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CS 100 Project One 

CS 100 Project One 
Project Overview: In this project, you are asked to write a program to compute the semester weighted average for
a student in CS100. Assume that CS100 has 10 labs, 10 quizzes (not 11 because we have not talked about how to drop
the lowest score yet), 10 textbook exercises, 6 projects and 4 exams. The details of each evaluation item are spelled
out in the following table.
Category Percentage Score Type Score Range
10 labs 1% for each lab integer 0-100
10 quizzes 1% for each quiz real number 0-10
10 textbook exercises 1% for each exercise real number 0-100
6 projects 2% for project 1
4% each for projects 2-3
5% each for projects 4-6
integer 0-100
4 exams 10% each for exams 1-3
15% for the final
real number 0-100

Your program will read a total of 40 values (some are integers and the others are real numbers) from the user, and
use the grading scale specified in the above table to compute and print out the semester weighted average (a real
number). The following shows a sample execution of the program, with the program prompts in blue and the user
input in red. You must ask for these 40 values in this exact order.
Enter 10 lab scores (integers): 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90
Enter 10 quiz scores (real numbers): 7.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8.5
Enter 10 textbook exercise scores (real numbers): 90.5 100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 89.5
Enter 6 project scores (integers): 70 80 80 80 80 100
Enter 4 exam scores (real numbers): 80 72.5 90 100
Your program should generate the following output line for the input above.
Your semester weighted average is 88.350000
Input redirection: the scanf function will get input from standard input, usually the keyboard. For ease of
testing, you can use vim to create a data file, say case1.dat, and insert the following 40 values into the file.
80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90
7.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8.5
90.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 89.5
70 80 80 80 80 100
80 72.5 90 100
Once you have the file case1.dat containing the 40 values, you can test the program using
./a.out < case1.dat
In this way, the program will read the values from the file case1.dat instead of the keyboard, which saves you
from tedious data entry.
You need to create more test cases to test your program. To verify if your program works correctly with a test case,
you can post the test case and its result to Piazza and ask if others agree with your result. However, posting any
part of C code from the project on Piazza is prohibited.
What You Need To Do
• Create a directory named project1 on your machine. In that directory, create a file named grade.c
• In grade.c, write the code needed to solve the problem stated above. Make sure that your program:
o Has a header block of comments that includes your name and a brief overview of the program.
o Reads 40 values in the specified order. You may assume that all input for this program will be valid
(of correct type and within the specified range).
o Computes the semester weighted average using the specified grading scale and print the result.
• When you are ready to submit your project, compress your project1 directory into a single (compressed)
zip file, See the Basics document on Blackboard if you don’t remember how to do it.
• Once you have a compressed zip file named, submit that file to Blackboard.

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