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COMS 4771 HW4

COMS 4771 HW4

A printed copy of the homework is due at 5:30pm in class. You must show your work to receive
full credit.
1 [MLE practice] Consider the data generation process for observation pair (a, b) as follows:
– a is the outcome of an independent six-faced (possibly loaded) dice-roll. That is, chance
of rolling face ‘1’ is p1, rolling face ‘2’ is p2, etc., with a total of six distinct possibilities.
– Given the outcome a, b is drawn independently from a density distributed as qae
(where qa 0).
(i) List all the parameters of this process. We shall denote the collection of all the parameters as the variable θ (the parameter vector).
(ii) Suppose we run this process n times independently, and get the sequence:
(a1, b1),(a2, b2), . . . ,(an, bn).
What is the likelihood that this sequence was generated by a specific setting of the parameter vector θ?
(iii) What is the most likely setting of the parameter vector θ given the observation sequence?
that is, find the Maximum Likelihood Estimate of θ given the observations.
2 [Directed graphical models]
(a) Consider the following directed graphical model:
(i) Which variables are independent of A?
(ii) Which variables are independent of D?
(iii) Which variables are independent of D given F?
(iv) Which variables are independent of D given C?
(v) Define random variables X = (A, B, E), Y = (C, F), Z = (D, G). Draw a directed model which correctly represents the dependencies between these variables.
(It should have as few edges as possible and three nodes)?
(b) Consider the following network over six binary variables.
The semantics of this network are as follows. The alarm (A) in your house can be
triggered by two possible events: a burglary (B), or an earthquake (E). If there is a
strong enough earthquake, there may be a news report (R). If the alarm is ringing, your
neighbor Watson calls (W) or your daughter calls (D) you (if they happen to hear the
alarm), they may call you even if the alarm is not ringing just to say ‘hi’.
(i) Give a simple expression for the joint distribution P

(A, B, D, E, R, W)

Given the probability functions: P(E) = 0.01, P(b) = 0.0001, and
E P(R = 1|E)
0 0.0
1 0.4
A P(D = 1|A)
0 0.0
1 0.7
A P(W = 1|A)
0 0.1
1 1.0
B E P(A = 1|B, E)
0 0 0.01
0 1 0.2
1 0 0.95
1 1 0.96
(ii) What is the probability that Watson will call?
(iii) What is the probability of a burglary, given that Watson called but the daughter
(iv) What is the probability of an earthquake, given that there was no news report, but
both Watson and the daughter called?
(v) What is the most likely explanation of the following scenario: Watson doesn’t call,
daughter calls, and there is no news report?
(c) The notation “A⊥B | C ” means “A and B are independent given C ”. Show that:
X⊥Y | W, Z and X⊥W | Z =⇒ X⊥W, Y | Z.
3 [From distances to embeddings] Your friend from overseas is visiting you and asks you
the geographical locations of popular US cities on a map. Not having access to a US map,
you realize that you cannot provide your friend accurate information. You recall that you
have access to the relative distances between nine popular US cities, given by the following
distance matrix D:
BOS 0 206 429 1504 963 2976 3095 2979 1949
NYC 206 0 233 1308 802 2815 2934 2786 1771
DC 429 233 0 1075 671 2684 2799 2631 1616
MIA 1504 1308 1075 0 1329 3273 3053 2687 2037
CHI 963 802 671 1329 0 2013 2142 2054 996
SEA 2976 2815 2684 3273 2013 0 808 1131 1307
SF 3095 2934 2799 3053 2142 808 0 379 1235
LA 2979 2786 2631 2687 2054 1131 379 0 1059
DEN 1949 1771 1616 2037 996 1307 1235 1059 0
Being a machine learning student, you believe that it may be possible to infer the locations
of these cities from the distance data. To find an embedding of these nine cities on a two
dimensional map, you decide to solve it as an optimization problem as follows.
You associate a two-dimensional variable xi as the unknown latitude and the longitude value
for each of the nine cities (that is, x1 is the lat/lon value for BOS, x2 is the lat/lon value for
NYC, etc.). You write down the an (unconstrained) optimization problem

kxi − xjk − Dij ?2
where P
i,j (kxi − xjk − Dij )
2 denotes the embedding discrepancy function.
(i) What is the derivative of the discrepancy function with respect to a location xi?
(ii) Write a program in your preferred language to find an optimal setting of locations
x1, . . . , x9.
(iii) Plot the result of the optimization showing the estimated locations of the nine cities.
(here is a sample code to plot the city locations in Matlab)
locs = [x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6;x7;x8;x9];
figure; text(locs(:,1), locs(:,2), cities);
What can you say about your result of the estimated locations compared to the actual
geographical locations of these cities?

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