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CS 118 : Homework 2

CS 118 : Homework 2

Problem 1

How does the web server (e.g., Amazon) identify users when you do the Internet shopping? Please brieflyexplain how it works with HTTP protocol step by step.Write your solution to Problem 1 in this boxPage 1 of 5
CS 118 Spring 2020 : Homework 2Problem 2Suppose within your Web browser you click on a link to obtain a Web page from a web serverS. The webpage is a HTML file and the HTML file further contains references to 9 small JPEG files on the same serverS. However,S’s IP address is not cached in your local host, so a DNS lookup is required. Suppose thatnDNS servers are visited by your browser before you getS’s IP address. Let RTT1, RTT2, ..., RTTndenotethe RTTs (round-trip time) of visiting each of thenDNS server and RTT0denote the RTT between thelocal host andS. If we ignore file transmission time for DNS responses, HTML file, and JPEG files, howmuch time elapses from when the client clicks on the link until the client receives all objects with:(a) Non-persistent HTTP with no parallel TCP connections?

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