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CPSC 326: Homework Assignment 2

CPSC 326: Homework Assignment 2
• Implement the MyPL lexical analyzer;
• Ensure development environment is setup to run Google test framework;
• Practice working with unit tests.
You are free to use whatever IDE and machine you prefer for this class. However, to complete the
assignment, you will need git, g++ (version 11 or higher), cmake, make, the google test framework, and
valgrind installed. It can also be useful to have a debugger such as gdb installed as well. Each of these are
already installed on the remote development server ( provided by the CS Department.
However, you may also install these programs on your own machine, via a virtual machine, running WSL2,
or on your own remote server. Note that you will also need a GitHub account for obtaining starter code
and for submitting your assignment.
1. Use the GitHub Classroom link (posted in Piazza) to copy the starter code into your own repository.
Clone the repository in the directory where you will be working on the assignment (e.g., onto ada
or your own machine).
2. Modify your mypl.cpp program for HW-2 (see below).
3. Write the next_token() function in lexer.cpp.
4. Ensure your code passes the unit tests provided in lexer_tests.cpp within the tests subdirectory.
5. Ensure your lexer implementation correctly handles the example file (tokens.mypl).
6. You must create addition example test files for this assignment along with ensure your program
works correctly from standard input. Include the tests you used in your homework writeup.
7. Create a short write up as a pdf file named hw2-writeup.pdf. For this assignment, your write
up should provide a short description of any challenges and/or issues you faced in finishing the
assignment and how you addressed them along with how you tested your program. Include any
additional files you used for testing. Be sure your hw2-writeup.pdf file is in the main directory of
your assignment (and not within the src directory or any other subdirectory).
8. Submit your program. Be sure to add, commit, and push all assignment files to your GitHub repo.
You can verify that your work has been submitted via the GitHub page for your repo.
Additional Requirements: Note that in addition to items listed below, details will also be discussed
in class, in lecture notes, and in the discussion section.
1. Modify your mypl.cpp file from HW-1 so that the --lex flag calls your lexer (supporting both
standard input and file input) and prints out the corresponding tokens (one token per line). Your
code for calling the lexer and printing the result should look something like the following.
try {
Token t = lexer.next_token();
cout << to_string(t) << endl;
while (t.type() != TokenType::EOS) {
t = lexer.next_token();
cout << to_string(t) << endl;
} catch (MyPLException& ex) {
cerr << ex.what() << endl;
2. It is fine to implement the next_token() function without breaking it into separate helper functions
(i.e., you can have it be one large function). However, if you would like to “modularize” it, you are
welcome to.
3. You must implement your next_token() function by reading one character at a time via the read()
and peek() helper functions provided in lexer.h and lexer.cpp. In addition, to report errors, you
must use the error() helper function provided by the Lexer class.
4. You will want to use EOF as well as the C++ isspace() helper function used in HW-1. You will
also want to use the C++ isdigit() and isalpha() helper functions to check for digits and letters,
5. The full set of token types for MyPL are provided in the token.h file. Note that your next_token()
function is creating and returning Token objects with these types.
6. Note that next_token() uses an iterator, i.e., stream-based, model. This means that one call to
next_token() returns only the next token in the input. The Lexer object maintains state, including
where it is in the current input file (to be able to return the next token in the input, and so on).
7. The Lexer class has line and column member variables. These variables keep track of the current
line and column for building tokens. Your next_token() function will need to update these member
variables and also use them to build up new token objects.
8. Each token should have a non-empty lexeme. For tokens with “unimportant” lexemes, you can just
use their corresponding symbol. For example, the lexeme for + should be "+" and the lexeme for
int should be "int".
9. The tokens.out file within the example subdirectory gives an example of the result of running
./mypl --lex on the examples/tokens.mypl file. Your program must output the exact same
information as what is in tokens.out to be considered correct.
10. A non-comprehensive set of unit tests are provided in the file lexer_tests.cpp within the tests
subdirectory. Using the cmake file provided with the starter code, running make will both build the
mypl executable and an executable named lexer_tests. Running lexer_tests will execute the
unit tests on your implementation. Your implementation will also need to pass all of the unit tests
from lexer_tests to be considered correct.
Hints and Tips:
1. As mentioned in HW-1, you need to be careful with Windows style newlines. At a minimum, you
must support UNIX/Linux style newlines (which are denoted by the linefeed character '\n'). You
may also want to also support Windows-style newlines (denoted by a carriage return and linefeed,
i.e., '\r\n'), however, it is not required for the assignment. As a warning, however, if you use an
editor that adds carriage returns, your program may not work correctly on test files you create.
2. The basic layout for next_token() that I used in my implementation is, in order: (1) read all
whitespace and comments (checking for EOF); (2) check for EOF; (3) check for single character
tokens (e.g., arithmetic operators, punctuation, etc.); (4) check for the trickier symbols that can
involve or require two characters (e.g., < vs <=, !=, and so on); (5) check for character values (tricky
cases here involve quoted characters like `\n'; (6) check for string values; (7) check for integer and
double values; (8) check for reserved words; and then (9) identifiers. Again, it is much easier to do
this incrementally as opposed to all at once and then try to debug. Note that you should structure
your next_token() function to avoid receiving a compile warning regarding not returning a value
at the end of the function. (That is, you should make sure you don’t have any compiler warnings.)
3. You are encouraged (but not required) to create your own unit tests. Note that the unit tests
provided are not guaranteed to be comprehensive. In general, it is a good engineering practice to
create unit tests for all code you write, and so giving it a try with this homework is an opportunity
for you to practice writing unit tests.
Homework Submission and Grading. Your homework will be graded using the files you have pushed
to your GitHub repository. Thus, you must ensure that all of the files needed to compile and run your
code have been successfully pushed to your GitHub repo for the assignment. Note that this also includes
your homework writeup. This homework assignment is worth a total of 30 points. The points will be
allocated according to the following.
1. Correct and Complete (24 points). Your homework will be evaluated using a variety of different
tests (for most assignments, via unit tests as well as test runs using specific files). Each failed test
will result in a loss of 2 points. If 10 or more tests fail, but some tests pass, 4 points (out of the 24)
will be awarded as partial credit. Note that all 24 points may be deducted if your code does not
compile, large portions of work are missing or incomplete (e.g., stubbed out), and/or the specified
techniques, design, or instructions were not followed.
2. Evidence and Quality of Testing (2 points). For each assignment, you must provide additional
tests that you used to ensure your program works correctly. Note that for most assignments, a
specific set of tests will be requested. A score of 0 is given if no additional tests are provided, 1 if
the tests are only partially completed (e.g., missing tests) or the tests provided are of low quality,
and 2 if the minimum number of tests are provided and are of sufficient quality.
3. Clean Code (2 points). In this class, “clean code” refers to consistent and proper code formatting
(indentation, white space, new lines), use of appropriate comments throughout the code (including
file headers), no debugging output, no commented out code, meaningful variable names and helper
functions (if allowed), and overall well-organized, efficient, and straightforward code that uses standard coding techniques. In addition, when compiled, your code should not have any warnings. A
score of 0 is given if there are major issues, 1 if there are minor issues, and 2 if the “cleanliness” of
the code submitted is satisfactory for the assignment.
4. Writeup (2 points). Each assignment will require you to provide a small writeup addressing challenges you faced and how you addressed them as well as an explanation of the tests you developed.
Homework writeups do not need to be long, and instead, should be clear and concise. A score of 0
is given if no writeup is provided, 1 if parts are missing, and 2 if the writeup is satisfactory.

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