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COSC 326 Red and green

COSC 326 
Red and green
In many computer languages (including e.g, Java) division of positive integers is performed by truncating the “correct” answer, so that for instance 13 divided by 3 produces
the result 4 (I just can’t bring myself to write 13/3 = 4.) Given a positive integer n let us
say that an integer k is a near factor of n, if there is some 2 ≤ d ≤ n such that n divided
by d produces the result k. For instance, the near factors of 13 are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6.
The positive integers are going to be divided into two groups, called green and red,
according to the following rules:
• 1 is green.
• A positive integer n > 1, n is red if more of its near factors are green than are red.
Otherwise, it is green.
For instance:
n Near factors Type
1 Green
2 1 Red
3 1 Red
4 1, 2 Green
5 1, 2 Green
6 1, 2, 3 Green
7 1, 2, 3 Green
8 1, 2, 4 Red
Input from stdin will consist of a series of lines each of which is (supposed to be) a
scenario. A scenario consists of a pair of positive integers, a and b (separated by a space)
with a ⩽ b. The output for a correctly formatted scenario is: a b <colours> where
<colours> is a string consisting of the characters R and G representing the types of
the integers a through b inclusive. If input is incorrectly formatted in any way then
the output for that line should be Bad input: <in> where <in> is a copy of the
You may assume that b will be at most ten million.
(1 point, Individual)

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