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CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures Homework Assignment #3

CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures

Handout 13: Homework #3 Powers 208
1 Iterative Refinement and Recursive Search
This homework will give you some familiarity with the design and implementation of greedy algorithms, optimization methods based on iterative refinement, and pruned recursive search to
exhaustively enumerate all the potential solutions of a problem.
Since this assignment is due soon after Halloween, for fun we will describe it using a Halloween
theme. The n = 16 lines of input in the file
describe n pieces of candy. Each line describes a single piece of candy in terms of its weight (in
grams) and its value (tastiness). Ideally, you would like to collect all n pieces of candy. Unfortunately, however, you only have three bags that each can hold at most 2 kilograms — any more
weight than this and a bag will break! Each piece of candy you decide to carry must be placed
entirely in one bag; it cannot be cut up and placed partially in multiple bags.
Your goal is to determine the maximum amount of tastiness you can pack in total into all three
bags, without any of the bags breaking. Despite our somewhat whimsical motivation, this problem,
called the multiple knapsack problem, is quite important in practice. For example, imagine we want
to optimally pack rail cars or allocate tasks among different workers. The problem is also quite
computationally challenging, being NP-hard, so obtaining an exact optimal solution for large n is
computationally infeasible. In our situation, each of our n pieces of candy can be in one of 4 possible
states: bag 1, bag 2, bag 3, or not present. This gives 4n = 4, 294, 967, 296 possible solutions, some
feasible and some not (e.g., some of these potential solutions may involve overfull bags).
2 First Approach: Greedy
One fast way to obtain a reasonable solution is to use a greedy algorithm: consider the candies
in decreasing order of tastiness divided by size, and for each candy, try to add it to any bag with
sufficient capacity (there are several variants on this theme – feel welcome to experiment). Your
program should print on its first line of output the total value obtained by a greedy solution:
Greedy: 9762
For full credit on this part, you need at least this much value.
Solution Representation. An issue you’ll also need to decide for this part and the other two later
parts of the assignment is how to store an assignment of candy to bags in memory. Two natural
suggestions include a “candy centric” approach, where you store for each candy the bag containing
it, or a “bag centric” approach, where you store for each bag the set of candies in it.
3 Second Approach: Iterative Refinement
To generate better solutions, we turn to the idea of iterative refinement, repeatedly making small
changes to improve a solution:
For each of T iterations:
Start with a random assignment of candy to bags
Iteratively refine this assignment until it becomes locally optimal
Output the best value of all T final solutions
The larger you set T, the slower your program but the more likely you will find good solutions. For
our purposes, please set T to at least 100.
To explore the “neighboring” solutions of a particular assignment, try moving every piece of candy
into a different bag, checking if this improves your solution. Of course simply moving a candy from
bag x to bag y won’t change the total value of a solution, but this may open up additional space in
bag x into which you can then fit more formerly-unassigned candies. More generally, if you move
a piece of candy from bag x to bag y, then bag y may now be full beyond its capacity, and bag x
may now have room to fit additional candy. You may therefore need to “repair” your neighboring
solution after the move by greedily removing candy from y (until it no longer overflows) and greedily
filling unused candy into x (until right before it would overflow). This sort of “repair” procedure is
common in iterative refinement situations where neighboring solutions might be slightly infeasible.
Alternatively, you might want to regard all candy as being assigned to bags 1, 2, or 3 (i.e., no
candy is left out), so the bags are always in an overfull state, and this is nice since it alleviates any
feasibility concerns when moving candy around to obtain neighboring solutions. However, when
assessing the value of a solution, we would only “count” the value of a greedily-chosen subset of
items in each bag that fits within its capacity (there are several ways to think about defining and
exploring neighboring solutions here, so feel welcome to experiment with alternatives).
The second line of output printed by your program should be the best solution value obtained via
iterative refinement:
Refinement: 10591
For full credit, you should produce a solution of at least this value.
4 Final Approach: Pruned Exhaustive Search
For the final part of this assignment, you will search through all possible solutions using recursive
search, and much like in lab 8, you will prune away infeasible or clearly sub-optimal solutions early
in the search to speed things up. Recall that there are 4 options for each item: bag 1, bag 2, bag 3,
or unused. You should recursively try each of these options for all items in sequence, pruning your
search whenever you have reached an infeasible solution. That is, you first try all possible settings
for item #1, then for each of these you recursively try all possible settings for item #2, and so
on. You may want to exploit symmetry to help reduce the running time; for example, it does not
matter if the first item goes in bag 1, bag 2, or bag 3, since we could have just re-named the bags
to make these partial solutions equivalent.
The third and final line your program prints should be the output of its pruned exhaustive search:
Exhaustive: 10658
For credit on this part, your program will need to obtain the number above (this is optimal, so if
your program prints something larger it must have a bug.)
Timing will be important for the score your code receives. For 100% credit, your entire program
(all 3 parts) needs to run in less than half a second on the lab machines. Partial credit for slower
programs will be granted, proportional to speed. For example, programs running in less than 1
second will receive only a minor deduction in points, programs running in less than 2 seconds will
receive a more substantial deduction, and so on. Programs running in more than 5 seconds will
receive at most 50% credit, and those running in more than 10 seconds will receive little credit.
5 Submission and Grading
Final submissions are due by 11:59pm on the evening of Wednesday, November 10. No late submissions will be accepted.

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