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COSC4370 HW2 - OpenGL

COSC4370  HW2 - OpenGL

1 Introduction
In this assignment, we will practice some of the basics of OpenGL.
2 Setup
We will be using the GLUT/freeglut library for our OpenGL code. If you are on Windows, you can find
a freeglut 3.0.0 package for Visual Studio (MSVC) at On OS X, GLUT should be installed by default. Finally, if you are on Linux and don’t have GLUT
already installed, you should be able to install it by running sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev or sudo yum
install freeglut-devel in a terminal. We have written the included Makefile so that the homework should
compile with it on Linux or OS X. For Windows, you will need to create a project in Visual Studio rather
than using the Makefile.
Please make sure you try compiling the starter code ASAP so that there are no last-minute problems
with getting your environment setup correctly.
3 The Main Assignment
For this homework, you will be using your newfound OpenGL skills from class, as well as your artistic
creativity, to create several 3D scenes with OpenGL.
• Complete function display() to determine your own Projection and Model-View matrix. You also need
to setup a suitable camera position. Please read comments in main.cpp file.
• Write code to reproduce two of the following three images, you can pick up any two of them. Fill in
function problem1() and problem2()
• Using similar techniques, create a scene of your own imagination. For example you can use primitives
to create a hand as images shows below. Fill in function problem3().
• Use keyboard to switch between three scenes and quit the program at any time by pressing ‘q’, ‘Q’, or
the Escape key. Please complete function keyboard().
4 Tips and Requirements
For each of the three reproductions, you should be able to create the image using only glutSolidTeapot,
glutSolidCube, and OpenGL’s transformation mechanisms like glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glTranslatef,
etc. Note that you should not need any custom geometry, just the teapot and cube, to reproduce the images.
Your reproductions do not need to match exactly. However, please try to make them match the examples
as closely as possible. We used nice numbers in the reference solutions, so if you find yourself using strange
fractions etc. to reproduce the examples, you may be trying too hard!
For function problem3(), you could attempt to create a (very rough approximation of) an articulated
5 Deliverables
Submit all deliverables to your Github repository.
• Code for generating each of your 3 scenes (main.cpp)
• Screenshots (preferably.png) for each of your 3 scenes
• Write a detail report in readme file of Github

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