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Concurrency Lab: Implement Your Device Driver

Concurrency Lab: Implement Your Device Driver

Expected Programming Time: 30 hours +
A hardware driver is a computer program that controls a piece of hardware. A driver typically
provides 2 main APIs for clients: schedule (queues a job) and handle (do a job). Notice that clients
could be human being and other programs. Schedule and handle operations could be synchronous
or asynchronous.
In synchronous mode, handler always blocks until there is job to handle, whereas in asynchronous
mode, they simply return. Similarly, with schedule, in synchronous mode, if the job queue is full,
schedulers wait until a handler has processed a job and there is available space in the job queue
whereas in asynchronous mode, they simply leave without scheduling.
Another variation would be if a driver is queued (that is, if the driver has a job queue helping it to
manage jobs). In the queued case, the scheduler blocks only until the job has been scheduled to the
queue. On the other hand, if the driver is unqueued, the scheduler blocks until a handler has handled
the job.
In this lab you will be writing your own version of a driver which will be used to communicate
among multiple clients, both synchronously and asynchronously. A client can either schedule a job
or handle a job from it. Keep in mind that multiple clients can schedule and handle simultaneously
from the driver. You are encouraged to explore the design space creatively and implement a driver
that is correct, efficient, and fast.
The only files you will be modifying and handing in are driver.c and driver.h and optionally
linked_list.c and linked_list.h. Consider the job queue to be of finite size, configurable during
creation. Buffered drivers will have a positive size, whereas unqueued drivers will have a 0 size of
job queue. You will be implementing the following functions:
• driver_t* driver_create(size_t size)
• enum driver_status driver_schedule(driver _t* driver, void* job)
• enum driver_status driver_handle (driver_t* driver, void** job)
• enum driver_status driver_non_blocking_schedule(driver_t* driver, void* job)
• enum driver_status driver_non_blocking_handle(driver_t* driver, void** job)
• enum driver_status driver_close(driver_t* driver)
• enum driver_status driver_destroy(driver_t* driver)
• enum driver_status driver_select(select_t* driver_list, size_t driver_count, size_t*
You are encouraged to define other helper functions, structures, etc. to help model the code in a
better way.
Description of the driver related functions
• driver_create: Creates a new driver with the provided job queue size and returns it to the
caller function. A 0 size indicates an unqueued driver, whereas a positive size indicates a
queued driver.
• driver_schedule: Checks if the given driver has space to accommodate the new job and
schedule it. This is a blocking call, i.e., the function only returns on a successful completion
of schedule. In case the queue is full, the function waits till the queue is available to take in
new job. The return type is enum driver_status as defined in driver.h. Return
o SUCCESS for successful queuing of job,
o DRIVER_CLOSED_ERROR when the queue is closed, and
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR on encountering any other generic error of any sort.
• driver_handle: Picks up data from the given driver and stores it in the function’s input
parameter, job (Note that it is a double pointer). This is a blocking call, i.e., the function only
returns on a successful job completion. In case the queue is empty, the function waits until
the queue has some jobs to pick up. The return type is enum driver_status as defined in
driver.h. Return
o SUCCESS for successful retrieval of job,
o DRIVER_CLOSED_ERROR when the driver is closed, and
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR on encountering any other generic error of any sort.
• driver_non_blocking_schedule: Checks if the given driver has space to accommodate the new
job and populates it. This is a non-blocking call, i.e., the function simply returns if the queue
is full. The return type is enum driver_status as defined in driver.h. Return
o SUCCESS for successful queuing of job,
o DRIVER_FULL if the queue is full and the data was not added to the queue,
o DRIVER_CLOSED_ERROR when the driver is closed, and
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR on encountering any other generic error of any sort.
• driver_non_blocking_handle: Picks up data from the given driver and stores it in the
function’s input parameter job (Note that it is a double pointer). This is a non-blocking
call, i.e., the function simply returns if the driver is empty. The return type is enum
driver_status as defined in driver.h. Return
o SUCCESS for successful retrieval of job,
o DRIVER_EMPTY if the driver is empty and nothing was stored in job
o DRIVER_CLOSED_ERROR when the driver is closed, and
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR on encountering any other generic error of any sort.
• driver_close: Closes the driver and informs all the blocking schedule/handle/select calls to
return with DRIVER_CLOSED_ERROR. Once the driver is closed, schedule/handle/select
operations will cease to function and return
o SUCCESS if close is successful,
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR in any other error case.
• driver_destroy: Free all the memory allocated to the driver. The caller is responsible for
calling driver_close and waiting for all threads to finish their tasks before calling
driver_destroy. Return
o SUCCESS if destroy is successful,
o DRIVER_DESTROY_ERROR if driver_destroy is called on an open driver, and
o DRIVER_GEN_ERROR in any other error case.
• driver_select: Takes an array of drivers, driver_list, of type select_t and the array length,
driver_count, as inputs. This API iterates over the provided list and finds the set of possible
drivers which can be used to invoke the required operation (schedule or handle) specified in
select_t. If multiple options are available, it selects the first option and performs its
corresponding action. If no driver is available, the call is blocked and waits until it finds a
driver which supports its required operation. Once an operation has been successfully
performed, select should
o set selected_index to the index of the driver that performed the operation and then
return SUCCESS.
o In the event that a driver is closed or encounters an error such as
DRIVER_GEN_ERROR, you should propagate the error and return the error through
select. Additionally, set selected_index to the index of the driver that generated the
Notice: for select function, you can safely assume that all drivers in the driver_list are
select_t: This struct has following parameters:
• driver_t* driver: Driver on which we want to perform operation
• enum operation op: Specifies whether we want to handle (HANDLE) or schedule (
SCHDLE) on the driver.
• void* data: If op is HANDLE, then the job handled from the driver is stored as an
output in this parameter, job. If op is SCHDLE, then the job that needs to be
scheduled is given as input in this parameter, job.
Support Routines
The queue.c file contains the helper constructs for you to create and manage a queued driver. These
functions will help you separate the queue management from the concurrency issues in your driver
code. Please note that these functions are NOT thread-safe. You are welcome to use any of these
functions, but you should not change them.
• queue_t* queue_create(size_t capacity): Creates a queue with the given capacity.
• enum queue_status queue_add(queue_t* queue, void* job): Adds the job into the queue. This
function returns QUEUE_SUCCESS if the queue is not full. Otherwise, it returns
• enum queue_status queue_remove(queue_t* queue, void** job): Removes the job from the
queue in FIFO order and stores it in job. This function returns QUEUE_SUCCESS if the
queue is non-empty. Otherwise, it returns QUEUE_ERROR.
• void queue_free(queue_t* queue): Frees the memory allocated to the queue.
• size_t queue_capacity(queue_t* queue): Returns the total capacity of the queue.
• size_t queue_current_size(queue_t* queue): Returns the current number of jobs in the queue.
We have also provided the optional interface for a linked list in linked_list.c and linked_list.h. You
are welcome to implement and use this interface in your code, but you are not required to
implement it if you don’t want to use it. It is primarily provided to help you structure your code in a
clean fashion if you want to use linked lists in your code. You can add/change/remove any of the
functions in linked_list.c and linked_list.h as you see fit.
Programming rules
You are not allowed to take any of the following approaches to complete the assignment:
➢ Spinning with or without a polling loop to implement blocking calls (it will fail the test
anyway �"#$%)
➢ Sleep for an arbitrary amount of time
➢ Try to change the timing in ‘test.c’ to hide bugs such as race conditions. (We will run your
driver with our test.c file, so no need to change code in test cases �"#$%)
You are only allowed to use the pthread library, the semaphore library, basic standard C library
functions (e.g., malloc/free), and the provided code in the assignment for completing your
implementation. If you think you need some other library function, please contact the course staff to
determine the eligibility.
Here are a bunch of functions that maybe helpful:
• pthread_mutex_init
• pthread_mutex_destroy
• pthread_mutex_lock
• pthread_mutex_unlock
• pthread_cond_wait
• pthread_cond_signal
• pthread_cond_broadcast
• sem_init
• sem_destroy
• sem_wait
• sem_trywait (be cautious if you need to use this function)
• sem_post
Look for manual page if you don’t know how to use them.
Testing your code
To run the supplied test cases (including the ones listed below) simply run the following command in
the project folder:
make test
Your code will be tested in the following areas:
➢ On running the make command in your project, two executable files will be created. The
default executable, driver, is used to run specific test cases on your code. Check for the name
of the test case you want to run in the file test.c and run the following command, replacing
<test_case_name> with the name of the test:
./driver <test_case name>
➢ The other executable, driver_sanitize, will be used to help detect data races in your code. It
can be used with any of the test cases in test.c. To run a specific test case, you can run the
following command, replacing <test_case_name> with the name of the test:
./driver_sanitize <test_case_name>
Any detected data races will be output to the terminal. You should produce code that does not
generate any errors or warnings from the data race detector.
➢ Valgrind is being used to check for memory leaks, report uses of uninitialised values, and
detect memory errors such as freeing a memory space more than once. To run a valgrind
check by yourself, use the command:
valgrind --leak-check=full ./driver
Note that driver_sanitize should not be run with valgrind. Only driver should be used with
valgrind. Valgrind will issue messages about memory errors and leaks that it detects for you
to rectify them. You should produce code that does not generate any valgrind errors or
To compile your code in debug mode (to make it easier to debug with gdb), you can simply run:
make debug
It is important to realize that when trying to find race conditions, the reproducibility of the race
condition often depends on the timing of events. As a result, sometimes, your race condition may
only show up in non-debug (i.e., release) mode and may disappear when you run it in debug mode.
Bugs may sometimes also disappear when running with gdb or if you add print statements. Bugs
that only show up some of the time are still bugs, and you should fix these. Do not try to change
the timing to hide the bugs.
A reasonable approach to debugging these race condition bugs is to try to identify the symptoms of
the bug and then read your code to see if you can figure out the sequence of events that caused the
bug based on the symptoms. If your bug only shows up outside of gdb, one useful approach is to
look at the core dump (if it crashes). Here’s a link to how to get and use core dump files: If your bug only
shows up outside of gdb and causes a deadlock (i.e., hangs forever), one useful approach is to
attach gdb to the program after the fact. To do this, first run your program. Then in another
command prompt terminal run:
ps aux
This will give you a listing of your running programs. Find your program and look at the PID
column. Then run:
Within gdb, then run:
attach <PID>
where you replace <PID> with the PID number that you got from ps aux. This will give you a gdb
debugging session just like if you had started the program with gdb.
You will receive zero points if:
➢ you break any of the rules
➢ your code does not compile/build
➢ you do not follow the hand in instruction (see Handin section)
Your code will be evaluated for correctness, properly handling synchronization, and ensuring it does
not violate any of the programming rules (e.g., do not spin or sleep for any period of time). We have
provided our auto grader program. To use it, simply run
make test
python after compilation
In terms of a grade breakdown, we will assign:
• 50% for basic functionality of buffered channels (e.g., blocking and non-blocking
send/receive, create and destroy)
• 15% for the closing of channels
• 25% for select
• 10% for a proper submission (builds and tests automatically)
To handin your code, first change the environment variable ‘SNUM’ in your Makefile to your
student ID, and then run the following command:
make handin
You will see a handin-YOUR_STUDENT_ID.tar.gz file created. Submit this tgz file on Canvas.
We also provide bonus points in this project. The task is to improve your driver_select() function
such that it also works with unbuffered drivers.
To test your bonus code, run
make bonus
python bonus after compilation.
Warning: the bonus is considered to be very hard to implement. It is fairly possible to restructure all your
schedule and handle functions just to make the unbuffered driver_select function work. Also, you will need to
come to professor’s or TA’s office hour to defend your code.

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