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CS 100 Project Four

CS 100 Project Four

this project, you will implement a set of functions that can be used to retrieve information
from a CS100 grade book stored in a CSV (comma-separated values) file. The CSV file consists of 47 columns as
shown below. The first two columns are always the first name and the last name. The order of the remaining 45
columns are unknown, and they can be in any order.
• First Name and Last Name.
• L1 through L10 for 10 labs.
• B1 through B10 for 10 textbook exercises.
• Q1 through Q11 for 11 quizzes.
• P1 through P6 for 6 projects.
• E1 through E8 for 8 exams (tracing and coding are considered as two different exams).
The first row (or line) of the CSV file is the header, i.e. column names. Each following row represents a student. The
first name and the last name in each row will not be blank or contain a space. Each score under the 45 headings will
be either blank (with no score) or a real number. A blank score is considered as 0 in some calculations and is ignored
in the others.
You are asked to implement the following five functions in the functions.c file.
• double getMin(char csvfile[], char column[]); Given a CSV file, return the minimum
score of the specified column. The blank cells are excluded from the calculation.
• double getMax(char csvfile[], char column[]); Given a CSV file, return the maximum
score of the specified column. The blank cells are excluded from the calculation.
• double getAvg(char csvfile[], char column[]); Given a CSV file, return the average
score of the specified column. The blank cells are excluded from the calculation.
• int getCount(char csvfile[], char column[], double threshold); Given a CSV
file, return the number of students with their specified score = threshold. The blank cells are excluded from
the calculation.
• double getGrade(char csvfile[], char first[], char last[]); Given a CSV
file, return the weighted average of the specified student. A blank cell is viewed as 0 in the calculation. The
weight percentage for each column is specified below. The lowest quiz score will be dropped from the
Column Weight Percentage Score Range
L1 through L10 1% for each lab 0-100
Q1 through Q11 1% for each quiz. 0-10
B1 through B10 1% for each exercise 0-100
P1 through P6 2% for P1
4% each for P2, P3
5% each for P4, P5, P6
E1 through E6 5% for each exam 0-50
E7, E8 7.5% for each exam 0-75
When implementing the above functions, you can assume csvfile is a valid CSV file and it can always be opened
for reading, and column is a valid column name. You can also assume there is at least one non-blank score in each
column. In addition, you are allowed to add additional helper functions in the functions.c file.
We recommend you use the fgets function to read a line from the CSV file, and use the strsep function to
extract each field from the line. You can assume that each line does not exceed 300 characters in length and each
field does not exceed 30 characters in length. It is not recommended to use the strtok function to extract each 
field from a CSV file because a cell could be blank in such a file. You shall use the strcasecmp function to
perform case-insensitive comparison between two names. To compile this project, use the following command.
You can download main.c from Blackboard and you shall not modify anything in main.c.
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 main.c functions.c
Testing: a CSV file named case1.csv can be downloaded from Blackboard for testing. You can test the program
using the following command, and a sample executions of the program is shown at the end of this document.
./a.out case1.csv
To verify whether you have implemented a function correctly, you can post the corresponding test commands and
their results to Piazza and ask whether others agree with your results. However, posting any part of C code from
the project on Piazza is prohibited. You can also use Microsoft Excel to load the CSV file and enter the formula
that is equivalent to your test command to see whether they produced the same result.
What You Need To Do
• Create a directory named project4 on your machine. Download main.c and case1.csv to that
directory, and create a file named functions.c under that directory.
• In functions.c, implement the five functions as specified above, make sure there is a header block of
comments that includes your name and a brief overview of your task.
• When you are ready to submit your project, compress your project4 directory into a single (compressed)
zip file, Make sure contains the project4 directory as well as
functions.c under it. (main.c is not required.)
• Once you have a compressed zip file named, submit that file to Blackboard.

A sample execution of the program
./a.out case1.csv
Enter a command: min Q1
Enter a command: min L3
Enter a command: max P1
Enter a command: max Q9
Enter a command: avg E4
Enter a command: avg Q7
Enter a command: count B5 100
Enter a command: count B5 90
Enter a command: count Q10 10
Enter a command: count Q10 8
Enter a command: grade Lloyd Gibbon
grade(Lloyd Gibbon)=98.31
Enter a command: grade Stormy Beaufort
grade(Stormy Beaufort)=78.688
Enter a command: grade stormy beaufort
grade(stormy beaufort)=78.688
Enter a command: grade John Smith
No student named John Smith
Enter a command: quit

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