CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures
Handout 8: Lab #6 Powers 208
1 Making Grading Easier
Deciding who passes 2120 is always a challenge. To simplify this process, one possibility is to employ
a so-called Josephus permutation: starting with n students numbered 0 . . . n−1 standing in a circle
(student 0 following student n − 1), we begin with student 0 and take 2120 steps forward. The
student we land on is failed and removed from the circle, and we then take 2120 more steps around
the circle (the first step being the student immediately following the student who just failed), again
failing and removing the student we land on, and so on. The final student who remains passes the
A straightforward simulation of the mechanism above takes Θ(n
) time. In this lab, we’ll use
binary search trees to achieve a faster running time of O(n log n). This will be an excellent change
to practice using binary search trees to represent an arbitrary sequence (the sequence of students
standing around the circle, in this case).
2 BST Updates
Starting with the BST code from lab 5, our goal with this lab is to re-tool the BST so it represents
an arbitrary sequence. This means:
• The find function will no longer serve any useful purpose, as all access will be based on
index/rank instead of value.
• We’ll implement select at the beginning of lab, which selects the element of a specific rank
(in this case, a student’s index standing around the circle).
• You’ll need to implement insert and remove based on rank instead of value.
• Finally, to make things run quickly, you’ll want to modify split so it splits on a given rank
instead of on a value, using this to update the faster version of insert that keeps the tree
balanced by making sure its shape stays “as if just build randomly from scratch”.
1The course staff have suggested to me that this mechanism might need some fine tuning before being deployed
as an actual grading mechanism...
3 Finding the Student Who Passes
Now that you have an updated BST capable of representing a sequence, you’ll want to read an
integer n from standard input, build a BST representing the sequence 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, and simulate
the process above until only 1 student remains. Please output the ID of the remaining student.
Your program should run in O(n log n) time with high probability for full credit. In particular, this
means you should only be using the “fast” version of insert that keeps the tree balanced, rather
than the slower version (although the slower version might still be useful for your own testing).
4 Submission and Grading
Code should be submitted electronically on on handin.cs.clemson.edu. we will be turning in all
of our work this semester. Zero points will be awarded for code that does not compile, so make sure
your code compiles on the lab machines before submitting! Final submissions are due by 11:59pm
on the evening of Sunday, October 3. No late submissions will be accepted.