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CS 100 Project Three 

CS 100 Project Three 
Project Overview: In this project, you will use your knowledge of arrays and functions to write a program to format
and print a paragraph, and to report the printing cost. The program first asks for a formatting code. A formatting
code is a string with the first character being ‘L’, ‘R’ or ‘C’, and the remaining characters being digits to make up an
integer. “L15”, “R20” and “C25” are three examples. The integer specifies the output column width. ‘L’, ‘R’ and ‘C’
represent left-justified, right-justified and centered, respectively. The program then asks for a paragraph to be
formatted. For simplicity, assume that a paragraph contains no punctuation marks or digits. It is just a sequence of
words (consisting of both lower-case and upper-case letters), separated by one or more white spaces. The paragraph
ends with <CTRL-D (i.e. end-of-file).
Assume that the formatted (left-justified, right-justified or centered) paragraph will be printed by a dot-matrix printer.
The printing cost will include the number of dots printed, the number of spaces printed, and the number of newlines
printed. The following two arrays list the cost (in dots) to print each of 26 upper-case letters and each of 26 lowercase letters. You may copy these two arrays to your program.
// the number of dots for 'A' (at 0) through 'Z' (at 25)
int dotsUpper[26]={
16, 19, 13, 18, 18, 14, 16,
17, 11, 12, 14, 11, 21, 19,
16, 15, 18, 18, 15, 11, 15,
13, 20, 11, 11, 15
// the number of dots for 'a' (at 0) through 'z' (at 25)
int dotsLower[26]={
12, 14, 9, 14, 14, 12, 18,
14, 9, 10, 12, 10, 16, 12,
12, 14, 14, 8, 13, 10, 12,
9, 14, 9, 16, 13
// based on
In the formatted printout, the original word order shall be maintained. Each output line shall hold as many words as
possible, and two consecutive words in the same output line shall be separated by only one space. The additional
spaces shall be added to the end to reach the output column width if ‘L’ (left-justified) is specified. However, the
spaces at the end will never be printed because you just need to print a newline at the end to achieve the same effect.
The additional spaces shall be added to the beginning if ‘R’ (right-justified) is specified. If ‘C’ (centered) is specified,
the additional spaces shall be added to the beginning and to the end evenly. However, if the number of spaces to be
added is odd, you shall add the extra space to the end. For example, if the output column width is 25 and you have a
line of 20 actual characters of text to print, you allocate 2 spaces at the beginning and 3 at the end. Again, the spaces
at the end will never be printed.
You can assume the formatting code and the paragraph will be valid as specified. In addition, the specified output
column width will always be at least as large as the longest word in the paragraph.
Three sample executions of the program are shown at the end of this document, with the program prompts/output
in blue and the user input in red. For ease of output verification by you and the grader, please end each prompt with
a newline. Also, please point out the column marks before and after the formatted paragraph as shown in the sample
execution. However, the printing cost shall not include the cost of printing these column marks.
Testing: Whenever the input involves multiple lines such as a paragraph, it is a good idea to test the program
using input redirection. Otherwise, the input echo and output will be mixed together, and it is very hard to read
them. To do this, first use vim to create a data file, say case1.dat, and insert a formatting code and a paragraph, as
shown below.
The quick brown fox
jumps over
the lazy old dog
Please make sure every line including the last line ends with a newline. Once you have the test file case1.dat,
you can test the program using
./a.out < case1.dat
You need to create more test cases to test your program. To verify whether your program works correctly with a
test case, you can post the test case and its result to Piazza to see if others agree with your result. (However,
posting any part of C code from the project on Piazza is prohibited.) To avoid errors caused by copy and
paste, you can use output redirection to save the output into a file. For example, if you run your program using
./a.out < case1.dat case1out.dat
All the output including the two input prompts will be saved into the file named case1out.dat.
What You Need To Do
• Create a directory project3 on your machine. In that directory, create a file named printing.c
• In printing.c, write the code needed to solve the problem stated above. Make sure that your program:
o Has a header block of comments that includes your name and a brief overview of the program.
o Has at least three useful functions in addition to the main function. For each additional function, put
its signature at the top of your file and give a brief description.
• When you are ready to submit your project, compress your project3 directory into a single (compressed)
zip file, See the Basics document on Blackboard if you don’t remember how to do it.
• Once you have a compressed zip file named, submit that file to Blackboard.

Three sample executions of the program
Enter a formatting code:
Enter a paragraph, ending with <CTRL-D:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy old dog
The quick brown
fox jumps over
the lazy old
Dots printed: 465
Spaces printed: 6
Newlines printed: 4
Enter a formatting code:
Enter a paragraph, ending with <CTRL-D:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy old dog
The quick brown fox jumps
 over the lazy old dog
Dots printed: 465
Spaces printed: 10
Newlines printed: 2
Enter a formatting code:
Enter a paragraph, ending with <CTRL-D:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy old dog
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy
 old dog
Dots printed: 465
Spaces printed: 22
Newlines printed: 3

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