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Computing Assignment – Hybrid Newton-Bisection Algorithm

MACM 316 – Computing Assignment #3

Submission Instructions: You must upload one .pdf file to Crowdmark that consists of 2
pages ONLY: page 1 is your report which should fit all of your results, discussion, data and figures
into a single page; and page 2 is a listing of your code. The deadline is 11:00pm on the due date.
The actual due time is set to 11:05pm – if Crowdmark indicates that you submitted late then
you will be assigned a grade of 0 on this assignment. Your TA has emailed you a Crowdmark
link that you will use for the entire semester to upload your assignment solutions.
• Review the Guidelines for Computing Assignments carefully.
• Acknowledge any collaborations or assistance from colleagues/TAs/instructor.
• If you have questions about this assignment or Matlab programming, you can obtain help
by posting your questions to the “Computing Assignment” discussion board in Canvas.
This discussion board will be checked regularly, and also monitored continuously during
computational workshop hours.
Computing Assignment – Hybrid Newton-Bisection Algorithm
In this computing assignment, you will extend Newton’s method to use a hybrid approach that
combines it with the bisection method. The single initial guess is replaced with an interval
that brackets the root, and the bracket is updated as needed using bisecton steps. Consider the
following equation
3.06 =
(1 − x)(3 + x)
x(4 − x)
where Newton’s method alone can easily fail, but a hybrid Newton–bisection algorithm is more
reliable – in other words, the hybrid method is more robust.
Your report should address the following:
(a) Express eq. (1) as a nonlinear root-finding problem of the form f(x) = 0. Plot your function
f(x) on the interval [−2, 3] and describe its overall behaviour. Clearly identify the number
of roots and their approximate locations.
(b) Attempt to approximate the positive root of f(x) using Newton’s method with initial guess
x0 = 1, and then repeat using bisection method with initial bracket [0.1, 1.0]. You can use
the bisect2.m and newton.m codes from lectures. Discuss your results.
(c) Create a modified version of the Newton code (say, newtonb.m) that takes a bracket interval
as input instead of a single initial guess. Using the given initial bracket, take a single
bisection step to determine x0, which is then used as the initial guess for the Newton
iteration. Test your newtonb.m code using the initial bracket [0.1, 1.0].
Note: A single initial bisection step is often not sufficient to get Newton’s method
to converge, and so some form of bisection must be incorporated inside the Newton
iteration as well. The remaining two parts add this feature to your code.
(d) Write a utility function called newtBrack.m that takes a single step of Newton’s method
and checks whether the new guess for the root lies within the current bracket. The function
should have a definition resembling
function [ok, xnewt] = newtBrack(a, b, x, fx, fpx)
where a and b are the bracket endpoints, x is the previous Newton iterate, and fx and fpx
are the values of f(x) and f
(x) (not the functions themselves!). The return value xnewt
is the new guess for the root using a Newton step. The value of ok is a logical variable
(0 = false, 1 = true) that identifies whether xnewt lies within the interval a ≤ x ≤ b. Modify
your newtonb code from part (c) to replace the Newton step with a call to newtBrack. The
modified newtonb function should continue with the normal Newton iterations unchanged,
but print a warning message if ok is “false”.
(e) Next, update the iteration in your newtonb function so that it takes a Newton step only
if the new approximation xnewt from newtBrack lies inside the current bracket (that is,
if ok == 1). If xnewt falls outside the bracket, then print a warning message and take a
bisection step using the midpoint from bisection as your next guess instead . . . and don’t
forget to update your current bracket [a, b]! Use an absolute error tolerance of 10−10 for
your stopping criterion. In your report, give a list of your iterations that you obtain from
the updated newtonb code, including all warning messages. Finally, add the approximate
root to your plot from part (a).

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