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Computing Foundation for Computational Science HW7

CS507 Computing Foundation for Computational Science HW7

This HW is a pure written HW, and should be finished in a PDF file. To make a PDF
file, you can scan your solutions, or type your solution in WORD and then convert it.

Total: 25 points
Submission command: submit minlong CS507 HW7
Instruction to electronic submission:∼cs221/SubmissionProcedure.html
• The written assignment can be done in a pure text format (*.txt, for example, problem1.txt) on
• The programming assignment should be presented with source codes.
• Each problem should have its own working directory, such as HW2/prob1, HW2/prob2 ... For
example, the following table shows the structure of HW1 from the user “student1” and how to
submit HW to us through Onyx
1 [ student1@onyx :HW1] $ l s −l
2 drwxr−x−−−. 2 s t u d e n t 1 S tuden t s 13 Sep 19 2021 prob1
3 drwxr−xr−x . 3 s t u d e n t 1 S tuden t s 14 Sep 19 2021 prob2
4 [ student1@onyx :HW1] $ cd prob1 /
5 [ minlong@onyx : prob1 ] $ l s
6 −rw−r−−−−−. 1 s t u d e n t 1 S tuden t s 943 Sep 19 2021 problem1 . t x t
7 $ cd . .
8 [ student1@onyx :HW1] $ pwd
9 /home/ s t u d e n t 1 /CS507/HW1
10 [ student1@onyx :HW1] $ submit minlong CS507 HW1
Listing 1: A sample structure of homework and submission procedure.
• Your source codes (if any) must compile and run on Onyx.
• Documentation is important and proper comments are expected in your source code.
– comments giving description of: purpose, parameters, and return value if applicable
– other comments where clarification of source code is needed
– proper and consistent indentation
– proper structure and modularity
Don’t ask us or your classmates directly for solutions (it happened); just try as much as possible.
Be patient and enjoy coding!
Written Problems
1. (5 points) (Stack and Queue). There are many ways to implement a stack, such as using an
array, a linked list, and even using queues. How to use two queues to implement a stack so that
push runs in O(1) and pop runs in O(n)? Suppose the queues have no size limit. Please describe
your algorithm without pseudocode.
Hint: Queue–First In, First Out; Stack–Last In, First Out.
2. (10 points) (Doubly Linked List) Please write a pseudocode for List-move(x, y). This procedure
is to move an existing node x to the front of another existing node y in a doubly non-circular list
(i.e., a regular doubly linked list with a head and tail).
Hint:“Existing” means both x and y are already in the list. So there should be 2 steps: (1)
detach x, (2) insert x. In addition, you need to think carefully about different cases when x and
y are in some special positions in the list.
# A pseudocode to move existing x to the front of existing y
List-move(L, node x, node y)
#detach x
#insert x
3. (10 points) (QuickSort) For a given input array A : < 6, 4, 7, 9, 1, 8, 2, 3, 5 >, what is the sequence
of numbers in A after the first partition (by calling Partition(A, 1, 9))? Note that 1 and
9 in Partition(A, 1, 9) function call are array indices. Please show the intermediate steps.
(Partition(A, p, r) is part of QuickSort and its pseudocode can be found in P. 171 in CLRS or as
Algorithm 1 Partition(A,p,r)
1: x = A[r]
2: i = p − 1
3: for j ← p, r − 1 do
4: if A[j] ≤ x then
5: i ← i + 1
6: A[i] ↔ A[j]
7: end if
8: end for
9: A[i + 1] ↔ A[r]
10: return i+1
6, 4, 7, 9, 1, 8, 2, 3, 5 \\ Now start sorting

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