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Concurrent Programming Assignment 1

Concurrent Programming
COMP 409
Assignment 1

General Requirements
These instructions require you use Java. All code should be well-commented, in a professional style, with appropriate variables names, indenting, etc. Your code must be clear and readable. Marks will be very generously
deducted for bad style or lack of clarity.
There must be no data races: all shared variable access must be properly protected by synchronization.
Any variable that is written by one thread and read or written by another should only be accessed within a
synchronized block (protected by the same lock), or marked as volatile. At the same time, avoid unnecessary
use of synchronization or use of volatile. Unless otherwise specified, your programs should aim to be efficient,
and exhibit high parallelism, maximizing the ability of threads to execute concurrently. Please stick closely to
the described input and output formats.

1. The goal here is to use multiple threads efficiently to draw rectangles on an image. Rectangles should be
axis-aligned, drawn with a 1-pixel thick black border, but filled in with a random colour. 20
Each thread repeatedly attempts to draw a random rectangle. It chooses a random spot to start (a corner or
center, up to you) and a random size (within the image limits), and ensures the resulting rectangle at that
location will not overlap with other in-progress rectangles, and draws it. Once a thread starts drawing
a rectangle it must fully complete the process. You may not use any built-in line, rectangle, or filling
primitives to do this.
Provide a program, that accepts the following command-line arguments, w, h, n, and k. It
should launch n threads to draw a total of k rectangles on a w × h image. Note that n may or may not
evenly divide k.
Choose w, h, k such that the program typically takes a few seconds (or at least several hundreds of
milliseconds) to run with n = 1. Add timing code (using System.currentTimeMillis) to time the
program from the point the threads are launched to the point when all threads have completed their work.
Once all threads have completed, the time taken in milliseconds should be emitted as console output and
the image output to a file, named outputimage.png.
Plot performance (speedup) versus the number of threads, keeping w, h, k fixed. Given the randomness,
you will need still to do several runs at each thread-count (at least 5) averaging the timings (you may opt to
discard the initial run as a cache-warmup). Provide a graph of the relative speedup of your multithreaded
versions over the single-threaded version for 2, 3, and 4 threads. You should be able to observe speedup
for some number(s) of threads, but perhaps not all values. This of course does require you do experiments
on a multi-core machine. Note that achieving speedup is not necessarily trivial: beware of sequential
bottlenecks from different methods and APIs you may use or implement.
Example/template code that creates an image of a given size and writes it to a file is provided with this
assignment description.
Provide your source code (, and as a separate document your performance plot with a brief
textual explanation of your results (why do you get the speedup curve you get).
2. This question disallows lock-based synchronization—you may not use synchronized, nor mutexes, 10
nor any of the hardware atomics (TS, FA, CAS). You are allowed only to use basic R/W atomicity;
threads should not spin/retry or be blocked (other than as described below)—this means you should not
be attempting to build your own locks either. You must still avoid data races of course.
Develop a program, q2, in which 3 threads act on a leaf-threaded binary tree. The tree initially consists
of 3 nodes, a root node and left/right child nodes. To identify them easily (for humans) nodes (leaf nodes
at least) will need (heuristically) unique names: use short random strings, giving the same string in all
lower-case to a left child, and in upper-case to its matching right child. The leaves of the tree should be
in-order threaded (singly linked), with a separate, static head and tail nodes to store the beginning and
end of the threaded list.
Thread 0 scans through the leaves using the threading. At the head node it prints out a “*”, and then (on
the same line) prints out the names of the nodes it encounters (on the same output line, space-separated),
sleeping 50ms between outputting each individual node-name. Once it reaches the tail, it prints a newline,
pauses for 200ms, and then starts again from the head.
Thread 1 also repeatedly goes through the leaf list. In this case, however, at each node it encounters,
and with a 1/10 chance, it may choose to expand the node, giving it two new children (with a random
name, again lower-case for the left child and upper-cased for the right child). Children should be properly
linked into the tree, including fixing up the threading to ensure it still represents a leaf-threading of the
tree. Whether children are added or not, the thread sleeps for 20ms before moving to the next node. Once
it reached the end of the thread, it also pauses for 200ms and starts again.
Thread 2 repeatedly performs depth-first searches through the tree from the root to count the number of
nodes in the tree. At each node it enters it increments its count and pauses 10ms. After returning to the
root it emits the total count (and a newline). It then waits 200ms before beginning a new count.
The simulation should run for 5s of execution. Once 5s is reached, wait for each thread to complete
its full traversal (reach the tail or return to the root). Print out a newline, the final count from thread 2,
another newline, and the final contents of the leaf threading (each name space-separated, followed by a
Note that the activities of these threads necessarily conflict. You should nevertheless ensure that threads
do not crash, and that the tree structure and leaf threading do not end up corrupted.
Ensure concurrency is maximized—it should be possible for all threads to be performing their actions at
the same time.
What to hand in
Submit your declaration and assignment files to MyCourses. Note that clock accuracy varies, and late assignments will not be accepted without a medical note: do not wait until the last minute. Assignments must be
submitted on the due date before 6pm.
Where possible hand in only source code files containing code you write. Do not submit compiled binaries or
.class files. For any written answer questions, submit either an ASCII text document or a .pdf file. Avoid .doc
or .docx files. Images (plots or scans) are acceptable in all common graphic file formats.
This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. 30

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