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COS 324 Programming Assignment 1

Introduction to Machine Learning - COS 324
Programming Assignment 1

Submit your assignment here
1. Consulting with other students from this course is allowed. If you do so, clearly state
whom you consulted with for each problem separately.

The purpose of this exercise is to warmup your coding skills by focusing on B.O.W. You’ll
need to install Python 3 (and packages like numpy, matplotlib, jupyter) before you begin.
Here is how one might install numpy for instance:
$ pip i n s t a l l numpy
We recommend, but not require, that you install Anaconda that installs both Python and
the required packages. Click here or here to learn the difference between Anaconda and a
bare minimum Python distribution.
After you are done installing the prerequisites, unzip the assignment file and run
the jupyter notebook.
$ j u p y t e r notebook pa1 . ipynb
The notebook contains instructions on how you must proceed. Here is a useful summary:
there are 15 action prompts; each action prompt is marked with a sequence number and the
token ACT. Most of prompts are answerable in 5 lines of code or less:
np . argmin ( e r r l i s t )
(This is, in fact, an answer to one of the prompts.)
Any changes made to the notebook (the substitution of prompts, the output of execution)
can be saved by selecting the appropriate option in the notebook toolbar.
Once you have completed all prompts and executed all cells, save the notebook. At this
point, it’ll contain your answers and the output produced. You’re required to submit the
file pa1.ipynb to the course dropbox.

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