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COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science Assignment #8

COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science
Assignment #8
1. Read the contents of a data file one record at a time into a dynamic
2. Process the data stored, in a dynamic array;
3. Print the records in a dynamic array to a data file using an ofstream;
4. Use the operator new to allocate memory for a dynamic array;
5. Use the operator delete to de-allocate the memory allocated by the
new operator; basically, making previously used memory available for
use again);
6. Copy the contents of one dynamic array into another dynamic array;
basically, copying the memory contents from one location to another;
7. Be able to use a dynamic array of records;
8. Be able to use an ifstream object;
9. Use a static local variable in a function;
10.Use the append (app) mode when opening an ofstream object;
You will implement a program to manage a dynamic array of purchase order records
called "nursery_dynamic.cpp".
Your input data will be in the file “nursery_stock.txt”.
The descriptions of the functions you will implement are as follows:
1. Initialize is a void function that has three output formal parameters; a
dynamic array of purchase order records called “STR”, an integer called
“count”, and an integer called “size” which is the capacity of the dynamic
array. The initial value of count is 0, and the initial value of size is 1.
Remember, count is the number of records that are being used in the array,
and it also represents the next available cell in the array where a new item
can be stored. The function will read the data from the file
“nursery_stock.txt” into the dynamic array STR. If STR becomes full, the
function should call the function “double_size” to double the size (capacity)
of STR.
2. is_Empty is a Boolean function that has one input integer parameter,
“count”. “count” is the number of cells being used. If count == 0 then true is
returned; otherwise false is returned.
3. is_Full is a Boolean function that has two integer input parameters, size
and count. If count == size then true is returned; otherwise false is
returned. The size is the capacity which is the total number of cells
allocated to STR.
4. search is an integer function that has three formal parameters. The array
of records, STR; the input parameter count; and the input parameter “key”
which is the plant name of the record you are searching for. The function
will return the location of the first record that has a plant name that matches
“key” if it is there; otherwise -1 is returned.
5. add inserts order_record into STR. Duplicate plant names are okay; add
will prompt the user for the plant name (pname), county name (cname with
no spaces), plant cost (plant_cost), and the quantity (quantity). You may call
process record to re-process when you add a new record ( however, this is
not the most efficient way to do this). The function add has three formal
parameters: the dynamic array STR, the count (number of records currently
stored in the array), and the size (capacity of the array). If STR becomes
full, call double_size to increase the size of the array.
6. remove deletes all the order records with the plant name that matched key
stored in STR. If duplicate records exist with the same plant name they
must all be deleted.
7. double_size doubles the size (capacity) of STR. It has three parameters:
STR, count, and size. count is an input parameter, and size is an output
parameter. First, size is multiplied by two; second, memory is allocated
using the statement “order_record *temp = new order_record[size]; third the
records in STR are copied into temp with the statement “temp[i] = STR[i]”
using a for loop. Forth, the old memory for STR is de-allocated using
“delete [ ] STR”. Finally, STR is set to point to the new memory pointed to
by temp using “STR = temp”.
8. process has two input parameters” STR and count. The function will
calculate the “process” will determine the net cost of the purchase
(net_cost), the tax rate (tax_rate), the tax on the purchase
(purchase_tax), the discount on the purchase (discount), and the total
cost of the purchase (total_cost). Please consider the following
information to help you implement the necessary calculations:
a. The tax rate (in percent) on a purchase is based on the county
where the purchase was made. If the county was dade, the tax rate
is 6.5%; if the county is broward, the tax rate is 6%; if the county was
palm, the tax rate is 7%.
b. The net cost of a purchase is calculated by the following formula:
 net_cost = (quantity x plant_cost )
c. The discount is based on the quantity of plants in the purchase.
The discount is determined is follows:
• If quantity equals 0, then the discount percentage is 0%of
the net cost;
• If 1<=quantity <=5 then discount percentage = 1% of the
net cost; 6<= quantity <=11 then discount percentage =
3% of the net cost ; if 12<= quantity <=20 then discount
percentage=5%of the net cost; 21<=quantity <=50 then
discount percentage=8%of the net cost; quantity >50
then discount percentage=12%of the net cost). Apply
discount percentage after the net cost has been calculated.
 discount = net_cost * (discount_percentage) / 100; (drop
/100 if you
 converted the rate from a percentage)
d. The tax on a purchase is calculated by the following formula:
purchase_tax =(net_cost* tax_rate / 100 (drop /100 if you
converted the rate from a percentage)
e. The total cost of a purchase (rounded to the nearest hundredth) is
calculated by the following formula:
 total_cost = net_cost +purchase_tax - discount .
 N o t e : All tax and cost calculations should be rounded to
 the nearest hundredths.
9. print has two output parameters, STR and count. The function will also have
one static local integer variable called “run”. The function will print the value of
run every time print is executed. The value of “run” should be incremented
after you print its value the file. “print” will also print every field of every
order_record in STR to the file “nursery_result20.txt”.You will open and
close the ofstream inside the function. Remember to delete the file after each
execution of the program. Because the ofstream was opened in append
(app) mode, it will add the results of each execution to the end the of file.
10. destroy_STR has three parameters: STR, count(output) and size (output).
This function will de-allocate all memory allocated to STR. This should be the
last function to be called before the program is exited. Set count and size to
You may implement more functions if you find it necessary. Please start the assignment ASAP, and ask
questions to make sure you understand what you must do. It is always good to start with the skeleton
program (nursery_dynamic.cpp) I provided. Remember to follow all style rules and to include all
necessary documentation (consistent, indentation, proper variable names, pre/post conditions, program
header, function headers, and so forth.) .
Output Formatfor the Function "print":
1. Use the following format information to print the variables:
 Field Format
Plant Name string
County Name string
Plant Cost XXXX.XX
Quantity of Plants XXXX
Net Cost of Purchase XXXXX.XX
Tax Rate X.XXX
Purchase Tax XXXXX.XX
Discount on Purchase XXXX.XX
Total Cost of Purchase XXXXXXX.XX
2. Consider the following sample output table when designing and implementing the function
(The output is in the following order: plant name, county name, plant cost,quantity, net cost, tax
rate, purchase tax,discount,total cost).
owl dade 10.55 100 1055.00 0.065 68.58 126.60 996.98
hibiscus broward 15.82 15 237.30 0.06 14.24 11.87 239.67
rose dade 9.99 45 449.55 0.065 29.22 35.96 442.81
carnation palm 7.99 32 255.68 0.07 17.90 20.45 253.12
3. Input Stream
In the assignment you will declare one ifstream to bind your input to the file “nursery_stock.txt” to
an input file stream. Whenever a program performs file i/o you must include the “fstream” library.
Add the following statements to your program:
For source file,“nursery_dynamic.cpp”
• Add “#include <fstream>” to your # include statements in your source file.
• Add “#include <string>” to your # include statement in your source file.
• Add “#include <iomanip>” all formatting of output

4. Copy of Nursery_stock.txt:
owl dade 10.55 100
hibiscusbroward 15.82 15
rose dade 9.99 45
carnation palm 7.99 32
rose palm 7.99 60
widow palm 25.75 5
carnation dade 12.55 10
carnation dade 12.55 8
lilly broward 6.92 150
xerabtgemum palm 13.63 50
yarrow dade 22.85 20
zenobiapalm 37.19 32
zephyranthes broward 62.82 40
daisy broward 15.99 80
aconitum dade 30.02 72
amaryllis dade 16.14 65
bogonia broward 18.45 3
bellflowbroward 2.96 200
bergenia palm 85.92 10

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