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cps721: Assignment 5

cps721: Assignment 5 (100 points).

You must work in groups of TWO, or THREE. You can discuss this assignment only with your CPS721 group
partners or with the CPS721 instructor. By submitting this assignment you acknowledge that you read and understood
the course Policy on Collaboration in homework assignments stated in the CPS721 course management form.
This assignment will exercise what you have learned about problem solving and planning using Prolog. More specifically, in
this assignment, you are asked to use the situations and fluents approach to reasoning about effects of actions.
1 (20 points). This question is related to the previous assignment about natural language processing, and you are not asked
to solve any planning tasks in this question. However, you need to use the situations and fluents approach considered in class
to implement a modification of your program from the previous assignment. Previously, we could formulate queries with noun
phrases about a static scene only, but now we imagine a robot that can move blocks around. We would like to query in English
after moving a few blocks in the initial scene. More specifically, the task is to handle simple imperative sentences of the form
“Put NP on NP” where NP is a noun phrase. For example, the following are syntactically well-formed imperative sentences:
Put a green pyramid on the small red cube.
Put an orange wedge on the block beside a red cube.
Put any small block on a green cube on a big red cube.
We model sentences such as these using the predicate do([put j List],S1,S2), where List is the list of words from your lexicon
representing a phrase of the form “NP1 on NP2”, S1 is the current situation and S2 is the situation resulting from moving an
object described by NP1 on top of another object described by NP2 (if this is possible). We also would like to answer queries that
use English noun phrases, but now all of them will have an additional argument S (situation) to represent changes in the scene
resulting from blocks being moved from one location to another.
Make the following modifications in your program that you developed in the previous assignment.
1. In your database, write precondition axioms for the action putOn(Block,X), where X can be either a cube or an unoccupied
area on a table. This action is impossible if there is another block on the top of Block or on the top of X; in other words,
if Block or X are not clear. In addition, this action is impossible if X is a block, but not a cube, or if Block is already on
X. The rules that you write must use the fluent locatedOn(Block,Loc,S) which is similar to the predicate from the previous
assignment, but it has an additional argument S. Your rules may also use other predicates from your database. If you
like, you can also introduce another fluent clear(X,S) that is true if there is nothing on top of X (a block or an area) in a
situation S.
Next, write successor state axioms for the fluent(s).
2. Add a situational argument S to the predicates beside(X; Y ), above(X; Y ), leftOf(X; Y ) rightOf(X; Y ) everywhere in
your database. Add [ ]-argument to all atomic statements locatedOn(Block,Loc) in your database: they represent your
scene in the initial situation. If you use the predicate clear(X,S), then you need also to write which blocks and areas on
the table are unoccupied in the initial situation. All your rules in the database must use the fluent locatedOn(Block,Loc,S)
instead of the two-argument predicate locatedOn(Block,Loc) that you had before. Because the action putOn(Block,X) can
have effect only on locations of blocks, all remaining predicates in the database remain without changes.
3. Make changes in your lexicon (in the predicate preposition only) and in your parser. More specifically, you will need a
rule that implements the predicate do([put j List],S1,S2) as well as changes in other parts of your parser (grammar) that will
allow you to parse queries like
?- what( [any,yellow,pyramid,on,a,big,cube], B, []).
?- what( [the,pink,wedge,above,a,block,beside,a,medium,blue,cube], B, [putOn(b1, b8)]).
where the last argument represents an initial situation or the situation resulting from doing a sequence of actions. Keep
your modified program in the file
4. Test your do(Command,S1,S2) predicate on a variety of imperative sentences like those above, including some that are
syntactically well-formed but impossible to execute, showing that “do” is capable of computing whether performing an
action is possible. (If a command cannot be executed then do(Command,S1,S2) returns “no”.) Test the “what” predicate
on a variety of noun phrases, showing that “what” is capable of identifying the blocks being referred to in your scene after
performing possible actions. It is up to you to choose noun phrases for testing, but you must convincingly demonstrate that
your program works properly (try about 10 different noun phrases with words “above”, “beside” about blocks that were
moved to new locations). Copy all results of your tests into another file put.txt For example, you can consider queries
similar to the following:
?- do([put, an, orange, wedge, on, the, medium, blue, cube], [],S),
?- do([put, an, orange, wedge, on, the, medium, blue, cube], [],S),
Handing in solutions: An electronic copy of your file and a copy of put.txt must be included in your zip archive. The
file put.txt must include a copy of session(s) with Prolog, showing the queries you submitted and the answers returned.
For the question 2, download a file containing the rules for solve problem, reachable, max length(List,Bound)
as given in class: they are generic and can be used to solve any planning problem. Your task is to add your own precondition and
successor state axioms using terms and predicates specified in the assignment. (Download the planner from D2L).
2 (80 points). This question asks you to implement a simplified airport traffic management system. In a nutshell, the problem
consists of coordinating the movements of airplanes on the ground so that they reach their planned destinations (runway or parking
position) as soon as possible whereby collisions shall be, of course, avoided. The airplanes move on the airport infrastructure,
which consists of runways, taxi ways, and parking positions. Airplanes are generally divided into the three categories: light,
medium, and heavy, which classify them according to their engine exhaust. We use the predicate hasT ype(Airplane; Category)
to say that Airplane belongs to one of these categories. A moving airplane can either be in-bound or out-bound. In-bound
airplanes are recently landed and are on their way from the runway to a parking position, usually a gate. Out-bound airplanes are
ready for departure, meaning they are on their way to the departure runway. Since airplanes are not able to move backwards, they
need to be pushed back from the gate on the taxiway where they start up their engines. For simplicity, we assume that an airplane
always needs to be pushed back. The ground controller has to communicate to the airplanes which ways they shall take, where
they can take off, when they can start its engines and when to park. The planner is given an initial configuration that consists
of in-bound and/or out-bound airplanes and a goal configuration that specifies which airplane have to depart and which have to
park. The task of a planner is to find a shortest sequence of actions that leads from the initial to the goal configuration. Of course,
the planner has to compute this sequence of actions as quickly as possible. For simplicity, we assume that both planning and
subsequent execution of a plan will take little time, so that no new airplanes arrive and no vehicles block traffic In other words,
we assume there are no exogenous actions.
The airport infrastructure is built out of segments. An airplane always occupies one segment and may block several others
depending on its type. Our assumption here is that medium and heavy airplanes block the segment behind them whereas light
airplanes only block the segment they occupy. Blocked segments cannot be occupied by another airplane. To handle notions like
“behind” we need to introduce direction in segments. Since our segments are directed edges represented by a term seg(V1; V2)
we identify directions with vertices. Every segment has 2 end vertices so it becomes possible to talk about direction in segment.
Namely, the vertex V1 represents the direction when V1 is at front, the vertex V2 represents the opposite direction when V1 is
behind. Thus, the ”direction” of a segment is simply understood as the vertex of the segment.
We need several predicates to describe the airport infrastructure. These predicates specify static properties: truth values of
each of the following predicates will not change after doing actions, i.e., they are set once in the initial state and never change.
The anM ove(Seg1; Seg2; Dir1) predicate states that an airplane may move from segment Seg1 to segment Seg2 if it is facing direction Dir1 on Seg1. The anP ushba k(Seg1; Seg2; Dir1) predicate describes the possible backward movement which
is similar to the “canMove” predicate. In our encoding, the “canMove” and “canPushback” predicates hold only for pairs of segments that belong to the standard routes on the airport – this is common practice in reality (as reroutes are likely to cause trouble
or at least confusion).The closely related moveDir(Seg1; Seg2; Dir2) and moveBa kDir(Seg1; Seg2; Dir2) predicates state
the airplanes heading after moving from segment Seg1 to segment Seg2. For example, when an airplane at segment Seg1 facing
direction Dir1 moves to segment Seg2, its new direction Dir2 is determined by moveDir(Seg1; Seg2; Dir2). That means that
in a correct airport domain every “canMove” (“canPushback” ) predicate has its “moveDir” (“moveBackDir”) counterpart: rules
for them are given to you.
The segI sBlo ked(Seg; T ype; Seg1; Dir1) predicate is used to handle all static safety distances due to engine exhaust. It
says that segment Seg is blocked by an airplane of category T ype at segment Seg1 facing into direction Dir1. This predicate is
static in a sense that it holds no matter whether any airplane is physically present at Seg1; Dir1 or not. In other words, it specifies
purely geometric constraints between connected segments. This predicate imposes conditions when the “move” and “startup”
actions can be executed: these actions are not possible if the airplane is going to segment that is blocked or if another airplane can
be endangered. There is another closely related predicate that handles how blocking between segments changes when airplanes
move around (see below).
The last predicate, isS tartRunway(Seg; Dir), states that segment Seg with direction Dir is the right location to takeoff.
This is an essential predicate as we cannot allow an airplane to takeoff wherever it (or better: the planner) wants.
All rules implementing the airport infrastructure are given to you together with the facts about the initial and goal configurations. These rules use the predicates mentioned above. You can download them: see the file
This application domain is represented using five action terms: move(Airplane; T ype; Dir1; Seg1; Seg2; Dir2),
pushba k(Airplane;T ype;Dir1;Seg1;Seg2;Dir2), takeof f (Airplane;Seg;Dir), park(Airplane;T ype;Seg;Dir),
startup(Airplane). The meaning of these actions should be clear from their names, but precise conditions when these actions
are possible are stated below. The changes in this domain are represented with the following seven fluents (fluents are predicates
with situation as the last argument): blo ked(Seg;Airplane;S), atSegment(Airplane;Seg;S), f a ing(Airplane;Dir;S),
airborne(Airplane;Seg;S), isP arked(Airplane;Seg;S), isM oving(Airplane;S), isP ushing(Airplane;S). Note that the
actions and the fluents are general enough to deal with arbitrary configurations of airplanes in this domain. The last four fluents
introduce an airplane state. An airplane can either be moving, be pushed, be parked (at segment), or be airborne. We want to
make sure that an airplane only moves backwards while being pushed from its park position and only moves forward if not. The
parked state is necessary since a parked airplanes engines are off, and therefore the parked airplane does not block any segments
except the one it occupies, unlike when it is moving. If an airplane is airborne, i.e. it took off already, then that means this plane
is not relevant to the ground traffic anymore.
? The fluent blo ked(Segment; Airplane; S) is the predicate that we use to characterize blocked airport segments in the
current situation S. For example, when Airplane moves from Seg1 to Seg2, then Seg2 becomes blocked by this airplane
in the resulting situation. The action “takeoff” has the opposite effect: airborne airplanes do not block any segments. All
successor state axioms for this fluent are given to you.
? The fluent isP arked(Airplane; Seg; S) is the predicate with a second parameter representing the segment where the
airplane is parked at. Airplanes remain parked unless they are pushed back.
? The second parameter of the airborne(Airplane; Seg; S) predicate just states from which segment the airplane took off.
This is useful in case an airport provides several departure runways and we want to force an airplane to use a specific one.
? The predicate isM oving(Airplane; S) holds once Airplane has started its engines and remains true unless it parks or
takes off.
? The fluent isP ushing(Airplane; S) holds in situation S if Airplane is being pushed back from a gateway, but if Airplane
starts its engines, it is no longer pushing, but we say that it starts moving by itself.
? Apart from the airplane state, we also need to describe the current position of an airplane atSegment(Airplane;Segment;S),
and its heading f a ing(Airplane;Dire tion;S). When an airplane moves or when it is pushed back, in the resulting situation it will be located at another segment. Movements of other airplanes have no effect. Similar, moving or pushed
airplanes will face a new direction in the resulting situation. Recall that a direction is simply a vertex of a segment.
A correct state of an airplane is defined by the following facts:
1. An airplane is at exactly one segment or is airborne.
2. If airplane is airborne it neither occupies nor blocks any segments.
3. An airplane is facing in exactly one direction or is airborne (then it is not facing any direction).
4. If airplane is moving it only blocks the segments determined by the segI sBlo ked predicate and the one it occupies.
5. If airplane is parked it only blocks the segment it occupies.
6. An airplane never blocks airplane segment occupied by another airplane.
7. An airplane never occupies airplane segment blocked by another airplane.
All actions are terms with the following meaning.
? The action move(Airplane; T ype; Dir1; Seg1; Seg2; Dir2) moves Airplane of category T ype facing direction Dir1
from Seg1, where it is located in the current situation, to Seg2 where its new direction is Dir2. This action is possible
only if blocking constraints are followed. Namely, the destination segment should not be blocked by another airplane in
the current situation, and Airplane moving to Seg2; Dir2 should not block anyone else. The latter means that no other
segment with another airplane at that segment is blocked from Seg2; Dir2. Most of the effects of the move action should
be self-explanatory. Namely, move results in updating of the occupied segment, changing the heading if necessary, and
blocking the occupied segment. When an airplane is moving, it cannot turn 180 degrees in place.
? The action pushba k(Airplane; T ype; Dir1; Seg1; Seg2; Dir2) is similar, but it is simpler than the previous action.
Because an airplane is transported from a segment where it is parked without starting its engines, it does not block any
other segments (except the one it occupies) once it has been pushed somewhere. Only parked airplanes can be pushed back,
and once an airplane has been pushed from a segment, it can start up its engines. An airplane that is being pushed back
can turn 180 degrees, and then Seg1=hV 1; V 2i 6= Seg2=hV 2; V 1i and Dir1 6=Dir2, or it can move back one segment
without turning around (if a destination segment is not occupied by another airplane), or it can move and turn at an angle.
? The action startup(Airplane) represents the process of starting airplanes engines after it has been pushed back from its
park position. That is why its precondition should contain the isP ushing predicate. It is intended only for out-bound
airplanes, but any airplane that is not moving can execute this action. If the airplane starts its engines, then it begins
blocking segments. So we need the exact same check for other segments as in the move action: it is possible to start up
only when no segment with another airplane is blocked from the segment where Airplane is currently located. Apart from
that we only update the airplane state to isM oving.
? The action park(Airplane; T ype; Seg; Dir) does the opposite of the startup action by unblocking all segments except
the occupied one. It is possible to park at a tuple (Seg; Dir) in situation S only if Airplane is moving, it is located at
Seg, it is facing Dir, and if Seg is not one of runway segments. Note that a parking action has 4 arguments, but the related
fluent predicate isP arked(Airplane; Seg; S) has as its parameters only Airplane and Segment where it is parked, apart
from situation S.
? The takeof f (Airplane; Seg; Dir) action makes sure the airplane is completely removed from the airport – meaning it
does not block or occupy any segments anymore. This action is possible in S, if Airplane is at a runway Seg, if it is facing
Dir, and if it is moving.
You have to solve planing problems in this application using the situations and fluents approach considered in class. The task of
your planner will be to find a shortest list of actions such that after doing actions from this list a goal situation will be reached
starting from the initial situation.
Before you can solve planning problems in this domain, you have to write precondition axioms and successor state axioms.
Write all your Prolog rules in the file More specifically, you have to do the following.
(A) Write precondition axioms for all five actions. Recall that to avoid potential problems with negation in Prolog, you should
not start bodies of your rules with negated predicates. Make sure that all variables in a predicate are instantiated by
constants before you apply negation ”not” to the predicate that mentions these variables.
(B) Write successor-state axioms that characterize how the truth values of all fluents change from the current situation S to the
next situation [AjS℄. You will need two types of rules for each fluent: (1) rules that characterize when a fluent becomes
true in the next situation as a result of the last action, and (2) rules that characterize when a fluent remains true in the next
situation, unless the most recent action changes it to false.
(C) Once you are done, you have to test your precondition and successor state axioms using the following initial and goal
situations. Download the file with descriptions of your initial and goal states from the Assignments Web
page. Do not copy content of into your file because TA will use other initial and goal states to
test your program in
/* Objects in a simple airport domain
%% the airplanes: out-bound boeing347 - medium and in-bound md25 - light
%% the segments v0
| |
| v6
| |
v4------v3 */
adjacent(v0,v8). adjacent(v1,v9).
adjacent(v8,X) :- member(X,[v0,v2]). adjacent(v9,X) :- member(X,[v1,v2]).
adjacent(v7,X) :- member(X,[v5,v2]). adjacent(v6,X) :- member(X,[v3,v2]).
adjacent(v2,X) :- member(X,[v8,v9,v6,v7]). adjacent(v3,X) :- member(X,[v6,v4]).
adjacent(v4,X) :- member(X,[v3,v5]). adjacent(v5,X) :- member(X,[v7,v4]).
isStartRunway(seg(v3,v4), v4). isStartRunway(seg(v5,v4), v4).
atSegment(boeing347,seg(v8,v0),[]). blocked(seg(v8,v0),boeing347,[]).
hasType(boeing347,medium). facing(boeing347,v0,[]). isParked(boeing347,seg(v8,v0),[]).
atSegment(md25,seg(v4,v3),[]). blocked(seg(v4,v3),md25,[]). blocked(seg(v3,v4),md25,[]).
hasType(md25,light). facing(md25,v3,[]). isMoving(md25,[]).
%% First planning problem to solve: use this goal state
goal_state(S) :- airborne(boeing347,Seg,S).
%% Second planning problem to solve: use this goal state
% goal_state(S) :- isParked(md25,seg(v9,v1),S).
%%This 3rd planning problem needs 12 steps and takes about 10min without heuristics.
%goal_state(S) :-
% isParked(md25,seg(v9,v1),S),
% airborne(boeing347,Seg,S).
Solve this simple planning problems given to you using the planner with the upper bound 10 on the number of actions. It
should take no more than a few seconds for your planner to solve each problem. Comment-out the rule for the first goal state
predicate (with out-bound boeing347) and remove comments from the rule for the second goal state predicate (with in-bound
md25) to test the 2nd planning problem. Once you are satisfied with the results you obtained, comment-out the 1st and 2nd
goal state rules, and test the 3rd planning problem (with both planes). Collect the results of your tests in your file airport.txt If
you would like to debug your program, you can try a simpler goal state, or check if consecutive sequences of actions are possible
as they should be, and if they have effects you expect. Request a few plans using ”;” command (there is no need to request all of
them). Why are they different? Write a brief summary of your results.
Handing in solutions: An electronic copy of your file and a copy of airport.txt must be included in your zip
archive. The file airport.txt must include copies of all your session(s) with Prolog, showing all the queries you submitted and
the answers returned. Write also what hardware (CPU, memory) you used to solve this planning problem.
3. Bonus work (20 points):
To make up for a grade on another assignment or test that was not what you had hoped for, or simply because you
find this area of Artificial Intelligence interesting, you may choose to do extra work on this assignment. Do not
attempt any bonus work until the regular part of your assignment is complete. If your assignment is submitted from
a group, write whether this bonus question was implemented by all people in your team (in this case bonus marks
will be divided evenly between all students) or whether it was implemented by one person only (in this case only this
student will get all bonus marks).
Consider the modified version of the generic planner:
reachable(S2, [M | ListOfActions]) :- reachable(S1,ListOfActions),
not useless(M,ListOfActions).
The predicate useless(A,ListOfActions) is true if an action A is useless given the list of previously executed actions.
If this predicate is defined using proper rules, then it helps to speed-up the search that your program does by filtering out the
redundant or irrelevant actions. This predicate provides (application domain dependent) declarative heuristic information about
the planning problems that your program solves. The more inventive you are when you implement this predicate, the less search
will be required to find a list of actions that solves the planning problems. However, any implementation of rules that define
this predicate should not use any information related to the specific initial situation. Your rules should be good enough to work
with any initial and goal states. When you write rules that define this predicate use common sense properties of the application
domain. Write your rules for the predicate useless in the file it must include the program that you
created in Part 2 of this assignment. You have to use the file with the specifications of the new goal and initial states.
As before, do not include this file in your file Once you have the rules for the predicate useless(A,List), solve
another planning problem, this time using the modified planner:
atSegment(boeing347, seg(v8,v0),[]). blocked(seg(v8,v0),boeing347,[]).
hasType(boeing347,medium). facing(boeing347,v0,[]). isParked(boeing347,seg(v8,v0),[]).
atSegment(md25, seg(v9,v1),[]). blocked(seg(v9,v1),md25,[]). hasType(md25,light).
facing(md25,v1,[]). isParked(md25,seg(v9,v1),[]). blocked(seg(v1,v9),md25,[]).
% The planning problem when both planes are out-bound: it is computationally
% difficult without declarative heuristics.
goal_state(S) :- airborne(md25,Seg2,S), airborne(boeing347,Seg1,S), not Seg1=Seg2.
When you solve this planning problem look for a plan that has no more then 14 actions. If your rules are creative enough, solving
this problem should be fast (a few minutes or faster). Next, take the 3rd planning problem from Part 2 of this assignment. Solve
it again, but now using you modified planner. How much time you save? Explain briefly why you believe that your rules help
to cut useless parts of search space. Once, you solved this problem, try to solve the same planning problem without using rules
for the predicate useless(A,L): put comments on the rule that defines the predicate reachable(S,[A|L]) and calls the
predicate useless(A,L). Warning: your program may take much longer to solve this version (depending on how fast is your
computer). Request several plans using ”;” command.
Finally, write a brief report (in the file bonus.txt): all queries that you have submitted to your program (with or without
heuristics) and how much time your program spent to find several plans when you added more heuristics. Discuss briefly your
results and explain what you have observed. Mention on which computer you did testing: what CPU and memory are available
to your program. Note that TA who will be marking your assignment will use another specification of initial and goal states.
Handing in solutions: An electronic copy of both files and bonus.txt with your session with Prolog must be
included in your zip archive. You have to write brief comments in with explanations of your declarative heuristics. You
lose marks if you do not explain. Your Prolog file should contain only your precondition and successor state axioms
and rules for the predicate useless(A,List), but should not include anything related to the initial and goal states.
How to submit this assignment. Read regularly Frequently Answered Questions and answers at˜mes/courses/cps721/assignments.html
If you write your code on a Windows machine, make sure you save your files as plain text that one can easily read on Linux
machines. Before you submit your Prolog code electronically make sure that your files do not contain any extra binary symbols:
it should be possible to load or into a recent release 6 of ECLiPSe Prolog, compile your program and
ask testing queries. TA will mark your assignment using ECLiPSe Prolog. If you run any other version of Prolog on your home
computer, it is your responsibility to make sure that your program will run on ECLiPSe Prolog (release 6 or any more recent
release), as required. For example, you can run a command-line version of eclipse on moon remotely from your home computer
to test your program (read handout about running ECLiPSe Prolog). To submit files electronically do the following. First, create
a zip archive:
zip put.txt airport.txt [bonus files]
where yourLoginName is the login name of the person who submits this assignment from a group. Remember to mention
at the beginning of each file student, section numbers and names of all people who participated in discussions (see the course
management form). You may be penalized for not doing so. Second, upload your file
(make sure it includes all files) to D2L into “Assignment 5” folder.
Improperly submitted assignments will not be marked. In particular, you are not allowed to submit your assignment by email
to a TA or to the instructor.
Revisions: If you would like to submit a revised copy of your assignment, then run simply the submit command again. (The
same person must run the submit command.) A new copy of your assignment will override the old copy. You can submit new
versions as many times as you like and you do not need to inform anyone about this. Don’t ask your team members to submit your
assignment, because TA will be confused which version to mark: only one person from a group should submit different revisions
of the assignment. The time stamp of the last file you submit will determine whether you have submitted your assignment on

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