CpSc 2120: Algorithms and Data Structures
Handout 14: Lab #8 Powers 208
1 Using Recursion to Solve the N-Queens Problem
In this lab exercise, we will hone our recursions skills while solving the famous n-queens problem.
Specifically, two queens on a chess board can attack each-other if one piece can reach the other by
moving an arbitrary number of squares either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The n-queens
problem asks us to place n queens on an n × n chess board so that no queen is attacking any other
queen. An example of a solution to the 4-queens problem is below.
Figure 1: A solution to the 4-queens problem.
There can be many solutions to the n-queens problem. For n = 8, for example, there are 92 distinct
solutions. Your task with this lab is to compute the number of solutions for any small value of n
as quickly as possible.
To count all possible solutions, you should generate them recursively. For example, note that there
must be exactly one queen in each row. We can therefore generate solutions row-by-row. That
is, we loop through all possible locations for the queen in the first row, then recursively complete
the board by checking for each of these all possible locations in the second row, and so on. In
code, there are several ways we can write this; for instance, we can maintain the current state of
the board in a global (possibly 2D) array, and write a function check row(int r) that tries all
possibilities for row r one by one, for each of them calling check row(r+1) to recursively complete
the board. You should feel welcome to experiment with different approaches to try and find the
fastest one.
In order to achieve as much speed as possible, it will be important to prune your recursive search
as early as possible. That is, any time you reach a state where two queens are attacking eachother, don’t recurse any further, but rather exit the current function and continue searching other
Please also exploit the fact that the problem is symmetric to cut down on the search time by a
factor of two, as discussed in lecture / the lab intro, by only trying half of the possible locations
for the queen in the top row (be careful here if n is odd!). Exploiting symmetry is a requirement
for earning full marks on this lab.
Your program should take a single integer n as input on the command line and print out a single
integer specifying the number of distinct solutions to the n-queens problem.
Final submissions are due by 11:59pm on the evening of Sunday, October 31. No late submissions
will be accepted.