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COMS 4771 HW4 

COMS 4771 HW4 
This homework is to be done alone. No late homeworks are allowed. To receive credit, a typesetted copy of the homework pdf must be uploaded to Gradescope by the due date. You must show
your work to receive full credit. Discussing possible solutions for homework questions is encouraged on piazza and with your peers, but you must write their own individual solutions. You should
cite all resources (including online material, books, articles, help taken from specific individuals,
etc.) you used to complete your work.
1 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning (often abbreviated RL) is an area of machine learning that explores how
an agent should interact with its environment in order to maximize some notion of total reward. RL
algorithms were behind DeepMind’s AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero systems that beat Go masters in
2017. The goal of an RL algorithm is typically to learn a policy π(state) (a function that determines
what action(s) to take in a given state) such that the total (expected) future reward E [
k Rt+k] is
For example, the challenge of controlling a robot can be formulated as an RL problem in which
rewards are given for successfully picking up an object, states are the position/velocity of the robot,
and the learned policy predicts what torques (actions) should be applied to each joint in order to
move closer to achieving the goal. The aim of RL is to learn an optimal policy π∗ purely from
exploration and experimentation in the environment.
Figure 1: A Markov Decision Process (MDP), the theoretical framework of an RL problem.
Figure 1 shows the general setup for a reinforcement learning problem. At each time step t, an
agent in a state St chooses an action At, and transitions (sometimes stochastically) into a new state
St+1 and receives a reward Rt+1. This framework is called a Markov Decision Process, or MDP,
defined by:
• a set of states S (e.g. the possible configurations of the robot and the environment, i.e. the
state space)
• a set of actions A (e.g. the possible torques the robot can apply to various joints)
• a transition function P(s
| s, a) which gives the probability of transitioning from state s to
state s
0 when taking action a (in this case, a distribution over possible positions the robot can
end up in after applying torques to imperfect motors)
• a reward function Ra(s, s0
), the reward received when transitioning to from state s to state
after taking action a (in this case, usually 1 if the robot succeeds at picking up the object,
and 0 otherwise). This can be random or deterministic. For this problem, we will assume it
is deterministic (this is in contrast to a k-armed bandits problem when you are sampling from
certain actions to better understand the reward distribution).
Our usual goal is to learn a policy π : S → P(A), a function that gives a distribution over
possible actions in a given state that maximizes the expected future (discounted) reward
Gt = E
where the expectation is taken over P(s
| s, a). The discount factor γ is usually a small number
0 ≤ γ ≤ 1. If γ = 0, the reward is greedy and only considers the next immediate reward, while
if γ = 1, the algorithm weighs all rewards equally far into the future); a middle ground is usually
preferable in which you consider some future rewards but decrease their importance as they become
more distant uncertain. Note that Gt is still a random variable with respect to the actions taken by
the policy π.
1. Finding the value of a state under a policy
Define the value of a state under a policy π to be vπ(s) = Eπ [Gt | St = s]. Intuitively, this
gives the expected reward achieved starting in a certain state and choosing actions according
to the policy π. While not all RL algorithms use this notion of value, a value function can
be extremely useful and intuitive if the set of states is small. Using this definition, show the
following recursive definition for the value function:
vπ(s) = X
π(a | s)
| s, a) [Ra(s, s0
) + γvπ(s
Hint: Gt = Rt+1 + γGt+1
2. Solving for a value function using linear algebra
The result from the previous section gives us a recursive formula for defining the value function. For every state, we can express v(s) as a weighted sum over the values of possible
subsequent states v(s
) (with a bias term). If our state space is finite, this gives us a system of
linear equations v(si) = Pajv(sj ) for an appropriate choice of aj .
Assume all transitions are deterministic, i.e. p(s
| s, a) = 1[s
0 = next(s, a)] for some
deterministic function next : S ×A → S. Using your result from (1), write a system of linear
equations for the value function v(si) in the form A · v = b where v = [v(s1), ..., v(sn)].
3. Finding the value of states ”in the real world”
Now we will use the linear equation from (ii) to solve these equations in a ”real” example. Figure 2 shows a gridworld environment, a kind of maze where different actions receive different
Each grid cell represents a state, and in each cell four actions are possible: north, south,
east, and west. Actions that move the agent off the board leave its position unchanged but
incur a penalty of −1. All other actions move the agent in the chosen direction and receive no
reward or penalty, except for actions that move the agent out of the special cells A and B. If
the agent takes any action while in cell A, it receives a reward of 10 and moves to position A0
If the agent takes any action while in cell B, it receives a reward of 5 and moves to position
Note: the following alternate interpretation of this question is also fine: if you take an action
that would move you into A, you receive a reward and move to A0
instead (same for B). If
you use this version, you will not lose points.
Figure 2: The gridworld environment with special cells A and B
Using this model of an MDP with a deterministic state function and rewards and a uniform
random policy π(a|s) = 0.25 for all actions and all states, use the linear equation from the previous section to solve for the value function under this policy. You may use a linear equation
solver like numpy.linalg.solve. What about for a non-uniform policy π(up|s) = 0.7,
π(other actions) = 0.1? Plot these values in a grid like figure 2. Do these values make sense?
For your solution, choose a starting state and check if the recursive definition holds. Try a few
other policies and see if you can find a good policy that gives high values to more states.
4. Finding an optimal value function
(a) Note that the previous set of equations does not give you a formula for the optimal value
function (the value under the optimal policy). It merely allows you to efficiently find the
value of a state (the expected reward from that state) under a specific policy π. Now the
question is how to find a good policy in the first place?
For the optimal value function v∗(s) which maximizes v∗(s) among all possible π, show
v∗(s) = max
| s, a) [Ra(s, s0
) + γv∗(s
)] (1)
Note that this equation is independent of π.
(b) Given an optimal value function v∗(s) in a finite environment with access to the model
| s, a) and the reward function Ra(s, s0
), explain specifically how to find the optimal policy. Prove that this is indeed optimal. Is this policy random or deterministic?
(c) In some settings, it’s more useful to talk about the value of a (state, action) pair instead
of a single state. Just like the value function, we define the q function q : S × A 7→ R
which gives the expected reward from taking an action a in a state s.
qπ(s, a) = Eπ [Gt | St = s, At = a]
Extend your result from 4a to show that qπ satisfies
q∗(s, a) = X
| s, a)
Ra(s, s0
) + γ max
, a0
5. Finding the optimal policy using iterative methods
While equation 1 is no longer a system of linear equations, for a finite environment like gridworld, it gives a system of non-linear equations that can be solved using a variety of iterative
algorithms that converge over time to the optimal solution. We will explore one method that
iterates on the value function, and prove that it converges to the optimal value function.
Here is the algorithm:
Algorithm 1 Value iteration algorithm
for si ∈ S do
V (si) ← 0 (initialize value to zero)
end for
while not converged do
for si ∈ S do
V (si) ← maxa
0 p(s
| s, a) [Ra(s, s0
) + γV (s
end for
end while
The intuition behind this algorithm is simple: you are repeatedly applying the definition of
the optimal value function from 4 to improve your estimates for the value of each state. Now
it is your task to show that this algorithm converges to the optimal value function v∗(s) as the
number of iterations → ∞. Assume 0 < γ < 1. Assume also that the state and action spaces
(S, A) are finite, and let Vt(S) be the vector of values assigned to each state at iteration t.
Prove that
kVt(S) − V∗(S)k∞ ≤ γ
kV0(S) − V∗(S)k∞
Show that this implies convergence as t → ∞.
6. Find the optimal value function for gridworld
Returning to the gridworld environment from part 3, use this algorithm to find the optimal
value of each state. Show the value of each state in a grid/table like Figure 2. Pick a few
random positions in the grid and describe the resulting trajectory under the optimal policy
(see part 4b). Does it make sense that this is the optimal policy?
7. A model-free approach
So far, we have talked about model-based Reinforcement Learning. The agent is already aware
of all the possible states and actions in its environment, so it can solve the problem without
taking a single action because of its prior knowledge about the environment (concretely, this
means P(s
| s, a) and Ra(s, s0
) are known a priori). However, what if the agent has no prior
information about the environment? It will need to explore to learn about the environment.
Consider the MDP shown below. In states A through E, one can either move left or right. The
reward of each transition is marked in the below diagram:
If we randomly drop an agent into this MDP without telling it anything about the rewards and
transitions in the environment, it will need to explore the environment itself in order to learn
the optimal solution (moving all the way to the right).
One of the most common approaches to this problem involves estimating the q function (from
4c) instead of the value function (from 4a). To learn this state-value function, we initialize the
value of each (state, action) pair to zero, and each time the agent completes a simulation in
the environment, we update our estimate of the value of each pair using the following rule:
Q(S, A) ← Q(S, A) + α
R + γ max
, A) − Q(S, A)
where the learning rate is given by parameter α, and R is the reward. We run many simulations, initially taking actions completely at random, and gradually improve our estimates of
the true value while also improving our policy at the same time. This strategy is known as an
?-greedy policy. The agent takes the currently optimal action with probability 1−?, but takes a
random action with probability ? at each step (0 ≤ ? ≤ 1). This is essentially a value iteration
algorithm like (5), but we have to estimate the transition functions instead of using them in our
estimates. This is a practical algorithm to solving a whole host of important control problems.
i) Intuitively, why would you expect this to work (converge to the optimal state action
function)? Hint: value iteration. How does the Q estimate change as large or smaller
rewards are encountered?
ii) Implement this update rule to train an agent to solve the Cartpole problem, whose gym
environment is available through OpenAI open source ( The environment name is ’Cartpole-v1’. Information and Documentation can be
found through the above link. Your agent should be able to keep the pole up for at least
200 frames after training for enough episodes. Write a short (1-paragraph) report describing your implementation (how you decided to keep track of your q estimates, what
hyperparameter settings you used, how your agent improved over time, etc.) and include
a performance graph that plots the number of frames per episode.
Some Tips:
• You’ll need to formulate Cartpole as an MDP, which entails discretizing the state
space (the position of the cart and the angle of the cart) into a finite grid, since the
default observation space is continuous.
• You will need to keep track of your q estimates for each state-action pair. You
should initialize the q values for each state-action pair to 0, and use the reward
information given from env.step()to update your q value estimations as you
run simulations.
• You can tune your model by changing your values of γ, α, and ?. In general, it
is common practice to decay the learning rate α and the epsilon-random rate ? as
your training progresses, since as your algorithm converges, smaller update steps
and less randomness tend to be more beneficial. You may also wish to experiment
with different grid sizes for your observation/state space.
• Consider having your agent use an ?-greedy policy rather than a random policy
(your algorithm might converge faster). As your Q values get more accurate, you
may wish to reduce ? so fewer random actions are made. For example, you might
want to start with a fully random policy (? = 1) and then reduce ? to 0.1 or 0.01
over the course of one or two thousand iterations.
Extra Credit
An even simpler update rule than (3) is the following: We initialize the value of each state to zero,
and each time the agent completes a simulation in the environment, we update the value of each
state using the following rule (under a fixed exploration policy):
Vπ(St) ← Vπ(St) + α [Gt − Vπ(St)] (4)
where the learning rate is given by parameter α, and Gt is the discounted reward received starting
at time t from one specific episode (Gt =

In order to use this update rule, we need to simulate an entire episode to the end before updating
the state values (so we know Gt). What if we want to make updates based on intermediate rewards
received before the episode has finished?
i) Estimate Gt using only the reward Rt+1 and Vt+1 (”one-step-ahead” estimate) instead of the
discounted sum of rewards Rt+n for all n ≥ 1. Rewrite the recursive update rule (2) using
this estimate of Gt. What about estimating Gt using rewards received from the next two
timesteps? Write the recursive update rule for this as well.
ii) Let’s generalize this to an arbitrary estimate of Gt. Estimate for Gt using the rewards received
up to n steps into the future. Write the recursive update rule (2) using this ”n-steps-ahead”
iii) What happens to the variance of our estimate of Gt for larger choices of n? What about the
bias of the estimate? You do not need to calculate the bias or variance, but you must explain
your reasoning fully. When would we prefer a small n vs. a large n in our estimate? Why?
Now, what if we don’t want to choose a value for n? We can use all of the n at once! Let G
denote the value of Gt using an n-steps-ahead estimation (from (iii)). We can estimate Gt as a
convex combination of all the estimates G
, where larger values of n are worth exponentially less
than smaller ones. Consider a parameter value λ (the exponential discount factor). We can write our
new estimation rule as:
t =
an = O(λ
iv) Given that P
an = 1 (G
is a convex combination of all the possible G
), find the
explicit expression for an, and write the recursive update rule (4) for this algorithm.
v) How often will this algorithm make updates to V (St), and why?
vi) What happens to the variance of G
for larger choices of λ? What about the bias? Again,
you do not need to calculate the bias or variance, but you must explain your reasoning fully.
When would we prefer a small λ vs. a large λ in our estimate? Why?

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