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CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures

CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures
Handout 2: Lab #1 Powers 208
1 Detecting the Delta COVID-19 Variant
The goal of this lab is to help everyone get back up to speed with programming in C/C++, and also
to practice analyzing the running time of an algorithm. The application of the lab is realistic and
timely — the development of effective probes for detecting the infamous Delta variant of COVID-19.
In the directory:
you will find the input file covid.txt. Make a copy of it in your own directory space.
The input file contains N = 170 lines, each with a textual label followed by a genetic sequence, with
a space between the two. The genetic sequences are variations1 of the code for the spike protein for
COVID-19 (the protein found on the surface of the virus that helps it attach to cells). Each one is
nearly 4000 characters long; they may differ in length slightly due to deletions in the genetic code
appearing in some variants. Let M represent the average length of one of these strings.
Each line in the input file is labeled with the variant of COVID-19 it represents, such as “original”
(the original strain), “B.1.1.7” (the Alpha variant), or “delta variant”. Eighty samples in the input
file represent the Delta variant, and the other ninety samples represent a collection of six other
2 Probe Design
Our goal is to design a short string of K = 100 characters that can serve as a “probe” to discriminate Delta variant genetic sequences from non-Delta variant genetic sequences. In an actual
biological test, this probe might correspond to a short molecule that can fluoresce when it binds
to a genetic sequence. Binding can sometimes occur even if there isn’t a perfect match between
the probe sequence and the binding target. We will say that our probe sequence “binds” to a
target genetic sequence s if the probe matches a substring in s either exactly or with at most one
mismatching character. For example, the probe sequence “ACGT” matches “TACACGTAAG”
and “CAGGTGTAG”, but not “AATCATGGG”. The probe might bind at different locations in
different sequences from the input.
1These were synthetically generated by taking the actual genetic sequences for different COVID-19 variants and
applying random mutations (chosen with the same frequencies they appear in actual COVID-19 samples).
To help restrict the search for a probe sequence, we require that it must occur as a substring of
one of the input genetic sequences. You should therefore loop over every possible such substring,
and pick the best one.
To measure probe effectiveness, consider the two types of errors we might make for any given probe:
• False positives, where the probe matches a non-Delta genetic sequence in our input, leading
us to erroneously believe it is a sample of the Delta variant.
• False negatives, where the probe does not match a Delta genetic sequence, leading us to
erroneously believe it is a non-Delta variant.
Based on these, we define the false positive rate as
Number of false positives
Number of non-Delta sequences in our input.
This represents in some sense the probability that we make a mistake when classifying a non-Delta
Similarly, we define the false negative rate as
Number of false negatives
Number of Delta sequences in our input.
This represents in some sense the probability that we make a mistake when classifying a Delta
Depending on the situation, it is often the case that false positives and false negatives carry different
weights — e.g., it may be worse to erroneously tell someone they have COVID-19 when they do
not, rather than erroneously telling them they do not have COVID-19 when they do. In our case,
it is not immediately obvious whether false positives are better or worse than false negatives, so
we’ll make a completely arbitrary assertion that they are twice as bad:
Error rate = 2.0 × FPR + 1.0 × FNR.
Our goal is to find a probe sequence that minimizes this error rate2
3 Running Time
As was mentioned, one of the goals of this lab is to practice analyzing the running time of an
algorithm. Here, we’d like to write running time in terms of 3 key parameters: N (number of
sequence in the input), M (average length of a sequence in the input), and K (length of probe
sequence). In terms of these parameters, please determine the worst-case running time of your
code, using O() notation.
Note that your code may not behave as its worst-case running time suggests (this happens often, if
“worst case” inputs don’t occur in practice). Please also determine the “anticipated” running time
of your code, also using O() notation.
2There are quite a few very important related concepts here that go beyond the scope of this lab and CpSc 2120.
For additional enrichment, I’d suggest in your free time reading about “sensitivity versus specificity”, “confusion
matrices”, and “area under the curve”. These ideas are used very often in AI to assess the quality of a predictive
model (e.g., how well a deep learning model classifies pictures of cats).
4 What to Print for Output
To make your code easy for the graders to grade and for you to debug, please have it print the
following things on successive lines of output:
• The best length-K probe sequence it finds.
• The number of false positives and the false positive rate
• The number of false negatives and the false negative rate
• The error rate as computed based on your false positive and negative rates.
• The worst-case running time of your approach.
• The anticipated running time of your approach.
Feel welcome to make your output human-readable, for example by printing out things like “False
positives: 7” instead of just “7”.
5 Time Constraints
It’s likely your code will run quite slowly on the full covid.txt data set. For quicker testing, you
may want to generate a reduced data set by taking just the first few lines of the file, for example
like this:
head -n 15 covid.txt > covid-smaller.txt
To obtain full credit for this lab, your code should run in less than 30 seconds on a data set
consisting of just the first 20 genetic sequences. For fun, based on the running time of your code,
you might want to estimate the amount of time it would take to run on the entire data set.
6 Coding Considerations
As was mentioned, a primary goal of this lab is to refresh your memory on coding in C++. Here
are some guidelines and constraints to keep in mind for writing your code:
• There are no rules about how many comments you need, indentation, etc. This is your code,
and you can code in your own preferred style. However, please strive to write clean, simple
code for which a third party could easily understand the underlying thought process.
• For now, please do not use any built-in standard template library (STL) data structures like
vectors (instead, just use arrays that are dynamically allocated with “new” and “delete”).
We’ll get to these eventually, but it will be helpful to make sure everyone knows how to
use primitive memory allocation first before jumping ahead to STL structures that hide this
• Please be sure to de-allocate all memory you allocate by the end of your code’s execution
(we’ll always mention in an assignment if this is required).
• Even though the provided input file has 170 lines, please don’t make this assumption in your
code. Rather, read the input file once to count the number of lines, then allocate sufficient
memory to hold the input and read it a second time3
. To reset the file for reading a second
time, you might want to do something like the following:
ifstream inputfile("covid.txt");
// Read once to count number of lines
inputfile.seekg(0, ios_base::beg);
// Or alternatively, inputfile.close();"covid.txt");
// Read second time
// Could be polite and close the file now, but not required
// (it will be closed automatically when your program terminates)
• Your code must compile and run on the lab machines (the babbage## machines) to receive
credit. Code that doesn’t compile will usually receive zero points.
7 Submission and Grading
Submit a single file called lab1.cpp containing your solution code. Please don’t submit the
covid.txt file. Code should be submitted electronically on on, where we
will be turning in all of our work this semester.
Final submissions are due by 11:59pm on the evening of Sunday, August 29. No late submissions
will be accepted.
All labs are graded on a scale of zero to ten points, where the point breakdown depends somewhat
on the particulars of the lab. For this lab, you will receive 10 points for code that is fully correct
and sufficiently fast, and varying amounts of partial credit for incorrect or slow code.
8 Food for Thought
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could solve this problem on the full covid.txt file quickly? That’s a goal
to keep in mind as we start learning about various data structures through the first few weeks of
class. Other real-world considerations and extensions one could consider for fun: what if a match
allowed more than one mismatching character, or even a certain number of deleted characters in
one string (so for example “ABCDEF” might match “ABCEF” reasonably well)? What if we are
allowed to find a probe with length falling into a certain range (e.g., between 50 and 150 characters)
instead of having a specified length? What if we can find 3 probes that collectively can help us
guess the right variant classification?4 – this is possibly realistic in an experimental context if they
fluoresce in different colors and can hence be independently measured.
3Yes, this would be much less clunky if we were using vectors.
4We allowed all of these extensions in an afternoon exercise for top high-school students in USA this past summer
who were participating in the USA Computing Olympiad summer training camp. The best solutions they came
up with achieved 95% predictive accuracy at identifying the precise variant (not just “Delta” or “not Delta”) of a

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