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cps721: Assignment 4

cps721: Assignment 4 (100 points).

You must work in groups of TWO, or THREE. You cannot work alone. You can discuss
this assignment only with your CPS721 group partners or with the CPS721 instructor. By
submitting this assignment you acknowledge that you read and understood the course Policy
on Collaboration in homework assignments stated in the CPS721 course management form.
This assignment will exercise what you have learned about natural language processing. In this assignment, we imagine a robot that is capable of picking up and moving blocks located on a table in front
of it. Ultimately, we would like to be able to tell the robot what to do using ordinary English imperative
sentences like “Pick up the pyramid beside the small green cube and put it directly in front of the yellow
block”. As in class, to interpret English sentences like these, we need to construct a database of facts about
our world, a lexicon with all of our English vocabulary, and a parser/interpreter to process the English
expressions. As in class, we will focus mainly on the English noun phrases like “the pyramid beside the
small green cube.”
Before we start using English words, we will build in Prolog a simple deductive database of facts about
this blocks world and rules that define semantics of simple spatial relations. Each block can be assumed
to have a colour, a size, and be of a certain shape (a cube, a pyramid, a wedge, . . . ). Also, each block is
located somewhere in the scene. To simplify matters, we imagine that our robot lives in a two-dimensional
world with these properties:
? a block is located either on the table or on another block;
? each block is on at most one other block (which must be a cube), and has at most one other block
on it (i.e., nothing can be on top of a wedge or on top of a pyramid, but there can be towers of cubes
with any block on the top);
? the surface of the table is divided into some number (say, 5 or 6) of contiguous areas ordered from
left to right;
? each block on the table is located in exactly one of these areas (i.e., blocks cannot be on the borders
between areas), and each table area contains at most one block (or at most one pile of blocks).
With these assumptions, the locations of blocks can then be represented using a predicate locatedOn(Block,Loc) where Block is a block and Loc is either a cube or one of the table areas. Notice a block
cannot be located on a wedge or on a pyramid. We can then use a second predicate justLeftOf(Area1,Area2)
to state that Area1 is the area on the table immediately to the left of Area2.
1. Implement a database that expresses basic facts about 10-15 blocks, and colours, sizes, shapes, and
locations of all blocks in a scene.
2. Write rules defining the predicates beside(X; Y ), which holds when blocks X and Y are both on
the table in two adjacent areas, and above(X; Y ), which holds when block X is somewhere above
block Y . Implement also the predicate leftOf(X; Y ), which is true is X is somewhere to the left from
Y . Note that X can be higher or lower than Y and blocks X and Y can be in piles of blocks which
are not next to each other. Write also a rule defining the predicate rightOf(X; Y ) that is opposite to
the predicate leftOf(X; Y ).
3. Show that your database works properly by formulating some Prolog queries (similar to the 1st
assignment) about the scene and obtaining suitable answers. These queries should not use English
noun phrases! However, you must use as queries the Prolog versions of your own noun phrases that
you will be using to test your program in Part 6 of this assignment. The purpose of this is to show to
the TA what answers should be expected from your database when it will be subsequently queried
using English noun phrases. Keep your queries and answers computed by Prolog in the file nlu.txt
Once you have your database working, you are ready to consider English noun phrases and the blocks they
refer to in your scene. Here are some example queries using English noun phrases that we would like to
be able to answer:
? what( [a,huge,blue,wedge,on,the,table], B).
? what( [any,small,green,block], B).
? what( [any,yellow,pyramid,on,a,big,cube], B).
? what( [a,cube,beside,the,orange,wedge], B).
? what( [any,cube,below,a,pink,wedge,on,a,large,red,block], B).
Note that this is ambiguous: is it the cube or the wedge that is on the red block?
? what( [a,green,wedge,above,a,blue,block,beside,the,small,red,pyramid], B).
? what( [the,pink,medium,wedge,above,a,block,beside,a,medium,blue,cube], B).
4. Build a Prolog lexicon, as we did in class, of articles, adjectives, common nouns, and prepositions,
including all the words in the seven example noun phrases above. Your lexicon should include
all well-known colors, shapes, sizes, static spatial relations like those considered above (in total,
20 words or more, apart from articles). The word “any” should be treated as an article. There
are no proper nouns since blocks usually do not have English names. Remember that it is easy to
defeat a language understanding program by using a word that it does not know about. Vocabulary
is important in these systems. Make yours as smart as you can. Keep both the database and your
lexicon in the file
5. Copy the Prolog parser/interpreter for noun phrases given in class (or write your own), and define
the what predicate used above. The parser must be also in the same file
6. Test the what predicate on a variety of noun phrases, like those above, showing that it is capable of
identifying the blocks being referred to in your scene. It is up to you to choose noun phrases for
testing, but you must convincingly demonstrate that your program works properly. Try at least 10
new different noun phrases (in addition to the phrases given to you). Remember that testing your
program is very important part of the software development cycle. You lose marks if you do not test
your program as required. Copy all results of your tests into nlu.txt Copy all results of your tests
into nlu.txt
7. Modify your parser to handle the article “the” properly. The idea here is that a noun phrase like “the
red pyramid” should only succeed in naming a block if there is a unique block of the appropriate
kind (i.e., if there are two red pyramids, then the query with a noun phrase like “the red pyramid”
should fail). Examples:
what( [the,pink,wedge,above,a,red,cube], B).
what( [the,yellow,pyramid,above,a,green,block], B).
8. Handle prepositional phrases of the form “between X and Y ” as in
? ?- what([a,medium,yellow,pyramid,between,an,orange,wedge,and,a,green,wedge], B).
? ?- what([a,green,cube,between,the,large,blue,block,and,the,medium,blue,cube], B).
? ?- what( [a,pink,block,between,an,orange,wedge,and,a,red,pyramid], B).
You can assume that in all prepositional phrases “between X and Y ” about block B, blocks X, B,
Y are arranged in a scene from left to right. For example, in the 1st query given above, “an orange
wedge” is located to the left from “a medium yellow pyramid”, and this pyramid is to the left from “a
green wedge”. You must also demonstrate that your program works properly. Include your testing
session in the file nlu.txt
Note that the TA who will be testing your program can submit other Prolog and natural language queries:
Provide a hand-drawing of the scene encoded in your database to make sure that TA will understand
correctly what answers he can expect to get from his queries. Save an image of your drawing as a PDF file
scene.pdf and submit it together with other files of your assignment.
Handing in solutions. (a) An electronic copy of your program ( with all defined predicates (you
also must provide brief comments); (b) an electronic copy (nlu.txt) of your queries and answers computed
by Prolog (provide your drawing of your scene in this file); (c) A copy of your drawing scene.pdf
Bonus work (0-40 points):
To make up for a grade on another assignment that was not what you had hoped for, or simply
because you find this area of Artificial Intelligence interesting, you may choose to do extra
work on this assignment. Bonus marks will be given at the discretion of the TA: minor variations will not be awarded any extra marks. Demonstrate your creativity to get bonus marks!
Do not attempt any bonus work until the regular part of your assignment is complete. Bonus
work is individual.
The English noun phrases described above are quite limited. For bonus work, generalize your program
to handle some additional features of English and add words to your lexicon. The more advanced your
program will be, the higher will be your mark. You must test your program extensively. Your elaborated
program should handle at least the following:
? Handle prepositional idioms, that is, groups of words that behave like prepositions, as in, “next to”,
“to the left of”.
? Generalize the location property to the three-dimensional world. In this case, areas on the table
should be ordered from left to right and from front to back. The lexicon should then be augmented
with new prepositions and prepositional idioms to reflect the richer notion of location.
Handing in solutions. An electronic copy of: (a) your working program (you also must provide
brief comments in the program); (b) your session with Prolog, showing the queries you submitted and the
answers returned (the name of the file must be bonus.txt). If you work in a group, write the name of the
person who submits bonus work. Otherwise, bonus marks (if any) will be divided between all students in
your group.
How to submit this assignment. Read regularly Frequently Answered Questions and replies to them
that are linked from the Assignments page at˜ mes/courses/cps721/assignments.html
If you write your code on a Windows machine, make sure you save your files as plain text that one
can easily read on Linux machines. Before you submit your Prolog code electronically make sure that
your files do not contain any extra binary symbols: it should be possible to load either into a
recent release 6 of ECLiPSe Prolog, compile your program and ask testing queries. TA will mark your
assignment using ECLiPSe Prolog. If you run any other version of Prolog on your home computer, it
is your responsibility to make sure that your program will run on ECLiPSe Prolog (release 6 or any
more recent release), as required. For example, you can run a command-line version of eclipse on moon
remotely from your home computer to test your program (read handout about running ECLiPSe Prolog).
To submit files electronically do the following. First, create a zip archive:
zip nlu.txt scene.pdf
where yourLoginName is the login name of the person who submits this assignment from a group.
Remember to mention at the beginning of each file student, section numbers and names of all people who
participated in discussions (see the course management form). You may be penalized for not doing so.
Second, upload your file
(make sure it includes all files) to D2L into “Assignment 4” folder.
Improperly submitted assignments will not be marked. In particular, you are not allowed to submit
your assignment by email to a TA or to the instructor.
Revisions: If you would like to submit a revised copy of your assignment, then run simply the submit
command again. (The same person must run the submit command.) A new copy of your assignment will
override the old copy. You can submit new versions as many times as you like and you do not need to
inform anyone about this. Don’t ask your team members to submit your assignment, because TA will be
confused which version to mark: only one person from a group should submit different revisions of the
assignment. The time stamp of the last file you submit will determine whether you have submitted your
assignment on time.

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