer number 19, of size 1024.
a. Binary-classification with BCE: We provided a train/test split (each) as a text file with
rows containing image files paths of two images and then a 1 if they are the same
person and 0 if not. You will read in these images and train the network as follows:
Given the network topology described above, construct a siamese network that takes as
input a pair of images into this shared network. Each image (from the pair) is run
through C individually, producing f
1 and f
. Combine f
1 and f
through concatenation to
produce f
(e.g., take the elements of f
1 and then combine the elements of f
to the end
of f
so that f
12 has dimensions 2*1024=2048). Then take the output of f
12 and add one
more fully-connected layer to classify this as 0 or 1. This output layer will have 1 node
(e.g., only one number is output) and should have a sigmoid activation (so that the
outputs are clipped in the range [0.0, 1.0]). The output of this last layer then represents
the probability that this pair of images is the same (it’ll be close to 1 if they are the same
person and close to 0 if not). [Hint: train this with the binary cross-entropy loss]. To
test, apply the trained network first to the train images and then to the test images and
report the average classification error for both (note: you need to decide how to turn
the sigmoid output of the last layer of the network into a discrete decision).
You'll have to decide how many epochs (iterations over the data) to run for training.
Report your decision in the README. One way to know you're improving is to see your
loss drop over time. Graph your loss after every session to see if it's dropping overall --
it's hard to know otherwise.
i. Do the same as above in a), but apply random data augmentation. This means,
during the training loop, as images are read in, with some probability (use 0.7)
apply a random transform to the images before running it through the network.
The transform can consist of some (random) combination of: mirror flipping,
rotation (stay within -30 and +30 degrees, rotated with respect to the center of
the image), translation (stay within -10 and +10 pixels) and scaling (stay within
0.7 to 1.3). Any borders that don’t have valid image data make black. This
should help to generalize better to the appearance of the faces and may have
less chance of memorizing the training data. Compare your average train and
test accuracy with and without data augmentation in a separate PDF file with
your submission. [Note: the data augmentation only applies to the training, not
the testing part]
To do data loading and augmentation, you may want to use the Transform,
DataSet and DataLoader classes available in the torchvision package (which
should be installed on google cloud).
ii. How well did part a work on the training data? On the test data? Any ideas why
or why not it worked well or didn't? Answer this question below in part c.
b. Contrastive-loss: Now we will approach the problem in a slightly different way. Rather
than attempt to directly classify the pair as 0 or 1, we will train the network to learn an
embedding that attempts to bring features of same people closer to each other and
separate apart people with different identities (e.g., the features representing all images
of, say, “Brad Pitt” should be very close to each other, but far away from feature clusters
of all other people). The way we will do this is to have the network learn a similarity
metric. In other words, it’s reasonable to assume just taking the L2-distance between
features would achieve this (as in K-Means), and so we will train the network to
optimize this objective to yield the best embedding that groups features via L2-distance.
In the end, we will train with what’s called contrastive loss, which is a custom loss
function as follows. Suppose we define: Dw(I , ) || f || 1
I2 = || C(I ) (I ) || 1 − C 2 2 = 1 − f 2 2
(e.g., the Euclidean distance between features produced by C, given the pair of input
images). We then define our custom objective function L as:
L(I , , ) (I , ) 1 ) 1
I2 y = y* Dw 1
2 + ( − y * {max(0, m − Dw(I , ))} 1
where I1 and I2 are the input image pairs, y is the ground truth label (1 if they are the
same and 0 if they are different), and m is a margin term that nudges the network to
separate features even more. You can start with a margin of 1.0, but feel free to use
other margins and report your choice and reasoning in the README. The network is
trained to minimize this term. Use the same base network as before. The only
difference here is instead of concatenating features and doing binary classification, we
are training to enforce structure on the data (think of it as supervised clustering). Use
the same train/test split as before.
To test, we will do the same thing as part a: run your network over both the training
data and the test data. This time, you should get a distance metric between the 2
images. You'll have to figure out a way to turn this distance metric into a prediction
decision whether the images are of the same person or not. Report accuracy metrics as
i. Do the same experiment but using data augmentation, as in a-i) above. In your
report, compare performance of contrastive loss both with and without data
ii. How well did contrastive loss work on the training data? How about the test
c. Please write a short paragraph (no more than 3-4 sentences) on comparing these two
methods and why you think one worked better than the other, if that’s the case, or why
they performed the same, otherwise.
2) Fundamental Matrix and Epipolar Lines [REQUIRED FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY]
The purpose of this exercise is to estimate and display epipolar lines in the two images
hopkins1.jpg (I1) and hopkins2.jpg (I2). Implement this in:
a. Compute features in both images and match them (similar to what we did in assignment
2). Display the correspondences.
Aside: Though we would prefer to do SIFT here, it turns out to be more on the annoying
side to get SIFT code to work in OpenCV (because it is patented). The goal here isn’t to
have you re-implement SIFT from scratch (that would be a homework assignment all on
its own!). As I mentioned in class a few times, there are many alternatives to SIFT. This
one called ORB is quite powerful and very fast (and conveniently enough, it’s
unpatented!). The high-level concept is the same--compute features and extract
discriminable feature descriptors. We just want a good feature here for the next step.
You may use the following function, freely available from scikit:
Match features using Euclidean distances of feature descriptors as we mentioned in
class and as you did in HW2. You may use the ratio test to get higher quality matches,
and you will likely get some mismatches, as would be true with any feature method.
b. Find the fundamental matrix using the previously matched features. Use the method
described in the lecture notes. In order to get credit for this question, you may not
simply call a vision library to compute the matrix for you. You must estimate it yourself!
You should use RANSAC to be robust to outliers.
c. Using the fundamental matrix computed above, draw the epipolar lines for a few
selected features of your choice. (Randomly pick eight features in the left image and
draw the eight corresponding epipolar lines on the right image).

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