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COSC 326 Floating Point

COSC 326
Floating Point
Problem Description
Computers use floating-point representation to store real numbers (such as 3.14159. . . ,
1.06 × 1037, -2.5) as fixed-length sequences of bits. The way that these bits are interpreted is known as the computer’s floating-point format. Choosing a format involves
trading off storage needed per number against the precision with which numbers can
be represented, so a computer may support more than one format. Most modern computers use the two basic formats defined in IEEE Standard 754-19851
, which are known
as IEEE single-precision and IEEE double-precision respectively.
However, other floating-point formats have been in use since at least the early 1950s.
One important set of formats is that introduced in 1964 with IBM’s System/360 family
of mainframes and used in the mainframe world ever since. System/360 also supports single- and double-precision formats, but naturally these are incompatible with
the much later IEEE standard.
You have been contracted to help a client migrate their IT operations from an IBM
mainframe to a new desktop-based system. They have a large amount of numeric data
on the mainframe which needs to be converted into a format the desktop boxes will
understand. Your task is to produce a robust, carefully tested program which will read
a file of IBM System/360-format floating point numbers and write them to a new file
in IEEE standard format. Extracts from the documents which define the formats are
Your program should prompt for input and output filenames, and the precision (single or double) of each file. Note that the two precision specifications are independent,
so you will have to consider all four combinations. You may need to talk to the client
about how to handle exceptional cases. There are some little utility programs in Documents:Ass Data&Progs on the 326 server which might be helpful.
1The IEEE Standard 754-1985 has been superseded by IEEE Standard 754-2008, but for this exercise we
will stick with the 1985 version.
COSC 326 2018 Semester 2 Étude 8
Relates to Objectives
1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.5, 4.3, 4.4
(Group 2)
. Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Principles of Operation
This publication is the machine reference manual for
the IBM System/360. It provides a direct, comprehensive description of the system structure; of the arithmetic, logical, branching, status switching, and input/output operations; and of the interruption system.
The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of
data processing systems and to have read the IBM
System/360 System Summary, Form A22-6810, which
describes the system briefly and discusses the input/
output devices available.
For information about the characteristics, functions,
and features of a specific System/360 model, use the
functiomiI characteristics manual for that model in
conjunction with the IBM System/360 Principles of
Operation. Descriptions of specific input/output devices used with the System/360 appear in separate
publications. Publications that relate to the IBM System/360 Model 20 are described in the IBM System/360 20 Bibliography, Form A26-3565.
Other IBM Systems Reference Library publications
concerning the System/360 are identified and described in the IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form
File No. S360-01 .
Form A22-6821-6!
The floating-point instruction set is used to perform
calculations on operands with a wide range of magnitude and yielding results scaled to preserve precision.
A floating-point number consists of a signed exponent and a signed fraction. The quantity expressed
by this number is the product of the fraction and the
number 16 raised to the power of the exponent. The
exponent is expressed in excess 64 binary notation; the
fraction is expressed as a hexadecimal number having
a radix point to the left of the high-order digit.
To avoid unnecessary storing and loading operations
for results and operands, four floating-point registers
are provided. The floating-point instruction set provides for loading, adding, subtracting, comparing,
multiplying, dividing, and storing, as well as the sign
control of short or long operands. Short operands generally provide faster processing and require less storage than long operands. On the other hand, long
operands provide greater preciseness in computation.
Operations may be either register to register or storage
to register. All floating-point instructions and registers
are part of the floating-point feature.
Maximum precision is preserved in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by producing
normalized results. For addition and subtraction, instructions arc also provided that gencrate unnormalized results. Normalized and unnormalized operands
may be used in any floating-point operation.
The condition code is set as a result of all sign control, add, subtract, and compare operations.
Data Format
Floating-point data occupy a fixed-length format,
which may be either a ftIllword short format or a
double-word long format. Both formats may be used
in main storage and in the floating-point registers. The
floating-point registers are numbered 0, 2, 4, and 6.
Short Floating-Point Number
Is I Characteristic I Fraction
o 1 7 8 31
Long Floating-Point Number
I _________ F_ro_c_ti_o_n ______ ____ o 1 7 8 63
Floating-Point Arithmetic
The first bit in either format is the sign bit (S). The
subsequent seven bit positions are occupied by the
characteristic. The fraction field may have either six
or 14 hexadecimal digits.
The entire set of floating-point instructions is available for both short and long operands. When shortprecision is specified, all operands and results are 32-
bit floating-point words, and the rightmost 32 bits of
the floating-point registers do not participate in the
operations and remain unchanged. An exception is the
product in MULTIPLY, which is a 64-bit word and occupies a full register. When long-precision is specified,
all operands and results are 64-bit floating-point words.
Although final :results in short-precision have six
fraction digits, intermediate results in ADD NORMALIZED,
UNNORMALIZED, and COMPARE may extend to seven
fraction digits. The low-order digit of a seven-digit
fraction is called the guard digit and serves to increase
the precision of the final result. Intermediate results in
long-precision do not exceed 14 fraction digits.
Number Representation
The fraction of a floating-point number is expressed in
hexadecimal digits. The radix point of the fraction is
assumed to be immediately to the left of the highorder fraction digit. To provide the proper magnitude
for the floating-point number, the fraction is considered to be multiplied by a power of 16. The characteristic portion, bits 1-7 of both floating-point formats, indicates this power. The bits within the characteristic
field can represent numbers from 0 through 127. To
accommodate large and small magnitudes, the characteristic is formed by adding 64 to the actual exponent.
The range of the exponent is thus -64 through +63.
This technique produces a characteristic in excess 64
Both positive and negative quantities have a true
fraction, the difference in sign being indicated by the
sign bit. The number is positive or negative accordingly as the sign bit is zero or one.
The range covered by the magnitude (M ) of a
normalized floating-point number is
in short precision 16- 65 L. M L. (1 -16- 6) • 1663, and
in long precision 16- 65 L. M L. (1 -16- 14 ) • 1663,
or approximately 5.4.10- 79 L. M L. 7.2.1075
in either precision.
Floating-Point Arithmetic 41
A number with zero characteristic, zero fraction, and
plus sign is called a true zero. A true zero may arise
as the result of an arithmetic operation because of the
particular magnitude of the operands. A result is
forced to be true zero when an exponent underflow
occurs or when a result fraction is zero and no program interruption due to significance exception is
taken. When the program interruption is taken, the
true zero is not forced, and the characteristic of the
result remains unchanged. Whenever a result has a
zero fraction, the exponent overflow and underflow
exceptions do not cause a program interruption. When
a divisor has a zero fraction, division is omitted, a
floating-point divide exception exists, and a program
interruption occurs. Otherwise, zero fractions and zero
characteristics participate as normal numbers in an
arithmetic operations.
The sign of a sum, difference, product, or quotient
with zero fraction is positive. The sign of a zero
fraction resulting from other operations is established
by the rules of algebra from the operand signs.
A quantity can be represented with the greatest precision by a floating-point number of given fraction
length when that number is normalized. A normalized
floating-point number has a nonzero high-order hexadecimal fraction digit. If one or more high-order
fraction digits are zero, the number is said to be unnormalized. The process of normalization consists of
shifting the fraction left until the high-order hexadecimal digit is nonzero and reducing the characteristic by
the number of hexadecimal digits shifted. A zero fraction can not be normalized, and its associated characteristic therefore remains unchanged when normalization is called for.
Normalization usually takes place when the intermediate arithmetic result is changed to the final result.
This function is called postnormalization. In performing multiplication and division, the operands are
normalized prior to the arithmetic process. This func··
tion is called prenormalization.
Floating-point operations may be performed with
or without normalization. Most operations are performed in only one of these two ways. Addition and
subtraction may be specified either way.
When an operation is performed without normalization, high-order zeros in the result fraction are not
eliminated. The result mayor may not be normalized,
depending upon the original operands.
In both normalized and un normalized operations,
the initial operands need not be in normalized -form.
Also, intermediate fraction results are shifted right
when an overflow occurs, and the intermediate fraction
result is truncated to the final result length after the
shifting, if any.
Programming Note
Since normalization applies to hexadecimal digits, the
three high-order bits of a normalized number may be
Condition Code
The results of floating-point sign-control, add, subtract, and compare operations are used to set the condition code. Multiplication, division, loading, and
storing leave the code unchanged. The condition code
can be used for decision-making by subsequent
branch-on-condition instructions.
The condition code can be set to reflect two types
of results for floating-point arithmetic. For most operations, the states 0, 1, or 2 indicate the content of the
result register is zero, less than. zero, or greater than
zero. A zero result is indicated whenever the result
fraction is zero, including a forced zero. State 3 is used
when the exponent of the result overflows.
For comparison, the states 0, 1, or 2 indicate that the
first operand is equal, low, or high.
Add Normalized S/L zero
Add Unnormalized S/L zero
Compare S/L equal
Load and Test S/L zero
Load Complement S/L zero
Load Negative S/L zero
Load Positive slL zero
Normalized S/L zero
Unnormalized S/L zero
Instruction Format
< zero
< zero low
< zero
< zero
< zero
< zero
< zero
> zero
> zero high
> zero
> zero
> zero
> zero
> zero
Floating-point instructions use the following two
RR Format
I Op Code Rl R2
o 78 1112 15
RX Format
o 7 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 31
In these formats, Rl designates the address of a floating-point register. The contents of this register will be
Copyright © 1985 IEEE All Rights Reserved 3
3. Formats
This standard defines four floating-point formats in two groups, basic and extended, each having two widths, single
and double. The standard levels of implementation are distinguished by the combinations of formats supported.
3.1 Sets of Values
This section concerns only the numerical values representable within a format, not the encodings. The only values
representable in a chosen format are those specified by way of the following three integer parameters:
p = the number of significant bits (precision)
Emax = the maximum exponent
Emin = the minimum exponent
Each format’s parameters are given in Table 1. Within each format only the following entities shall be provided:
Numbers of the form (−1)s
2E(b0 · b1b2 … bp−1)
s = 0 or 1
E = any integer between Emin and Emax, inclusive
bi = 0 or 1
Two infinities, +∞ and −∞
At least one signaling NaN
At least one quiet NaN
The foregoing description enumerates some values redundantly, for example, 20(1 · 0) = 21 (0 · 1) = 22(0 · 01) = ….
However, the encodings of such nonzero values may be redundant only in extended formats (3.3). The nonzero values
of the form ±2E
min(0 · b1b2 … bp−1) are called denormalized. Reserved exponents may be used to encode NaNs, ±∞,
±0, and denormalized numbers. For any variable that has the value zero, the sign bit s provides an extra bit of
information. Although all formats have distinct representations for +0 and −0, the signs are significant in some
circumstances, such as division by zero, and not in others. In this standard, 0 and ∞ are written without a sign when the
sign is not important.
Table 1— Summary of Format Parameters
Extended Double
p 24 ≥ 32 53 ≥ 64
Emax +127 ≥ +1023 +1023 ≥ +16383
Emin −126 ≤ −1022 −1022 ≤ −16382
Exponent bias +127 unspecified +1023 unspecified
Exponent width in bits 8 ≥ 11 11 ≥ 15
Format width in bits 32 ≥ 43 64 ≥ 79
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Otago. Downloaded on June 12,2018 at 02:14:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
4 Copyright © 1985 IEEE All Rights Reserved
3.2 Basic Formats
Numbers in the single and double formats are composed of the following three fields:
1) 1-bit sign s
2) Biased exponent e = E+bias
3) Fraction f = · b1b2 … bp−1
The range of the unbiased exponent E shall include every integer between two values Emin and Emax, inclusive, and
also two other reserved values Emin−1 to encode ±0 and denormalized numbers, and Emax+1 to encode ±∞ and NaNs.
The foregoing parameters are given in Table 1. Each nonzero numerical value has just one encoding. The fields are
interpreted as follows:
3.2.1 Single
A 32-bit single format number X is divided as shown in Fig 1. The value v of X is inferred from its constituent fields
1) If e = 255 and f ≠ 0, then v is NaN regardless of s
2) If e = 255 and f = 0, then v = ( −1)s

3) If 0 < e < 255, then v = (−1)s
2e−127(1 · f)
4) If e = 0 and f ≠ 0, then v = (−1)s
2−126(0 · f) (denormalized numbers)
5) If e = 0 and f = 0, then v = (−1)s
0 (zero)
3.2.2 Double
A 64-bit double format number X is divided as shown in Fig 2. The value v of X is inferred from its constituent fields
Figure 1— Single Format
Figure 2— Double Format
1) If e = 2047 and f ≠ 0, then v is NaN regardless of s
2) If e = 2047 and f = 0, then v = (−1)s

3) If 0 < e < 2047, then v = (−1)s
2e−1023(1 · f)
4) If e = 0 and f ≠ 0, then v = (−1)s
2−1022(0 · f) (denormalized numbers)
5) If e = 0 and f = 0, then v = (−1)s
 0 (zero)
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Otago. Downloaded on June 12,2018 at 02:14:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 

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