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Computer Vision I  - Homework 1


 CSE 252A Computer Vision I  - Homework 1

1.1 Instructions

• This assignment must be completed individually.
• All solutions must be written in this notebook
• Programming aspects of this assignment must be completed using Python in this notebook.
• If you want to modify the skeleton code, you can do so. This has been provided just to
provide you with a framework for the solution.
• You may use python packages for basic linear algebra (you can use numpy or scipy for basic
operations), but you may not use packages that directly solve the problem.
• If you are unsure about using a specific package or function, then ask the instructor and
teaching assistants for clarification.
• You must submit this notebook exported as a pdf. You must also submit this notebook as
.ipynb file.
• You must submit both files (.pdf and .ipynb) on Gradescope. You must mark each problem
on Gradescope in the pdf.
• It is highly recommended that you begin working on this assignment early.

1.2 Late policy - Assignments submitted late will receive a 15% grade reduction
for each 12 hours late (i.e., 30% per day). Assignments will not be accepted 72
hours after the due date. If you require an extension (for personal reasons only)
to a due date, you must request one as far in advance as possible. Extensions
requested close to or after the due date will only be granted for clear emergencies
or clearly unforeseeable circumstances.
Welcome to CSE252A Computer Vision I! This course gives you a comprehensive introduction
to computer vison providing broad coverage including low level vision, inferring 3D properties
from images, and object recognition. We will be using a variety of tools in this class that will
require some initial configuration. To ensure smooth progress, we will setup the majority of the
tools to be used in this course in this assignment. You will also practice some basic image manipulation techniques. Finally, you will need to export this Ipython notebook as pdf and submit it to
Gradescope along with .ipynb file before the due date.
1.2.1 Piazza, Gradescope and Python
Go to Piazza and sign up for the class using your email account. You’ll be able to
ask the professor, the TAs and your classmates questions on Piazza. Class announcements will be
made using Piazza, so make sure you check your email or Piazza frequently.
See Piazza post on how to add CSE 252A in Gradescope. All the assignments are required to be
submitted to gradescope for grading. Make sure that you mark each page for different problems.
We will use the Python programming language for all assignments in this course, with a few
popular libraries (numpy, matplotlib). Assignments will be given in the format of browser-based
Jupyter/Ipython notebook that you are currently viewing. We expect that many of you have some
experience with Python and Numpy. And if you have previous knowledge in Matlab, check out
the numpy for Matlab users page. The section below will serve as a quick introduction to Numpy
and some other libraries.
1.3 Getting started with Numpy
Numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It provides a powerful
N-dimensional array object and functions for working with these arrays.
1.3.1 Arrays
[25]: import numpy as np
array1d = np.array([1,0,0]) # a 1d array
print("1d array :")
print("Shape :", array1d.shape) # print the shape of array
array2d = np.array([[1], [2], [3]]) # a 2d array
print("\n2d array :")
print("Shape :", array2d.shape) # print the size of v, notice the difference
print("\nTranspose 2d :", array2d.T) # Transpose of a 2d array
print("Shape :", array2d.T.shape)
print("\nTranspose 1d :", array1d.T) # Notice how 1d array did not change␣
,→after transpose (Thoughts?)
print("Shape :", array1d.T.shape)
allzeros = np.zeros([2, 3]) # a 2x3 array of zeros
allones = np.ones([1, 3]) # a 1x3 array of ones
identity = np.eye(3) # identity matrix
rand3_1 = np.random.rand(3, 1) # random matrix with values in [0, 1]
arr = np.ones(allones.shape) * 3 # create a matrix from shape
1.3.2 Array Indexing
[24]: import numpy as np
array2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) # create a 2d array with shape (2,␣
print("Access a single element")
print(array2d[0, 2]) # access an element
array2d[0, 2] = 252 # a slice of an array is a view␣
,→into the same data;
print("\nModified a single element")
print(array2d) # this will modify the original␣
print("\nAccess a subarray")
print(array2d[1, :]) # access a row (to 1d array)
print(array2d[1:, :]) # access a row (to 2d array)
print("\nTranspose a subarray")
print(array2d[1, :].T) # notice the difference of the␣
,→dimension of resulting array
print(array2d[1:, :].T) # this will be helpful if you want␣
,→to transpose it later
# Boolean array indexing
# Given a array m, create a new array with values equal to m
# if they are greater than 0, and equal to 0 if they less than or equal 0
array2d = np.array([[3, 5, -2], [50, -1, 0]])
arr = np.zeros(array2d.shape)
arr[array2d 0] = array2d[array2d 0]
print("\nBoolean array indexing")
1.3.3 Operations on array
Elementwise Operations
[23]: import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], dtype=np.float64)
print(a * 2) # scalar multiplication
print(a / 4) # scalar division
print(np.round(a / 4))
print(np.power(a, 2))
b = np.array([[5, 6, 7], [5, 7, 8]], dtype=np.float64)
print(a + b) # elementwise sum
print(a - b) # elementwise␣
print(a * b) # elementwise product
print(a / b) # elementwise division
Vector Operations
[22]: import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print("sum of array")
print(np.sum(a)) # sum of all array elements
print(np.sum(a, axis=0)) # sum of each column
print(np.sum(a, axis=1)) # sum of each row
print("\nmean of array")
print(np.mean(a)) # mean of all array elements
print(np.mean(a, axis=0)) # mean of each column
print(np.mean(a, axis=1)) # mean of each row
Matrix Operations
[21]: import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
b = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
print("matrix-matrix product")
print( # matrix product
x = np.array([1, 2])
print("\nmatrix-vector product")
print( # matrix / vector product
print(a@x) # Can also make use of the @ instad of .dot()
1.3.4 Matplotlib
Matplotlib is a plotting library. We will use it to show the result in this assignment.
[20]: # this line prepares IPython for working with matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
x = np.arange(-24, 24) / 24. * math.pi
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x))
plt.ylabel('sin value')
plt.title('Sine Function')
This brief overview introduces many basic functions from a few popular libraries, but is far
from complete. Check out the documentations for Numpy and Matplotlib to find out more.
1.4 Problem 1 Image operations and vectorization (1pt)
Vector operations using numpy can offer a significant speedup over doing an operation iteratively
on an image. The problem below will demonstrate the time it takes for both approaches to change
the color of quadrants of an image.
The problem reads an image “Lenna.png” that you will find in the assignment folder. Two
functions are then provided as different approaches for doing an operation on the image.
Your task is to follow through the code and fill in the “piazza” function using instructions on
[13]: import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import time
img = plt.imread('Lenna.png') # read a JPEG image
print("Image shape", img.shape) # print image size and color depth
plt.imshow(img) # displaying the original image
Image shape (512, 512, 3)
[14]: def iterative(img):
image = copy.deepcopy(img) # create a copy of the image matrix
for x in range(image.shape[0]):
for y in range(image.shape[1]):
if x < image.shape[0]/2 and y < image.shape[1]/2:
image[x,y] = image[x,y] * [0,1,1] #removing the red channel
elif x image.shape[0]/2 and y < image.shape[1]/2:
image[x,y] = image[x,y] * [1,0,1] #removing the green␣
elif x < image.shape[0]/2 and y image.shape[1]/2:
image[x,y] = image[x,y] * [1,1,0] #removing the blue channel
return image
def vectorized(img):
image = copy.deepcopy(img)
a = int(image.shape[0]/2)
b = int(image.shape[1]/2)
image[:a,:b] = image[:a,:b]*[0,1,1]
image[a:,:b] = image[a:,:b]*[1,0,1]
image[:a,b:] = image[:a,b:]*[1,1,0]
return image
[19]: # # The code for this problem is posted on Piazza. Sign up for the course if␣
,→you have not. Then find
# # the function definition included in the post 'Welcome to CSE252A' to␣
,→complete this problem.
# # This is the only cell you need to edit for this problem.
def piazza():
# Run the function
image_iterative, image_vectorized = piazza()
[18]: # Plotting the results in sepearate subplots
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) # create (1x3) subplots, indexing from 1
plt.imshow(img) # original image
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(image_vectorized) #displays the subplots
plt.imsave("multicolor_Lenna.png",image_vectorized) #Saving an image
1.5 Problem 2 Further Image Manipulation (7pts)
In this problem you will solve a jigsaw puzzle using the ‘jigsaw.png’ provided with the homework.
The solution of this jigsaw is the Lenna image we used above. There are a total of 16 jigsaw pieces
of size 128x128x3 which together make up the 512x512x3 image. Not only is Lemma jumbled
spatially, but some of the channels in jigsaw pieces are also permuted i.e. RGB to BGR and GRB.
Your task is to put all the pieces to their respective locations and correct the channel permutations. To achieve this task, you are required to complete the three helper functions that will be
used to solve this puzzle. You are NOT allowed to use any function other than the three provided
here. Also, the code needs to be vectorised i.e. you are NOT allowed to use for loops to achieve this
[17]: def getTile(jigsaw, tile_idx):
This function returns a particular jigsaw piece
jigsaw : 512x512x3 np.ndarray
tile_idx : tuple containing the (i,j) location of the piece
piece : 128x128x3 np.ndarray
assert isinstance(tile_idx,tuple), 'tile index must be a tuple'
assert len(tile_idx) == 2, 'tile index must specify the row and column␣
,→index of the jigsaw'
# Write your code here
piece = np.zeros((128,128,3)) # modify piece
return piece.copy()
def permuteChannels(tile, permutation):
This function performs a permutation on channel
tile : 128x128x3 np.ndarray
permutation : tuple containing (i,j,k) channel indices
tile_permuted : 128x128x3 np.ndarray
assert tile.shape == (128,128,3), 'tile size should be 128x128x3'
assert isinstance(permutation, tuple), 'permutation should be a tuple'
assert len(permutation) == 3, 'There are only 3 channels'
#Write your code here
tile_permuted = tile # modify tile_permuted
return tile_permuted.copy()
def putTile(board, tile, tile_idx):
This function put a jigsaw piece at a particular location on the board
board : 512x512x3 np.ndarray
tile : 128x128x3 np.ndarray
tile_idx : tuple containing the (i,j) location of the piece
img : 512x512x3 np.ndarray
assert board.shape == (512,512,3), 'canvas size should be 512x512x3'
assert tile.shape == (128,128,3), 'tile size should be 128x128x3'
assert isinstance(tile_idx,tuple), 'tile index must be a tuple'
assert len(tile_idx) == 2, 'tile index must specify the row and column␣
,→index of the jigsaw'
# Write your own code here
img = board.copy() # modify img
return img
source = [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),
# Fill in the target list with the corresponding piece locations
target = [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),
#Fill in the respective channel permutations
channelPermutation = [(0,1,2),(0,1,2),(0,1,2),(0,1,2),
jigsaw = plt.imread('jigsaw.png')
board = np.ones(jigsaw.shape)
for i in range(16):
tile = getTile(jigsaw, source[i])
tile = permuteChannels(tile, channelPermutation[i])
board = putTile(board, tile, target[i])
print("Jigsaw Puzzle")
** Submission Instructions**
Remember to submit a pdf version of this notebook to Gradescope. You can find the export option
at File → Download as → PDF via Latex. Upload to Gradescope. NOTE: You need to have XeTex
installed on your machine to generate PDFs

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