Convex Optimization Homework #3
Version 1.0
The current version is Version 2.0, Updated June 16, 2020. (Click here to report any typo/error you may find.)
1. (100% + Bonus 40%) In this problem, we aim to apply the barrier method we learned in class to solve the linear constrained
minimize f0(x) = X
i x−bi
subject to Cx d
where d ∈ R
m, C =
c1 · · · cm
∈ Rm×n, b ∈ Rk
, and A =
a1 · · · ak
∈ Rk×n, and k > n.
A special case of this is when we choose k = 3, n = 2, and
A =
1 3
1 −3
−1 0
, b =
, (2)
then it reduces to Eq. (9.20) in the textbook:
f0(x) = e
x1+3x2−0.1 + e
x1−3x2−0.1 + e
(a) (5%) Let f0(x) = Pk
i=1 e
i x−bi
, fi(x) = c
i x − di
, and φ(x) = −
i=1 log(−fi(x)). Let f(x) = tf0(x) + φ(x) for any
t > 0. Find dom f and derive Of(x) and O
(b) (5%) Write a matlab function which takes inputs A, b, C, d, x, and t, and evaluates the function f at the point x, as
well as the gradient and the Hessian.
Hint: the function can have a header that looks like the following.
function [f,g,H] = my_objective_with_log_barrier(x, C, d, A, b, t)
Then, prepare to write an m-file as the main function for your program to solve Problem (1). Let m = 2, and choose
C =
−1 0
−1 −1
, d =
(c) (5% in total for (c)-(k) ) Set the initial point x
(0) =
and let t = 1. Let l = 0 denoting the Newton iteration
(d) Use the Newton step’s formula: ∆xnt = −(O
2f(x))−1Of(x) and calculate the Newton step ∆x
nt .
(e) Calculate the Newton decrement λ
(x) = (−Of(x
T ∆x
nt )
. Set the duality gap as g
dual = m/t.
(f) Perform backtracking line search along search direction using β = 0.7 starting from s = 1 until x
nt ∈ dom f.
(Note: s
+ := βs)
(g) Continue the backtracking line search until f(x + s∆x
nt ) ≤ f(x) − αsλ(x)
, where α = 0.1.
(h) Perform the update x
(l+1) = x
(l) + s∆x
nt . Determine whether λ
2/2 ≤ inner where inner = 10−5
(i) Let l = l + 1 and repeat (d)-(h) for the next Newton iteration. Wrap up these steps in an inner loop. For the lth
iteration, record the following items for future use: (1) f(x
), (2) λ(x
), (3) s
, (4) g
dual. Let l := l + 1 at the end
of each Newton iteration until λ
2/2 ≤ inner as in (h).
(j) Write an outer loop that include 1) steps of the inner loop obtained from (d) to (i); 2) Updating t
+ := µt where
µ = 20; 3) Checking if the stopping criterion m/t ≤ outer is met, where outer = 10−10. The Newton iteration index
l continues to grow and does not reset to 0 in the event of a new outer iteration.
(k) Run your code, and record the following items for future use: 1) the number of outer iterations; 2) for each outer
iteration, the number of inner Newton steps; 3) for each outer iteration, record t and the function value f(x) at the
end of the outer iteration. 4) the total number of Newton steps; 5) The optimal point x
(t) obtained at the end of
the last outer iteration.
(l) (10%) Draw the central path on the R2 plane by connecting all the central points x
(t) for every t = µ
(0), l = 0, 1, ...
that you collected from the end of each outer iterations. Draw also on the same plot the m hyperplanes defined by
Cx = d (as m lines), which represent the boundary of the feasible set of the original problem (1). Obtain two pictures
of the plot with different zooms according to the following rules.
i. Zoom to a proper scale so that the whole path from t = 1 to t → ∞ can be observed.
1Here we choose to use the letter s as the line search parameter instead of t, with the consideration to avoid confusion between the parameter
t associated with the logarithm barrier function.
ii. Zoom in into a detailed scale around the optimal point x
so that at least the last three central points you found
can be visually distinguished on the plot.
(m) (5%) Make a comment on the relationship between the boundary and the central path. In particular, determine the
number of inequality constraints that are active according to the plot you generated.
(n) (10%) Draw the curves of duality gap versus the number of Newton iterations in the log scale (e.g., Use semilogy
instead of plot in Matlab), for µ = 2, 20, 200, 600, 2000. Comments on the convergence performance for various values
of µ.
(o) (Bonus, 10%) Run the cvx toolbox to solve the same problem. Compare your results (i.e., optimal value, optimal
point) with those you obtain from cvx.
(p) (Bonus2
, 10%) For the case µ = 20, plot the value λ(x
2/2 versus l in the log scale. On the same plot, draw the
duality gap versus l. Comment on the relationship of these two curves in the plot.
(q) (Bonus, 10%) For the case µ = 20, plot the backtracking parameter s
(l) versus l in the log scale. On the same plot,
draw the duality gap versus l. Comment on the relationship of these two curves in the plot.
(r) (Bonus, 10%) For the case µ = 20, plot the objective function value f0(x
) versus l. Does the function value f0(x
always decrease as l grows? If not, can we still argue that the method we use is a descent method? Make your
comments to justify your observations.
(s) (30%) Let C still be C =
−1 0
−1 −1
, but change d to d =
. Repeat (c)-(n).
(t) (30%) Let C still be C =
−1 0
−1 −1
, but change d to d =
. Repeat (c)-(n). (Hint: In this case, the
inequality constraints will be inactive, and so the optimal point is supposed to coincide with that of the unconstrained
problem in HW# 2)
Homework submission guidelines:
• Submit your answer online as a set of m-files (in *.m) and a document file (in *.pdf) that contains all answers (including
plots) in this problem set.
• If you choose to do the homework in Python, then submit *.py files instead of m-files.
• Submit your files online at the Ceiba website. No paper shall be handed in.
• Late submissions will be treated under the principle elaborated as follows.
(1) Homework received by 6pm, June 26 (t1) will be counted fully.
(2) Homework received after 9pm, June 26 (t2) will not be counted.
(3) Homework received between t1 and t2 will be counted with a discount rate
t2 − t
t2 − t1
where t is the received time. Note that t2 − t1 is three hours.
• Plagiarism is strongly prohibited. While discussions among classmates are allowed (and encouraged), you shall not ask
anyone else to share his/her codes with you, nor should you attempt to share with anyone your codes. If any part of
your submission is found to be copied from someone else’s submission, then both of your homework submissions will
be counted zero.
2Bonus problems (p)(q)(r) will be graded only when the results you get match that of the cvx toolbox in subproblem (o).