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Computing Assignment – Banded Matrices In Solid Mechanics

MACM 316 – Computing Assignment 5

Submission Instructions: You must upload one .pdf file to Crowdmark that consists of 2 pages: page 1
is your report which should fit all discussions, output and plots onto a single page; and page 2 is a listing
of your code. The deadline is 11:00pm on the due date. The actual due time is set to 11:05pm and if
Crowdmark indicates that you submitted late, you will be assigned a grade of 0. Your TA has emailed you
a Crowdmark link that you should save since it will allow you to upload your completed assignments.
• Please review the Guidelines for Assignments carefully.
• Acknowledge any collaborations or assistance from colleagues/TAs/instructor.
• If you have any questions about Matlab or aspects of this assignment, then you are strongly encouraged
to attend tutorials and drop-in workshops.
Computing Assignment – Banded Matrices In Solid Mechanics
Consider a horizontal flexible beam of length L that is clamped at one end but free to move vertically along
the rest of its length; this is just one example of a cantilever beam that is studied extensively in engineering
solid mechanics†
. Referring to the picture below, let x be the horizontal coordinate and z(x) be the vertical
deflection of the beam. Divide the the beam into n equal sections of length h =
, defined by points xi = ih
for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. A discrete model for the forces and solid deformations along the beam yields a system of
linear equations Az = b, where the n × n matrix A has the banded form

9 −4 1 0 · · · · · · 0
−4 6 −4 1 .
. 0
1 −4 6 −4 1 .
. 0
. 1 −4 6 −4 1
. 1 −4 5 −2
0 · · · · · · 0 1 −2 1

The n-vector b = [bi
] is the given load force acting along the beam (including its own weight) and z = [zi
is a vector of the corresponding vertical deflections (away from z = 0) caused by this load force; both bi
and zi are measured at location xi
. Take the beam to be uniformly loaded, which means that a constant
upward force F is distributed along the entire beam length, so that each component of the load vector is a
constant bi = F · h
. For this problem, assume that the values of the physical constants are L = 1.5 m and
F = 0.4 N/m.
†For more explanation and lots of examples, see
(a) Solve the linear system Az = b using the following three methods:
I. The GE+PP algorithm for sparse (banded) linear systems, which is the default algorithm used
by Matlab’s “\” operator when the matrix (call it Asparse) is of sparse type. You may find it
easiest to set up your Asparse matrix using the spdiags command.
II. The GE+PP algorithm for dense linear systems, again using “\”. Here, you need a dense version
of A which you can obtain either with the diag command or more simply by typing
Adense = full(Asparse)
III. The Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm, also using the matrix Asparse. You may make use of
the gs2 code from lectures, setting the parameters tol = 1e-8 and maxiter = 1e5, and taking
initial guess z0 = (1, 1, . . . , 1)T
For each method, compute the solution with n = 20, 50, 100 and 500 points. How do the three methods
compare in terms of cost? (use elapsed time from Matlab’s tic / toc as a proxy for cost). How well do
your three answers agree with each other? (use the vector 2-norm to compare the differences). Which
result is most accurate?
Can you explain what is going on with the Gauss-Seidel solution as n increases?
(b) Next, verify that the matrix A has a UL factorization (yes, that’s UL and not LU) of the form
, where U is the upper triangular matrix

2 −2 1 0 · · · 0
0 1 −2 1 .
. 0
. 1 −2 1
. 1 −2
0 · · · · · · · · · 0 1

For the same values of n in part (a), solve the linear system using the UUT
factorization via a sequence
of two triangular solves (corresponding to forward and backward substitution). You can use the “\”
command for both solves, but just make sure that your matrix U is set up as a sparse matrix. Compare
your answer to the corresponding solution from Method I (sparse GE+PP) in terms of both accuracy
and cost.
(c) Compute the condition numbers of both A and U, as well as the spectral radius ρ(T) of the GaussSeidel iteration matrix T. Use this information to help explain your results from parts (a) and (b).
The condition number for a large sparse matrix can only be estimated, and so for this purpose you
should use the Matlab function condest.
(d) Choose what you consider to be your most accurate solution from parts (a)–(b), and use it to generate a
plot of the deflection z(x) versus x. In any introductory course in engineering solid mechanics, students
learn about the following formula for the maximum deflection of a uniformly load beam which occurs
at the free endpoint:
zmax = z(L) = F L4
where EI is a material property of the beam called flexural rigidity or bending stiffness (with units
N · m2
). Use your solution for z to estimate the value of bending stiffness.
Extra reading: You can find out more about models for beam deflection at

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