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CPSC 121 Lab-8

Write a program that performs the following:
1. Create two vectors of Gladiators (see last section of Chapter 7), one for the Red team,
and one for the Blue team
2. Show the number of fighters alive on each team
3. Present the user with the following menu
a. Take Turn
i. Randomly select between red team and blue team
ii. Use the first/next fighter on that team to attack a random enemy in the
enemy team
1. Any fighters that get get killed should be removed from the team
(With a notification)!
2. Describe what happened each attack, including which team the
attacker is part of.
iii. Repeat this process until all fighters have had a chance to attack.
b. Add Fighters
i. Add one fighter to both teams
1. It would be easier to give fighters a name randomly selected from
a list (array) of potential names, than to ask the user for two
names every time they want to add more fighters
2. Show the stats of both fighters as/after they have been added
c. Exit Program
4. Return to step 2 

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