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CS 201: Data Structures Homework 11

CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11

This assignment is due by 10pm on Friday November 10 and is worth 24 points.
1 Goals
The goal of this assignment is to implement a particular tree structure and to use it to store words
and their counts.
2 Setup and Instructions
You may work with a partner of your choice on this assignment or by yourself. If you would
like a partner, but have not found someone to work with, send me an email no later than 5pm
on Sunday and I will work on finding you a partner. You can also use Piazza to try to find a
partner as well. Lastly, if you are working with a partner, remember that Pair Programming is
about learning to write better code, it’s not about trying to make the process as efficient as possible.
Download and unzip it into the directory that you’ve created for your work on this
assignment. There is a Java class called (originally written by Sherri Goings,
with a few modifications by Jeff Ondich and me - thanks for sharing!). There is also a sample book
(Robbers.txt - a play by Friedrich Schiller) and a stopwords file called Stopwords.txt.
3 Building a Word Cloud
You’ve probably seen word clouds like the one below before which I generated from the text from
“Anne of Green Gables” by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The neat thing about word clouds is that
words are displayed in a size proportional to the number of times they are used in the text on which
the cloud is based. (Note that very common words, also known as stopwords, are typically not
included in the cloud. Otherwise, all English word clouds would be dominated by “the”, “and”,
“a”, “in”, etc.) In this assignment, you’ll implement binary search tree to count words and
their counts in text, allowing you to make your own word clouds.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
3.1 Overall Program Structure
Your program will come in three main pieces:
• A class called WordCountMap consisting of a binary search tree that maintains a list of words
and their counts. (WordCountMap will make use of two very small classes called Node and
WordCount described below.)
• A class called WordCounter containing your main program and any support methods it needs.
The main program will be in charge of opening a text file, counting all of the words it contains,
and producing one of three types of output.
• A class (provided to you) that will transform a list of word counts
into HTML that shows a simple word cloud.
3.2 WordCountMap
First you’ll build a class WordCountMap where each object of this class will represent a binary
search tree where each node of the tree contains a word and the count of the number of times
that word appears. The tree should be organized according to the alphabetical ordering of the
words. What instance variables might you want for a binary search tree? Specifically, this class
will need to make use of two other classes. The first is a Node class which should look something
like the following:
private class Node {
public String word;
public int count;
public Node left;
public Node right;
The exact details of the Node class are up to you, since it’s a class that will be invisible to users
of WordCountMap. You may add other (private) methods to this class, but it should be a nested
class within your WordCountMap class.
The other class you will need is a WordCount class. This small class will allow you to create
an object that contains a word and its associated count. Please make this class in a separate file This is a relatively simple class that should look something like the following
(plus whatever methods/constructors you choose to add):
public class WordCount implements Comparable<WordCount{
public String word;
public int count;
In particular, you’ll want to use these exact instance variables and please make them public, as
the WordCloudMaker class will depend on accessing them directly. Since this class implements the
Comparable interface, you’ll have to make sure to implement a compareTo method. In particular,
you should use the instance variable count to do this comparison. If you aren’t sure what this
method should do, take a closer look at the Javadoc description of it in the Comparable interface.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
Your WordCountMap class will need to implement the following three methods:
* If the specified word is already in this WordCountMap, then its
* count is increased by one. Otherwise, the word is added to this map
* with a count of 1.
public void incrementCount(String word) {
* Returns an array list of WordCount objects, one per word stored in this
* WordCountMap, sorted in decreasing order by count.
public ArrayList<WordCount getWordCountsByCount() {
* Returns a list of WordCount objects, one per word stored in this
* WordCountMap, sorted alphabetically by word.
public ArrayList<WordCount getWordCountsByWord() {
You may certainly create other methods to help you implement these methods in your class.
Please do make sure that you implement these methods exactly as described as the grader and I
will likely build some testing scripts that use these methods. Lastly, note that ArrayList should
be the built-in Java implementation of a List that uses an array to store the data.
3.3 WordCounter
This class will contain your main program and any support methods it needs. The main program
will be in charge of opening a text file, counting all of the words it contains, and producing one of
three types of output. Specifically, your main method here will parse the command-line arguments
to support the following three ways of running the program:
1. You should be able to run the program using the following commands:
java WordCounter alphabetical [textFileName]
This will print out a list of words and their occurrence counts, one word per line, each line
consisting of a word, a colon, and the word’s count. This list will be sorted alphabetically by
word. For example, the output might look like the following:
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
loesper$ java WordCounter alphabetical alice.txt
2. You should be able to run the program using the following commands:
java WordCounter frequency [textFileName]
This is the same as the the alphabetical case, except the words will be sorted in decreasing
order by frequency (or count). For example, the output might look like the following:
loesper$ java WordCounter frequency alice.txt
3. You should be able to run the program using the following commands:
java WordCounter cloud [textFileName] [numberOfWordsToInclude]
This one will print HTML to the screen (standard output) containing a word cloud based
on the code I’ve given you (read through the code and comments in
to figure out what methods you should call to do this). A typical invocation of the cloud
generator would be:
loesper$ java WordCounter cloud alice.txt 40
This would generate the word cloud based on the 40 most common non-stopwords in alice.txt.
(If alice.txt contains fewer than 40 non-stopwords, then the cloud will just use all the
Note, since HTML is hard for us as humans to interpret, you might want to redirect the
output into a text file which you can open using a browser. For example,
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
loesper$ java WordCounter cloud alice.txt 40 AliceOutput.html
will create an html file AliceOutput.html that when you open in a browser looks like the
You must make sure to remove any extraneous print statements from your code if you do
this! Otherwise, your word cloud may not display correctly.
Other Notes, Requirements and Suggestions
• Make sure that WordCountMap implements a binary search tree based on the alphabetical
ordering of the words. You should not use other data structures included with Java to do
this. You must implement the tree structure directly yourself.
• I’ve provided you a file called Stopwords.txt that contains a list of common English stop
words. You should write your code so that any word which appears in this list is not included
in the results that you produce. How exactly you choose to do this is up to you, but you
should think about the efficiency of your code for this portion
• At least one of your getWordCountsBy methods in your WordCountMap should use a tree
traversal to get the list of words and counts in the correct order. For the other method, you
can use built in Java methods if you’d like.
• This is the first assignment where I’m asking you to use command line arguments. We talked
briefly about this at the beginning of the term, but this is a really useful think to know how
to do, which is why I’m requiring it here. If you don’t remember this well, look back at the
code I gave you for HW2 or in section A.10 of your book for more information.
• I do not care if you treat “alacrity” or “Alacrity” as the same word or different words for the
purpose of this assignment. However, note that stopwords.txt only contain words in lower
case. As such, when determining whether a word is a stopword, case should be ignored.
• When reading from a text file you should strip punctuations from words. One way to do
this is to use the String method replaceAll. In particular, this method can use something
called a regular expression to identify and then remove certain patterns of characters. If you
want to find and remove any character in a string s that is NOT a letter, you could use the
following line of code:
s = s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]","")
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 11
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
• You do NOT need to make any changes to But if you want to make
changes; go ahead. The same applies to stopwords.txt.
• I included Robbers.txt a play by Friedrich Schiller obtained from Project Gutenberg. You
may want to download other books to test.
• Keep modularity and encapsulation in mind as you design your code. Make sure your comments indicate what the instance variables that you choose represent.
4 Submission and Grading
Create a zip file of the following, to be handed in via Moodle:
• Any other files used by your code.
Only one partner from each pair needs to submit the assignment. Specifically, put these
files into a directory named [your last name your partner’s last name]HW11, zip this directory, upload it to Moodle. For example, if my partner was Schiller my directory would be named
OesperSchillerHW11 and the resulting file would be
This assignment is worth 24 points.
• 18 points for the assignment requirements.
• 6 points for comments, style and design.
5 Extra Challenge?
There are a number of things you can do with this assignment if you are looking for an extra
challenge. Here are a few suggestions.
• Implement a self balancing tree (although if you do this, please do submit your code for your
regular binary search tree as well). We’ll talk about 2-3 trees in class, but if you want to
learn about something new AVL trees are a good choice.
• Add some additional functionality to your WordCountMap class. Maybe a decremenCount()
method. Maybe add a different kind of tree traversal.
• Play around with the code to change the look of the cloud you create.

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