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COP 3502 Project 4

COP 3502
Project 4

Word has spread about the great work you’ve been doing creating software to
predict monster captures. A certain Professor Oak from Pallet Town is particularly
impressed with your work, and is interested in enlisting your aid in an exciting
new endeavour. He heard that programs written in Java can run on millions of
different devices, so he wants you to develop a portable, text­based Pokedex
program that his field agents can use in their varying computer systems that are
used in many different regions.
To be the very best, like no one ever was.
Your Assignment
Armed with your newly gained knowledge of Arrays and Objects, your task is to
develop a program which makes use of simple but well­structured Pokemon and
Pokedex classes in order for field agents to keep track of the strange new
Pokemon they encounter on their journies.
Your Pokedex will have the advanced functionality that Professor Oak’s field
agents have come to expect: They will be able to:
● add new species of Pokemon to their Pokedex
● list of all the Pokemon that have been stored
● list an individual Pokemon’s statistics
● sort their Pokedex
● The program that you create and submit must contain three files, named
exactly as follows:,, and, which will hold your main() method. Each of the
.java files and their associated classes are described below:
The Pokemon Class
Your Pokemon class, which is stored in, defines what
constitutes an object of type Pokemon. The class must have the following
● Fields for the following attributes:
○ species
○ attack
○ defense
○ speed
● Modifier methods (used in testing, not in menu):
○ public void grow(int boost)
■ This method increases attack based on
the given boost
○ public void harden(int boost)
■ This method increases defense based on
given boost
○ public void haste(int boost)
■ This method increases speed based on
the given boost
● “Getter”/“Setter” methods for each attribute:
○ public String getSpecies()
○ public void setSpecies(String
● Names should consist of oneword strings ONLY.
○ public int getAttack()
○ public void setAttack(int atk)
○ public int getDefense()
○ public void setDefense(int def)
○ public int getSpeed()
○ public void setSpeed(int spd)
● An appropriate constructor:
○ public Pokemon(String species)
○ The constructor must initialize all 4 fields of the
Pokemon object with the constructor’s parameters:
■ species = species Passed in
■ attack = (Length of species
name * 4) + 2
■ defense = (Length of species
name * 2) + 7
■ speed = (Length of species
name * 3) + 5
The Pokedex Class
The Pokedex class, which is stored in, will define what
constitutes an object of type Pokedex. The Pokedex class must have the
following members:
● An array of Pokemon objects, which will hold any
pokemon that the user adds to it.
○ You may have any additional fields that may aid
the rest of the class’s functionality (strongly
recommended). It is recommended to keep a
variable in the Pokedex that allows you to keep track
of the number of Pokemon you have stored so far.
○ The user will have to input the size of the array
● Member methods (More details on the usage each method
are provided later in the project description­ You must have
the same method definitions as the ones provided below):
○ public String[] listPokemon()
■ This method returns an array of Strings
containing the names of every Pokemon
stored in the Pokedex. The Pokedex class has
a field that is an array of Pokemon objects.
This method will look at each Pokemon
stored in the Pokedex object’s Pokemon
array, access the name of the species, and
save it into an Array of Strings. The
String[] output should be a list
containing the names of all Pokemon species
currently saved in the Pokedex, with no
empty indexes. For example, if your
Pokedex holds 20 Pokemon and you have
only stored 10, your String[] returned
should have a length of 10, not 20. If the
Pokedex is currently empty, return null. See
example runs for details.
○ public boolean addPokemon(String
■ This method takes a String parameter
called species and stores it in the Pokedex. It
does this by adding it to the next free
index in the Pokedex’s Pokemon[] array.
Return true if the operation was
successful, otherwise return false.
● You should check the Pokedex’s
Pokemon[] array to see if it already
contains the species of Pokemon
which you are trying to add
(regardless of case differences). If it
does, do NOT add the Pokemon to
the Pokedex ­ instead, print the word
“Duplicate” and return false
● You should also design this method
so that it does not add the Pokemon if
the Pokedex is already at the
maximum size. If the Pokedex
object’s Pokemon[] array is already
full, it should instead print the word
“Max” and return false
■ See the sample run for more details.
○ public int[] checkStats(String
■ This method returns an array of 3 integers
containing the attack, defense, and speed of
the pokemon specified by a species
string argument, in that order.
■ If the given Pokemon is not in the dex,
return null. When checking whether the
given Pokemon exists, use case­insensitive
string comparisons.
■ See sample run for more details.
○ public void sortPokemon()
■ This method implements a simple
Selection Sort. It will sort the elements in
the Pokedex’s Pokemon array alphabetically
based on the Pokemon’s species names.
■ See for
■ Hint: Use the method
○ An appropriate constructor:
■ A simple constructor with a single integer
parameter that defines the size of its
Pokemon array
● public Pokedex(int
Pokemon[] array
The Project4 Class
The Project4 class, stored in, will hold the main method of
your program. We will provide to you. It is your job
not to change it. works as follows:
● The main method will prompt the user to input the
number of Pokemon they wish their Pokedex to store. Then
main() will create a Pokedex object of that size.
● It will then prompt the user for input:
○ 1. List Pokemon
○ 2. Add Pokemon
○ 3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
○ 4. Sort Pokemon
○ 5. Exit
● If the input given is anything other than an integer
between 1 and 5, the program will ask for valid input again.
See sample run for more details.
● Depending on user input, the program will run the
appropriate method from the Pokedex class.
Listing Pokemon
If the user chooses to List Pokemon, the program will call
the listPokemon() method.
Adding Pokemon
If the user chooses to Add Pokemon to their Pokedex, the
program will prompt the user for the name of the new
species of Pokemon to be added. Then, it will call
addPokemon() which will call the constructor to create a
new Pokemon object with that name, along with its stats,
computed as described above.
Important: The user should NOT be able to add another
Pokemon if the Pokedex is already at maximum capacity
(the one you specify at the beginning of the program) or if a
Pokemon species with the given name (regardless of case
differences) is already stored in the Pokedex. This should
handled by the Pokedex class’s addPokemon() method
as specified above and shown in the sample run.
Checking a Pokemon’s Stats
If the user chooses to Check Pokemon Stats, the program will
prompt them for the name of the type of Pokemon they are
interested in. Then, the Pokedex object will call its
checkStats() method to look for Pokemon with that name
stored in the Pokedex. As specified earlier and shown in the sample
run, If the method does not find a matching Pokemon, it will state
so. Again, see the sample run for specifics.
Sorting Pokemon
If the user chooses to Sort Pokemon, the program will call the
Pokedex’s sortPokemon() method. This method will sort the
Pokemon in the Pokedex alphabetically by their species name,
using a simple Selection Sort (Recommended). The method will
also rearrange the Pokemon stored in the Pokedex object’s array.
● See for
details on Selection Sort. For more help understanding and
implementing this simple sort, YouTube has many great
videos explaining it, and you have many TAs that would be
happy to help you.
● You may attempt to implement better, more efficient
sorting algorithms if you are familiar with them, though you
do this at your own risk.
Other Important Notes:
Please make sure to mimic the output in the Sample Runs, you know the drill by
now. Also please be sure to name your files appropriately. In addition, make sure
to comment your code. If your program needs to be regraded manually, it would
benefit your grade if your TA were to actually be able to understand what you are
trying to accomplish.
Make sure to read past the sample runs for submission instructions
Sample Runs (input in red):
Welcome to your new PokeDex!
How many Pokemon are in your region?: 10
Your new Pokedex can hold 10 Pokemon. Let's start using
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Snorlax
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. Snorlax
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Artucino
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Artucino
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. Snorlax
2. Artucino
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Snorlax
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 4
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. Artucino
2. Snorlax
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 3
Please enter the Pokemon of interest: Snorlax
The stats for Snorlax are:
Attack: 30
Defense: 21
Speed: 26
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 3
Please enter the Pokemon of interest: Metagross
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. Artucino
2. Snorlax
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: metagross
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Metagross
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 5
Run 2:
Welcome to your new PokeDex!
How many Pokemon are in your region?: 4
Your new Pokedex can hold 4 Pokemon. Let's start using
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: zapdos
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: umbreon
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: entei
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: Scyther
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: scizor
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. zapdos
2. umbreon
3. entei
4. Scyther
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 4
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 1
1. entei
2. Scyther
3. umbreon
4. zapdos
1. List Pokemon
2. Add Pokemon
3. Check a Pokemon's Stats
4. Sort Pokemon
5. Exit
What would you like to do? 5
Submission Requirements
● Name the classes described above as,, and
● Please zip the 3 files and send them. Please do NOT create a folder.
● Mac: Select all source files ­ right click ­ Compress 3 items
● Windows: Select all source files ­ right click ­ Compressed (zipped)
● Please rename the zipped file such that it is
named where uflID is the alphanumeric
portion of your ufl email account that comes before the part.
● Submit on time using Canvas
If you submit the files without zipping, your project will not be graded.
If your zip file is not named, your project will not be
If you do not name the items above exactly as specified, where specified, your
project will not be graded.
It is highly recommended that you test your program piece by piece before
assembling your final code. You will have a much easier time if you build your
program piece by piece rather than trying to write the entire program. Your
methods should not differ in any way from the methods given. Using additional
prompts, words, abbreviations, etc may result in the grading program taking
unnecessary points off and the world’s smallest violin being played for your
Please be sure to use the sample output to check your work
● 100% of your program will be graded on implementing all of the
mandatory Class and methods follow the instruction. You are expected to
generate proper output (from the methods).

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