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COP4600 Programming Assignment 2

Operating Systems COP4600 Programming Assignment 2
Assignment 2: Measuring the Performance of Page
Replacement Algorithms on Real Traces

Learning Objective:
• Understand the costs of page replacement algorithms
• Observe the effect of memory traces and the effect of page replacement algorithms on system
In this project you are to evaluate how real applications respond to a variety of page replacement algorithms.
For this, you are to write a memory simulator and evaluate memory performance using provided traces
from real applications.
IMPORTANT: For ABET Assessment purposes, you MUST work in teams of 3, or you can NOT work alone, only
one submission per team is needed. Your teams have been already decided by your name orders, please check this
link. For each submission, you MUST specify whether your major is Computer Science (CS) or Computer Engineering
(CE). For each group, you need to vote for one leader, and the other two are members. Add submit the ABET
Assessment form according to your major using one of these two form templates CS Template/CE Template
The deliverables of this project are:
1. A report (in PDF) that includes:
o Your name(s).
o A short presentation of the problem you address (hopefully not cut and pasted from this
document or the paper, but written in your own words).
o A report of the results and detailed interpretation of the results.
o An estimation of the time (each of) you spent working on the project.
There is no requirement on the length of your report: you’ll be graded based on how well your
report shows your understanding of the problem.
2. A zip file with all of your files in one folder with your name(s). The zip file needs to include the
o A makefile for easy compilation, the C program(s). The makefile target executable
should be called memsim.
o A README file that describes how to run your project (e.g., arguments, etc).
o Code that implements the objectives of this project. Please do not include your name in the
Memory Traces
You are provided with memory traces to use with your simulator. Each trace is a real recording of a running
program, taken from the SPEC benchmarks. Real traces are enormously big: billions and billions of memory
Operating Systems COP4600, Fall 2022 Programming Assignment 2
accesses. However, a relatively small trace will be more than enough to keep you busy. Each trace only
consists of one million memory accesses taken from the beginning of each program. The traces are the
following (linked from the Canvas project): 1. bzip.trace 2. sixpack.trace
Each trace is a series of lines, each listing a hexadecimal memory address followed by R or W to indicate
a read or a write. For example:
0041f7a0 R
13f5e2c0 R
05e78900 R
004758a0 R
31348900 W
Note, to scan in one memory access in this format, you can use fscanf() as in the following:
unsigned addr; char
fscanf(file,"%x %c",&addr,&rw);
Simulator Requirements
Your job is to build a simulator that reads a memory trace and simulates the action of a virtual memory
system with a single level page table. Your simulator should keep track of what pages are loaded into
memory. As it processes each memory event from the trace, it should check to see if the corresponding
page is loaded. If not, it should choose a page to remove from memory. If the page to be replaced is “dirty”
(that is, previous accesses to it included a Write access), it must be saved to disk. Finally, the new page is
to be loaded into memory from disk, and the page table is updated. Assume that all pages and page frames
are 4 KB (4096 bytes).
Of course, this is just a simulation of the page table, so you do not actually need to read and write data from
disk. Just keep track of what pages are loaded. When a simulated disk read or write must occur, simply
increment a counter to keep track of disk reads and writes, respectively.
Implement the following page replacement algorithms to replicate the experimental evaluation in this 1981
2. LRU
3. Segmented FIFO (see 1981 paper on Canvas)
Rollins Turner and Henry Levy. 1981. Segmented FIFO page replacement. In Proceedings
of the 1981 ACM SIGMETRICS conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems
(SIGMETRICS '81). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 48–51.
Operating Systems COP4600, Fall 2022 Programming Assignment 2
Structure and write your simulator in any reasonable manner. You may need additional data structures to
keep track of which pages need to be replaced depending on the algorithm implementation. Think carefully
about which data structures you are going to use and make a reasonable decision.
You need to follow strict requirements on the interface to your simulator so that we will be able to test and
grade your work in an efficient manner. The simulator (called memsim) should take the following
memsim <tracefile> <nframes> <lru|fifo|vms> <debug|quiet>
The first argument gives the name of the memory trace file to use (thus, <tracefile> can be any file in the
format described above and in the trace files provided. The second argument gives the number of page
frames in the simulated memory. The third argument gives the page replacement algorithm to use. The
fourth argument may be "debug" or "quiet" (explained below.)
If the fourth argument is "quiet", then the simulator should run silently with no output until the very end, at
which point it should print out a few simple statistics like this (follow the format as closely as possible):
total memory frames: 12 events
in trace: 1002050 total disk
reads: 1751 total disk writes:
If the fourth argument is "debug", then the simulator should print out messages displaying the details of
each event in the trace. You may use any format for this output, it is simply there to help you debug and
test your code.
If the third argument is "vms", you have to take an extra parameter that indicates the percentage of the total
program memory to be used in the secondary buffer. In that case, the simulator should take the following
memsim <tracefile> <nframes> <lru|fifo|vms> <p> <debug|quiet>
“p” will be a number between 1 to 100.
Use separate functions for each page replacement algorithm, i.e., your program must declare the following
high level functions: fifo(), lru(), segmented-fifo().
Project Report
An important component of this project will be to write a report describing and evaluating your work and
presenting your results using both tables and plots (use Excel or Matlab or another tool of your choice).
You should think of this project as if it were a lab experiment in a physics or chemistry class. Your goal is
to use the scientific method to learn as much as you can about the provided memory traces. For example,
how much memory does each traced program actually need? What is the working set of each program?
Operating Systems COP4600, Fall 2022 Programming Assignment 2
Which page replacement algorithm works best? Does one algorithm work best in all situations? If not, what
situations favor what algorithms? Use the paper that described Segmented FIFO as guidance for how to
present your experimental data. Do your observations confirm the results of the paper?
Your report should have the following sections:
1. Introduction: A section that explains the essential problem of page replacement and briefly
summarizes the structure and implementation of your simulator. Do not copy and paste text
from this project description. In your own words, describe the overall structure and purpose of
the experiment.
2. Methods: A description of the experiments that you performed in order to learn something
about each memory trace. Of course, it is impossible to run your simulator with all possible
inputs, so you must think carefully about what measurements you need to answer the questions
above. Make sure to run your simulator with an excess of memory, a shortage of memory, and
memory sizes close to what each process actually needs. For instance, you may want to think
strategically of what values you use for the <nframes> parameter. On one hand, you want to
cover enough of the memory space to see when (a) your "process" does not have enough
physical memory (thus, a lot of misses!); (b) when your process' working set fits in the memory;
and (c) where increasing the allocated memory does not improve performance significantly.
On the other hand, the more values for <nframes> you test with, the more hours you'll spend
starring at the computer. To help you decide, think of number of frames as power of 2. So
perhaps a sequence of 1, 2, 22
, 23
, 24
, ..., 210 might be better than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, for
example. Also, think of what <nframes>x<frame size> means for today's processes –
perhaps an allocation of 2 TB of memory for a process is not particularly common these days
(and neither is a physical memory of 32KB).
3. Results: A description of the results obtained by running your experiments. Present the results
using tables and plots that show the performance of each algorithm over a range of available
memory. For instance, include a plot of hit rate vs. memory size for each algorithm. In the text,
summarize what each plot or table shows and point out any interesting or unusual data points.
Compare the results obtained from the two trace files – are there any differences in the
performance you see? What might explain these differences? Which is the algorithm that shows
the biggest difference? What do you think happens?
4. Conclusions: Describe what you have learned from the experimental results. What have you
learned about the memory traces? What have you learned about the paging algorithms? How
does the size of available memory affect memory performance? Be sure to describe clearly how
specific results above lead you to these conclusions.
The majority of your report grade will be drawn from the methods, results, and conclusions. Think carefully
about how to run your simulator. Do not choose random input values. Instead, explore the space of memory
sizes intelligently in order to learn as much as you can about the nature of each memory trace.
As with any written matter, the report should be well structured, clearly written, and free of typos and
grammatical errors. A portion of your grade will cover these matters. 

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