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CS 100 Project Five

CS 100 Project Five
1. Overview
This goal of this project is to convert a color image into a grayscale (black and white) image.
Specifically, the program will read in a color image in the PPM (Portable PixMap) format and use
different algorithms to convert it into a grayscale image in the PGM (Portable GreyMap) format.
2. Background on PPM and PGM Image Files
An image can be viewed as a two-dimensional array with each element representing a pixel (picture
element). A pixel in a color image contains color information such as red, green and blue intensities
whereas a pixel in a grayscale image contains just grayscale intensity. Images can be stored in many
formats. You probably have heard of the more common ones, such as jpeg (from the Joint
Photographic Experts Group) and gif (Graphics Interchange Format). The vast majority of these
formats store the image data in a binary file. In this project, we are interested in formats in which an
image is stored in a text file (a file that can be edited by a text editor such as vim). Specifically, color
images will be stored in ppm format, and grayscale images will be stored in pgm format.
A ppm image file consists of header information and then a long list of integers representing the
red, green and blue intensities of each pixel in the image, as shown below.
The very first line of the file is the magic identifier that identifies the file type. For the ppm image
file to be used in this project, it is always P3. After that, you have three integers (width, height,
maximum-value) that can be on a single line or separate lines. Finally, you see the actual RGB
intensities (three integers) for each pixel in the image. You see a list of 3*width*height
integers. maximum-value is the maximum value that can appear in the list. Usually it is 255
because eight (8) bits are used to store the red, green and blue intensities. Sometimes, maximumvalue is the actual maximum value of the list. A very tiny ppm image file that is four (4) pixels
wide and six (6) pixels high, with the top two rows being red, the middle two rows being green, and
the bottom two rows being blue, is shown below.
width-in-pixels height-in-pixels
pixel-1-1-red pixel-1-1-green pixel-1-1-blue pixel-1-2-red pixel-1-2-green pixel-1-2-blue ...
pixel-2-1-red pixel-2-1-green pixel-2-1-blue pixel-2-2-red pixel-2-2-green pixel-2-2-blue ...
pixel N-1-red pixel-N-1-green pixel-N-1-blue pixel-N-2-red pixel-N-2-green pixel-N-2-blue ....
4 6 255
255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0
255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0
0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0
0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0
0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255
0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255
Your job is to convert a color image in ppm format into a grayscale image in pgm format. The pgm
format is similar to the ppm format. As shown below, the magic identifier for the ppm image file to
be used in this project is always P2. After the magic identifier, you also have three integers (width,
height, maximum-value) that can be on a single line or separate lines. Finally, you see a total
of width*height integers that represent the grayscale intensities of all the pixels in the image. For
a grayscale image, each pixel has only one grayscale intensity that usually ranges from 0 through 255.
A pixel with a value of 0 is black (absence of light) and a pixel with a value of 255 is white (all light).
For this project, you can simply use the maximum-value of the ppm input file as the maximumvalue of the pgm output file.
An example of a pgm image file is shown below. This image is seven (7) columns wide and six (6)
rows high. It has 255 as the maximum grayscale intensity that can appear in the image pixel data. This
image has a black (intensity=0) border of one pixel wide and a white (intensity=255) interior.
3. Project Details
As mentioned previously, this project is to convert a color image in ppm format into a grayscale
image in pgm format. You are asked to use one of the following six methods to convert a color
image into a grayscale image.
1. red (use the red intensity as the grayscale intensity)
2. green (use the green intensity as the grayscale intensity)
3. blue (use the blue intensity as the grayscale intensity)
4. average (use the average of red, green and blue intensities as the grayscale intensity)
5. ligntness (compute the lightness from red, green and blue intensities, and use the lightness
as the grayscale intensity)
6. luminosity (compute the luminosity from red, green and blue intensities, and use the
luminosity as the grayscale intensity)
7 6 255
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 255 255 255 255 255 0
0 255 255 255 255 255 0
0 255 255 255 255 255 0
0 255 255 255 255 255 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pixel-1-1-intensity pixel-1-2-intensity pixel-1-3-intensity ...
pixel-2-1-intensity pixel-2-2-intensity pixel-2-3-intensity ...
pixel-N-1-intensity pixel-N-2-intensity pixel-N-3-intensity …
Please see for
details on the average, lightness, and luminosity methods.
This project consists of three files, main.c, image.h and image.c, for its source code.
main.c and image.h can be downloaded from Blackboard. In image.h, two structures are
defined to represent a color image in ppm format, as shown below.
typedef struct _pixel {
 int red;
 int green;
 int blue;
} Pixel;
typedef struct _imagePPM {
 char magic[3]; // magic identifier, "P3" for PPM
 int width; // number of columns
 int height; // number of rows
 int max_value; // maximum intensity of RGB components
 Pixel **pixels; // the actual color pixel data
} ImagePPM;
One structure is defined to represent a grayscale image in pgm format.
typedef struct _imagePGM {
 char magic[3]; // magic identifier, "P2" for PGM
 int width; // number of columns
 int height; // number of rows
 int max_value; // maximum grayscale intensity
 int **pixels; // the actual grayscale pixel data
} ImagePGM;
The image.h file also lists the signatures of the ten (10) functions you need to implement in the
image.c file, as shown below.
• ImagePPM *readPPM(char *filename); Given a filename of a ppm image, read
in the image and store it in the ImagePPM structure. Return the address of the ImagePPM
structure if the file can be opened or NULL otherwise. You can assume the file will be in the
ppm format if it can be opened.
• int writePGM(ImagePGM *pImagePPM, char *filename); Write out a
pgm image stored in a ImagePGM structure into the specified file. Return 1 if writing is
successful or 0 otherwise.
• ImagePGM *extractRed(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm image into
a pgm image using grayscale = R.
• ImagePGM *extractGreen(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm image
into a pgm image using grayscale = G.
• ImagePGM *extractBlue(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm image
into a pgm image using grayscale = B.
• ImagePGM *computeAverage(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm
image into a pgm image using grayscale = (R + G + B) / 3.
• ImagePGM *computeLightness(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm
image into a pgm image using grayscale = (max(R, G, B) + min(R, G, B)) / 2.
• ImagePGM *computeLuminosity(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Convert a ppm
image into a pgm image using grayscale = 0.21 R + 0.72 G + 0.07 B.
• void freeSpacePPM(ImagePPM *pImagePPM); Free the space used by a ppm
• void freeSpacePGM(ImagePGM *pImagePGM); Free the space used by a pgm
Note that all the intensities (red, green, blue, and grayscale) are integers. However, the real number
computation should be done in the computeAverage, computeLightness, and
computeLuminosity functions. When the computation results in a real number, you shall
use the round function in math.h to convert a real number to an integer.
The main function in main.c will use the 10 functions listed in image.h, and you need to
implement the 10 functions in the image.c file. When implementing the readPPM function, you
need to allocate the space for a ppm image, and populate the space using the data read from the
corresponding ppm file. In order to help you understand how these data structures work, we walk
through the steps in reading a ppm image file into the ImagePPM structure.
First, to allocate space for the image, you need to allocate a new ImagePPM object.
ImagePPM *pImagePPM=malloc(sizeof(ImagePPM));
Second, once you have that object, you read the first few items (magic identifier, width, height,
maximum value) from the file and store them in the corresponding fields of pImagePPM.
Third, since you know the height (the number of rows) and the width (the number of columns), you
can allocate space for the actual two-dimensional array of pixels. Assume you have ten (10) rows
and four (4) pixels on each row. Allocate ten (10) pointers that point to the first Pixel on each row.
pImagePPM-pixels = malloc(sizeof(Pixel *) * 10);
Then allocate space for the four (4) Pixels that exist on each row. Since you are doing this for each
row, the statement below is inside a loop that executes ten (10) times.
pImagePPM-pixels[i] = malloc(sizeof(Pixel) * 4);
After you have allocated the necessary space, you can read pixel values into the structures. For each
pixel in your image, you are reading three values (red/green/blue). The following shows how to
read the red value.
fscanf(fp, "%d", &pImagePPM-pixels[i][j].red);
The freeSpacePPM function is to free all the space you have allocated in the readPPM
Similarly, in each of six converting functions, you need to allocate the space for a pgm image and
the freeSpacePGM function is to free all the space you have allocated in one of the six
converting functions.
4. Compiling and Debugging
This project requires three files, main.c, image.h and image.c. You can download main.c
and image.h from Blackboard. You shall not modify anything in main.c and image.h. You
implement the ten (10) functions in the image.c file you have created. Please make sure to include
image.h in your image.c by inserting the following line.
#include "image.h"
To compile this project, use the following command.
gcc -Wall -std=c99 main.c image.c
To test the program, type in a command in the following format
./a.out method ppm_filename pgm_filename
Valid methods include red, green, blue, average, lightness, luminosity.
When debugging, it is probably a good idea to use a text editor such as vim to create a very small
image as an input file, then examine the output file by hand to see whether the output file is correct.
Once your program is working properly with small files, test your program with large files.
To test your program with large files, we recommend you download the free program GIMP (GNU
Image Manipulation Program) from You can use GIMP to
convert images into ppm format. Simply load an existing image that you have into GIMP, then
select the FileExport As option and use ppm as the file extension of the exported file. Make
sure to click ASCII when asked how to export. Please note when GIMP converts an image into a
ppm file, it puts a comment line (a line starting with #) after the magic identifier. You need to
delete that comment line, as you are not asked to skip comments in this project. Once your program
has converted a ppm image into a pgm image, you can use GIMP again to view the pgm image.
5. Checklist for Completing this Project
• Create a directory named project5 on your machine. Download main.c and
image.h to that directory, and create a file named image.c under that directory.
• In image.c, implement the required functions, make sure there is a header block of
comments that includes your name and a brief overview of your task.
• When you are ready to submit your project, first DELETE ALL THE IMAGE FILES
under the project5 directory, then compress your project5 directory into a single
(compressed) zip file, Make sure contains the
project5 directory as well as image.c under it. (main.c and image.h are not
• Once you have a compressed zip file named, submit that file to

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