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Cpt S 515 Homework #2

Cpt S 515 Homework #2
No late homework!
1. In Lesson 3, we talked about the Tarjan algorithm (SCC algorithm). Now,
you are required to find an efficient algorithm to solve the following problem.
Let G be a directed graph where every node is labeled with a color. Many
nodes can share the same color. Let v1, v2, v3 be three distinct nodes of the
graph (while the graph may have many other nodes besides the three). I
want to know whether the following items are all true: there is a walk α
from v1 to v2 and a walk β from v1 to v3 such that
• α is longer than β;
• α contains only red nodes (excluding the two end nodes);
• β contains only green nodes (excluding the two end nodes).
2. In Lesson 4, we learned network flow. In the problem, capacities on a
graph are given constants (which are the algorithm’s input, along with the
graph itself). Now, suppose that we are interested in two edges e1 and e2
whose capacities c1 and c2 are not given but we only know these two variables
are nonnegative and satisfying c1+c2 < K where K is a given positive number
(so the K is part of the algorithm’s input). Under this setting, can you think
of an effcicient algorithm to solve network flow problem? This is a difficult
3. There are a lot of interesting problems concerning graph traversal —
noticing that a program in an abstract form can be understool as a directed
graph. Let G be a SCC, where v0 is a designated initial node. In particular,
each node in G is labeled with a color. I have the following property that I
would like to know whether the graph satisfies:
For each inifintely long path α starting from v0, α passes a red
node from which, there is an infinitely long path that passes a
green node and after this green node, does not pass a yellow
Please design an algorithm to check whether G satisfies the property.
4. Path counting forms a class of graph problems. Let G be a DAG where v
and v
0 be two designated nodes. Again, each node is labeled with a color.
(1). Design an algorithm to obtain the number of paths from v to v
(2). A good path is one where the number of green nodes is greater than
the number of yellow nodes. Design an algorithm to obtain the number of
good paths from v to v
in G.

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