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CS 159 – HW #07

CS 159 – HW #07

10 Points Possible
Background: Given a positive integer the following can be applied repeatedly and eventually the number 1 will be
reached; If the integer value is odd then multiply it by three and add 1, if the integer value is even then divide it by 2.
• Example starting with the integer twenty: 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1
Problem: The user will specify whether they wish the data set to be (1) sorted by the count of the number of applications
of the above steps necessary to reach 1 or (2) sorted by the first power of two encountered during the application of the
above steps. The positive integer data set will follow that includes at least one value with a maximum number of 35
• Example starting with the integer twenty: (1) count of seven applications of change to reach 1 and (2) the first
power of two encountered is 16.
Example Execution #1:
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 2
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 600 300 700 100 -1
Sorted data by power of two: 100 700 300 600
Example Execution #2 (same data set as first execution, different order of input, same output generated):
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 2
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 700 100 600 300 -1
Sorted data by power of two: 100 700 300 600
Example Execution #3:
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 1
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -1
Sorted data by count: 10 20 40 70 30 60 50
Example Execution #4:
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 1
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 27 12 19 15 9 14 7 18 -1
Sorted data by count: 12 7 14 15 9 18 19 27
Example Execution #5:
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 0
Error! Enter option 1 or 2 only!
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 3
Error! Enter option 1 or 2 only!
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 1
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 41 35 89 71 113 145 55 31 73 43 -1
Sorted data by count: 113 35 43 89 71 31 41 55 73 145
All course programming and documentation standards are in effect for this and each
assignment this semester. Please review this document!
Example Execution #6 (the -1 terminal value is not needed when the maximum input is given):
Enter sorting option (1) count or (2) power of two -> 2
Enter up to 35 integer values -> 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Sorted data by power of two: 1 2 4 8 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 32 21
Academic Integrity Reminder:
• Please review the policies of the course as they relate to academic integrity. The assignment you submit should be
your own original work. You are to be consulting only course staff regarding your specific algorithm for
assistance. Collaboration is not permitted on individual homework assignments.
Additional Requirements:
1. Add the homework assignment header file to the top of your program. A description of your program will need to
be included in the assignment header.
2. Each of the example executions provided for your reference represents a single execution of the program.
Your program must accept input and produce output exactly as demonstrated in the example executions, do not
add any “bonus” features not demonstrated in the example executions. Your program may be tested with the data
seen in the example executions and an unknown number of additional tests making use of meaningful data as
specified in the problem description.
◦ Example execution #5 demonstrates the only input validation requirements for this assignment.
3. For this assignment you will be required to implement the user-defined functions (from chapter 4). Failing to
follow course standards as they relate to good user-defined function use will result in a zero for this assignment.
Good function design will limit each function to a single task, eliminate redundant logic in the program, and
maximize re-use of functions within a program.
4. Revisit course standards as it relates what makes for good use of user-defined functions, what is acceptable
to retain in the main function, and when passing parameters by address is appropriate. In many cases userdefined function use should result in a main function that only declares variables and makes calls functions.
Selection and repetition constructs in a main function are to facilitate the calling of functions.
5. Course standards prohibit the use of programming concepts not yet introduced in lecture. For this assignment
you can consider all material in the first ten chapters of the book, notes, and lectures to be acceptable for use.
6. A program MUST compile, be submitted through the guru server prior to the posted due date to be considered
for partial credit. The submission script will reject the submission of any file that does not successfully compile
on the guru server. The name of the source code file you attempt to submit must be hw07.c, no variation is
Selected Course Programming and Documentation Standards Reminders:
• It is common to make use of a symbolic/defined constant when the size of the array is known prior to the start of a
• Code found inside the body of relevant selection and repetition constructs must be indented two additional spaces.
• Make use of { and } with all relevant selection and repetition constructs.
• See page 258 of your C programming text regarding the proper indentation for a switch construct.
• Use the course function header (head_fx vi shortcut hfx while in command mode) for every user-defined
function in your program.
◦ List and comment all parameters to a function, one per line, in the course function header.
◦ All function declarations will appear in the global declaration section of your program.
◦ The user-defined function definitions will appear in your program after the main function.
• Maximize your use of symbolic/defined constants and minimize your use of literal constants.
• Comment all variables to the right of each declaration. Declare only one variable per line.
Selected Course Programming and Documentation Standards Reminders (continued):
• In general it is acceptable to initialize a variable declared in the local declaration section of a function. If the
expression used to initialize the variable is more complex than a constant assignment then it is
best to give the variable its first value inside of the executable statement section of the function.
• At no point during the semester should the local declaration and executable statement sections of a function ever
• Select meaningful identifiers (names) for all variables in your program.
When you submit... only the final successful submission is kept for grading. All other submissions are over-written and
cannot be recovered. You may make multiple submissions but only the last attempt is retained and graded.
• Verify in the confirmation e-mail sent to you by the course that you have submitted the correct file (must be
named hw07.c), to the correct assignment (hw07), and to the correct section.
• Leave time prior to the due date to seek assistance should you experience difficulties completing or submitting
this assignment. All attempts to submit via a method other than through the guru server as set up in the Account
Configuration Activity will be denied consideration.
Assignment deadlines... are firm and the electronic submission will disable promptly as advertised. We can only grade
what you submit as expected prior to the assignment deadline.
Auto-Grade Tool
• We have implemented what is being referred to as the auto-grade tool. At the time of a successful assignment
submission you may receive some feedback on your program in regards to course programming and
documentation standards. This feedback may include a potential deduction that you will receive once your
assignment is reviewed by your grader.
• It is expected that graders verify those notes identified by this tool to ensure that they are indeed applicable and
reasonable to the submission. Graders may make additional deductions for those standards not identified by the
new tool.
• We hope that this feedback helps with the enforcement of course standards, consistency in grading across
sections, and to encourage students to revise their work when problems are identified before the assignment
deadline passes. It is possible to resubmit an assignment for grading up to the advertised deadline. Only the final
successful submission is retained and evaluated.

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