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CS 100 Project Six 

CS 100 Project Six 
Project Overview: In this project, you will use linked lists to implement a grade book for CS100. The grade book is
just a linked list of students enrolled, and there is a linked list of grades for each student. For that purpose, two node
types are defined as below:
typedef struct _student {
 char *lastName;
 char *firstName;
 Grade *headGradeList;
 struct _student *next;
} Student;
typedef struct _grade {
 char name[4];
 double value;
 struct _grade *next;
} Grade;
Each student has a name (with both lastName and firstName) and a linked list of grades headed by
headGradeList. Each grade contains a grade name (name) and a numeric value (value) for the actual grade.
For CS100, the following are the valid grade names.
• B1 through B10 for 10 textbook exercises.
• E1 through E8 for 8 exams (tracing and coding are considered as two different exams).
• L1 through L10 for 10 labs.
• P1 through P6 for 6 projects.
• Q1 through Q11 for 11 quizzes.
The example below shows a linked list of three students in red, headed by headStudentList. Each student has
a linked list of grades in blue. The first student (Marie Garcia) has four (4) grades in her grade list and the other two
students (David Smith and Mary Smith) have three (3) grades in their grade lists.
This project consists of three files, main.c, student.h and student.c.
• main.c – the user interface. It prompts the user for an action and performs that action by calling the
corresponding function implemented in student.c.
• student.h – definitions of two structures and the signatures of the functions to manipulate the two
types of linked lists.
• student.c – implementation of the functions listed in student.h.
You can download from Blackboard a working version of main.c and student.h, and a skeleton student.c
file. Your job is to complete the nine functions that manipulate linked lists in student.c.
What You Need To Do
• Create a directory project6 on your machine. Download main.c, student.h and student.c to
that directory.
• To compile this program, use gcc –Wall –std=c99 main.c student.c
• You can compile and run this program without doing any coding. It does nothing, but you can see how it
• You are not allowed to change main.c and student.h. You just need to complete student.c.
• In student.c, add a header block of comments that includes your name and a brief overview of your
• The file student.c should contain the actual code for the nine functions that are used by the main
function. There is no implementation (just comments) in each function when downloaded. Your job is to
implement these nine functions.
o addStudent – add a student, using the “add-at-front” method.
o addGrade – add a grade to a student, using the “add-at-end” method.
o count – return the number of students in the linked list.
o printStudent – print the information of a student (the student name and all the grades for that
o print – prints all students. For each student, print the name and all the grades for that student.
o addStudentOrdered – add a student in alphabetical order (ordered add of a student). To order two
students, you first need to compare their last names. If they have the same last name, you then need
to compare their first names. We recommend you write a helper function to compare two student
nodes (a new student and an existing student) to demine the order of these two students, similar to
o addGradeOrdered – add a grade to a student in the specified order (ordered add of a grade). The
specified order is B1 through B10, then E1 through E8, then L1 through L10, then P1 through P6,
and finally Q1 through Q11. Please note that using strcmp alone to compare two grade names will
result in an incorrect order. For example, strcmp will place Q10 and Q11 before Q2. Again, we
recommend you write a helper function to compare two grade nodes (a new grade and an existing
grade) to demine the order of these two grade nodes in the grade list.
o removeGrade – remove the specified grade from a student and free the related node.
o removeStudent – remove the specified student and all the grades of that student. You shall also
free all the related space.
• Things you must remember when implementing these functions (Please also see the comments of each
function in student.c for details.)
o When you try to add a student, if a student with that name exists, generate an error message.
o When you try to add a grade to a student that does not exist, generate an error message.
o When you try to add a grade to a student, if the student already has such a grade, update the grade.
o When you try to remove a student that does not exist, generate an error message.
o When you try to remove a grade from a student, if the student or the grade does not exist, generate
an error message.
• We recommend you complete the functions from the easiest. We will grade each of them individually, so
you can get partial credit even if you do not complete them all. We recommend the following order when
completing the functions. However, you can complete them in any order that you want.
o addStudent and addGrade and printStudent
o count and print
o addStudentOrdered and addGradeOrdered
o removeGrade and removeStudent
• When testing the program, we will never combine addStudent with addStudentOrdered (or addGrade
with addGradeOrdered) in the same test case. We will test both ordered lists and unordered lists, but never
• Input for this program is entered from standard input. The user types in commands that call the various
functions mentioned above. For example, to add a student, the user types addStudent, followed by last
name and first name.
• You can put all the commands in a file, say testData. (Do not forget to put quit as the last command.)
Then you can redirect input from a file using ./a.out < testData.
• A sample execution of the program is shown at the end of the document to build the grade book as
illustrated on the first page.
When you are finished and ready to submit your project:
• Make sure your project6 directory has the student.c file. When testing, we will use our own student.h
main.c files.
• Compress your project6 directory into a single (compressed) zip file,
• Once you have a compressed zip file named, submit that file to Blackboard.

A sample execution of the program
Enter a command: addStudentOrdered Garcia Marie
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Garcia Marie Q2 10
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Garcia Marie Q1 6.5
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Garcia Marie Q11 8.5
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Garcia Marie Q10 5
Enter a command: printStudent Garcia Marie
Student Name: Garcia, Marie
 Q1 : 6.5
 Q2 : 10
 Q10 : 5
 Q11 : 8.5
Enter a command: addStudentOrdered Smith Mary
Enter a command: addStudentOrdered Smith David
Enter a command: count
There are 3 students
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith Mary L6 90
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith Mary Q2 7
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith Mary P4 85
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith David L1 100
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith David B3 80.5
Enter a command: addGradeOrdered Smith David E2 55
Enter a command: print
Student Name: Garcia, Marie
 Q1 : 6.5
 Q2 : 10
 Q10 : 5
 Q11 : 8.5
Student Name: Smith, David
 B3 : 80.5
 E2 : 55
 L1 : 100
Student Name: Smith, Mary
 L6 : 90
 P4 : 85
 Q2 : 7
Enter a command: quit

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