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CS 159 –  Lab #10

CS 159 –  Lab #10
What will you submit? A single C-file will be submitted electronically via the guru server. An example submission was
conducted as part of the Account Configuration Activity. If you have a concern regarding how to submit work, please
contact course staff prior to the deadline for this, and all, assignments. The programming assignment is due on Friday
April 23, 2021 at 11:00pm (LOCAL WEST LAFAYETTE, IN TIME). No late work will be accepted.
Weekly Quiz #10:
The weekly quiz will be available (Week 13 module on Brightspace) until the same date and time that the programming
assignment is due. It is strongly recommended that you complete the attached problems, the programming assignment,
and watch all relevant lectures before attempting the quiz.
The quiz will emphasize chapter 8 material, the written problems in this document, the lab programming assignment, and
the course programming and documentation standards as used in this lab. Quiz questions are presented one at a time
and cannot be revisited. Be sure to save your answers to each question and to finish your quiz to ensure it is submitted
for grading. Most problems on lab quizzes will be multiple-choice or true-false. Each quiz has a 15-minute time limit.
Collaborative Teaming:
• How do I know who is on my lab team?
◦ On-campus students: TAs have contacted their students via e-mail.
◦ On-line students: Visit the Start Here module on Brightspace and locate the Distance Learning Team
Assignment spreadsheet.
• What if a partner does not respond to your communication? Then the remaining active partners need to be
prepared to proceed on the assignment to meet the deadline.
• Groups are expected to communicate to share their ideas when it comes to solving the conceptual and
programming problems associated with this lab. You may find a collaborative document to be a helpful way
to share thoughts on the written problems and to formulate the logic for the programming problem. Other on-line
tools may come in handy when trying to collaborate on specific segments of code, just make sure they protect
your code from being posted publicly! One popular service from previous semesters is
• As a group you must determine who will make the final submission for your group, when that submission
will be made, and how the concerns regarding submission will be communicated with the other members. Only
one person per group will make submissions for the entire group. The grader for your section cannot be
expected to evaluate submissions from multiple members of the same group to determine which submission is the
official submission of the group. In order for each member of the group to get credit for the programming
problem associated with this lab, their Purdue University e-mail address must appear in the assignment
• How might collaboration be useful on this particular programming assignment?
◦ Sorting is emphasized in the written problems that follow. It is needed at several different points in this
program. Does this need for sorting in multiple places require multiple different sorting functions? Or can a
single function be created with the “differences” between the sorting needs being passed to the function?
◦ Note that the course notes packet and the C programming text both have sorting logic available for use within
this assignment. Please comment on your source in the user-defined function header and be sure to bring all
code up to course standards. Do not make use of other algorithms or sources outside of the class.
◦ Your understanding of each sorting algorithm will be tested on the second midterm exam. How can this
assignment help with getting better acquainted with each of the three algorithms introduced this semester?
(Task #1) - Solve the following problems related to material found in Chapter 8 and the course standards.
Statement True or
Section 8.5
A (sort) pass is the movement of one element from the unsorted to sorted sublist.
The selection sort will identify one value in the unsorted sublist to move and become a part of the sorted
The bubble sort operates faster when moving the larger values to the highest index than when moving the
smaller values towards index zero.
The number of exchanges that can potentially occur on a given pass of the bubble sort may be greater than 1.
Exchanging the '<' for a '>' in the code on line 21 of page 495 of the C programming text will sort the data
in the array from largest (index 0) to smallest (index of last minus one).
The insertion sort takes a value from the unsorted sublist and inserts it into the proper location of the sorted
sublist based on the values currently present in the sorted sublist.
Values once placed in the sorted sublist of the insertion sort are subject to be moved again as the algorithm
To sort an array of N elements a N – 1 sort passes are required to guarantee that data always ends in a sorted
In all three sorting algorithms studied the list (array) is divided into two sublists (subsections), sorted and
The outer loop in each of the three sorting algorithms is responsible for ensuring the number of passes required
are completed.
More on Sorting Algorithms - With all problems related to specific sorting algorithms you may want to consider how
the statements are true or false for the other sorting algorithms that are not specifically mentioned in the individual
problems. See the next three statements as an example.
The selection sorting algorithm will complete one exchange involving at most two elements per pass.
The bubble sorting algorithm will complete one exchange involving at most two elements per pass.
The insertion sorting algorithm will complete one exchange involving at most two elements per pass.
The selection sorting algorithm can only be used to sort data in an ascending order (from smallest to largest).
On the final pass through the selection sorting algorithm TWO values are brought over from the unsorted list
into the sorted list.
It is possible that during a single pass of the selection sorting algorithm that the order of the data in the array
will be the same as it was after the previous pass.
The bubble sorting algorithm compares neighboring elements in the unsorted list of the array and swaps their
positions when they are not in the desired order.
The bubble sorting algorithm is optimized to stop the sorting process when the array is detected as being in a
sorted state.
Once the selection sort places a value in the sorted list that value will never move again in the remainder of the
The insertion sorting algorithm begins with one value in the sorted list before the first pass.
(More Task #1) - Solve the following problems related to material found in Chapter 8 and the course standards.
Statement True / False
Section 8.6
Searching assumptions for each statement unless specified otherwise:
• The data in the array is unique.
• The amount of data in the array is equal to its capacity.
• The use of the binary search is always applied to a sorted array.
The goal of a searching algorithm is to find the location of a target element inside of an array.
In general, the use of the sequential search is limited to small data sets or those that are not searched often.
To determine a target value is not found in an unsorted list while using the sequential searching algorithm
every element must be examined.
One motivation for making use of the binary search instead of the sequential search is the poor worst case
performance of using the sequential search with a large data set.
With each comparison made in the binary search approximately half of the remaining elements in the
array are eliminated as possible locations of the target.
The binary searching algorithm will always find a target in an array faster than the sequential searching
The binary searching algorithm will terminate when the first variable is greater than the last.
More on Searching Algorithms
If a target value is not present in a sorted list then every element of that list must be compared before that
fact can be determined.
The binary searching algorithm can be modified to work with an array that has been sorted from largest
(at index zero) to smallest (at index SIZE of the array minus one).
The binary searching algorithm is not applicable when the values found in the array are not unique.
Sections 8.7, 8.8, and 8.9 [Arrays with more than one dimension]
The declaration of a multidimensional array will include the extent, or size, of each dimension.
The capacity of a multidimensional array is the sum of the extent, or size, of each dimension.
In the declaration of a user-defined function with a two-dimensional array as a parameter the size of the
second dimension is required.
Solve problems 22-26 from page 544 of your C programming text:
Lab #10 – Programming Assignment
Due: Friday April 23, 2021 at 11:00pm (time local to West Lafayette, IN)
10 Points Possible
Problem: Given up to twenty non-negative decimal integer values as input; separate the data into even and odd numbers
then sorting from smallest to largest within each classification. Once the data is sorted as described take each value of the
array modulus the data set size and use this number to represent an index and display the total of these elements.
Example data input with set size of six: {11, 2, 9, 6, 3, 4}
Separated into even and odd: {2, 6, 4, 11, 9, 3}
Sorted as described: {2, 4, 6, 3, 9, 11}
Each element modulus data set size: {2, 4, 0, 3, 3, 5}
Data found at above index values: {6, 9, 2, 3, 3, 11} creates a total of 34.
Example Execution #1 (described in example above):
Enter up to 20 integer values -> 11 2 9 6 3 4 -1
Sorted array: 2 4 6 3 9 11
Calculated sum: 34
Example Execution #2:
Enter up to 20 integer values -> 3 5 7 9 1 5 7 -1
Sorted array: 1 3 5 5 7 7 9
Calculated sum: 29
Example Execution #3:
Enter up to 20 integer values -> 8 6 4 2 -1
Sorted array: 2 4 6 8
Calculated sum: 16
Example Execution #4 (the -1 is not needed when the data set size is equal to the maximum possible of 20):
Enter up to 20 integer values -> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 4
Sorted array: 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 9 9
Calculated sum: 96
Example Execution #5:
Enter up to 20 integer values -> 20 40 60 80 30 50 70 90 21 11 61 41 81 31 91 71
51 10 0 -1
Sorted array: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91
Calculated sum: 600
All course programming and documentation standards are in effect for this and each
assignment this semester. Please review this document!
Additional Requirements:
1. Add the lab assignment header (vi shortcut hlb while in command mode) to the top of your program. An
appropriate description of your program must be included in the assignment header. Include the Purdue
University e-mail addresses of each contributing group member in the assignment header!
2. Each of the example executions provided for your reference represents a single execution of the program.
Your program must accept input and produce output exactly as demonstrated in the example executions. Your
program may be tested with the data seen in the example executions and an unknown number of additional tests
making use of reasonable data.
3. For this assignment you will be required to implement the user-defined functions (from chapter 4). Failing to
follow course standards as they relate to good user-defined function use will result in a zero for this assignment.
Good function design will limit each function to a single task, eliminate redundant logic in the program, and
maximize re-use of functions within a program.
4. Revisit course standards as it relates what makes for good use of user-defined functions, what is acceptable
to retain in the main function, and when passing parameters by address is appropriate. In many cases userdefined function use should result in a main function that only declares variables and makes calls functions.
Selection and repetition constructs in a main function are to facilitate the calling of functions.
5. Course standards prohibit the use of programming concepts not yet introduced in lecture. For this assignment
you can consider all material in the first EIGHT chapters of the book, notes, and lectures to be acceptable for use.
◦ The use of any dynamic array structures (chapters 9 and 10) would violate this requirement and result in
no credit being awarded for your effort. See course standards below for array declaration expectations.
◦ Only a single integer array of size 20 is necessary to solve this problem.
6. A program MUST compile, meet assignment requirements, and be submitted through the guru server prior to the
posted due date to be considered for partial credit. The submission script will reject the submission of any file
that does not successfully compile on the guru server. The C-file you submit must be named exactly: lab10.c
Course Programming and Documentation Standards Reminders:
• It is common to make use of a symbolic/defined constant when the size of the array is known prior to the start of a
• The course standards expect all arrays to be of a fixed size. Variable-size arrays, even those demonstrated in
chapter 8 of the text, would violate course standards.
• Code found inside the body of relevant selection and repetition constructs must be indented two additional spaces.
• Make use of { and } with all relevant selection and repetition constructs.
• See page 258 of your C programming text regarding the proper indentation for a switch construct.
• Note the standard related to control forcing statements found on page 15 of the course notes packet.
• Use the course function header (head_fx vi shortcut hfx while in command mode) for every user-defined
function in your program.
◦ List and comment all parameters to a function, one per line, in the course function header.
◦ All function declarations will appear in the global declaration section of your program.
◦ The user-defined function definitions will appear in your program after the main function.
• Maximize your use of symbolic/defined constants and minimize your use of literal constants.
• Indent all code found within the main and all user-defined functions exactly two spaces.
• Place a single space between all operators and operands.
• Comment all variables to the right of each declaration. Declare only one variable per line.
• At no point during the semester should the local declaration and executable statement sections of a function ever
• Select meaningful identifiers (names) for all variables in your program.
• Do not single (or double) space the entire program, use blank lines when appropriate.
Auto-Grade Tool
• We have implemented what is being referred to as the auto-grade tool. At the time of a successful assignment
submission you may receive some feedback on your program in regards to course programming and
documentation standards. This feedback may include a potential deduction that you will receive once your
assignment is reviewed by your grader.
• It is expected that graders verify those notes identified by this tool to ensure that they are indeed applicable and
reasonable to the submission. Graders may make additional deductions for those standards not identified by the
new tool.
• We hope that this feedback helps with the enforcement of course standards, consistency in grading across
sections, and to encourage students to revise their work when problems are identified before the assignment
deadline passes. It is possible to resubmit an assignment for grading up to the advertised deadline. Only the final
successful submission is retained and evaluated.

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