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CS 201: Data Structures Homework 6

CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6

This assignment is due by 10pm on Monday October 2 and is worth 20 points.
1 Goals
The goal of this assignment is to learn about and get some practice with a Linked List data
structure. You will also get lots of practice at following sequences of pointers from one object to
2 Your Assignment
This is a partner assignment. Unless I tell you otherwise, you will work with the same partner you
had for HW4. This will be the last assignment with that partner.
In this assignment we’ll be exploring some approximate solutions to a well known problem in
computer science called traveling salesperson problem (TSP). The idea behind this problem is
as follows: you are given n points on a map (so each point has an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate)
and you want to find a route to visit all of the points on the map (and arrive back where you
started) while keeping the total distance travelled as small as possible.
There are many places in the real world where the TSP comes up: How does UPS decide the
routes that it’s trucks take? What is the most efficient way for a machine to drill a set a holes in a
circuit board? Some important problems in bioinformatics (genome assembly) can be transformed
into instances of the TSP. You’ll probably see the TSP in future CS classes.
Greedy Heuristics
The traveling salesperson problem is a notoriously difficult combinatorial optimization problem,
In principle, one can enumerate all possible tours, but, in practice, the number of tours is so
staggeringly large (roughly N factorial where N is the number of stops on the tour) that this
approach is useless. For large N, no one knows an efficient method that can find the shortest
possible tour for any given set of points. However, many methods have been studied that seem to
work well in practice, even though they are not guaranteed to produce the best possible tour. Such
methods are called heuristics. Your main task is to implement the nearest neighbor and smallest
increase insertion heuristics for building a tour incrementally. Start with a one-point tour (from
the first point back to itself), and iterate the following process until there are no points left.
• Nearest Neighbor Heuristic: For each point you add to the tour, add it immediately
after the point to which it is closest. (If there is more than one point to which it is
closest, insert it after the first such point you discover.)
• Smallest Increase Heuristic: For each point you add to the tour, add it to the position
where it results in the least possible increase in total tour length. (If there is more
than one place to insert the point, add it to the first such place you discover.)
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
Your Task
I have provided you with several auxilary classes that will make your job much easier. Download the file from Moodle. The only place that you will have to add code is in the file
Inside this file I have already defined the nested class Node for you to use. Also take a look at the
code in the main() method which you might find useful for testing out your code. Feel free to take
a look at the other files if you would like, but you don’t need to understand them. You should
not modify any of the files except for
Point Class
You will use the Point object extensively in the code you write. You may look at the code in, but all you really need to know to be a USER of this class is the Point ADT:
MethodName(Parameters) Return type description
Point(double x, double y) Point Creates a Point object with (x,y) coordinates.
toString() String Returns a string representation of a Point object.
draw() void Draws a point using standard draw
drawTo(Point b) void Draws a line segment from the Point calling the
method to Point b.
distanceTo(Point B) double Returns Euclidean∗ distance between the Point
calling the method and Point b.
∗ Recall, the Euclidean distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is defined as follows:
(x1 − x2)
2 + (y1 − y2)
Tour Class
The class that you will implement will have the following methods (think of this at the
Tour ADT). See a later section of this document for additional notes and comments on all methods.
MethodName(Parameters) Return type description
Tour() Tour Creates an empty tour (has no stops).
toString() String Returns a description of the tour as a nicely formatted string.
draw() void Draws the tour
size() int Returns the number of points, or stops in the
distance() double Returns the total distance in the tour.
insertNearest(Point p) void Inserts p into the tour using the nearest neighbor
insertSmallest(Point p) void Inserts p into the tour using the smallest insertion heuristic.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
You will implement these functions using a single linked list as the underlying data structure. You will start with the code that I have provided you in Just to be clear, you
MUST implement your own single linked list to receive credit for this assignment; you may not use
any similar class provided by Java.
Additional Method Details and Hints
Here is some additional information about the methods I am asking you to implement.
• Tour() : Initialize head node of a linked list and any other variables you think will be useful.
I’ve implemented a version of this method for you. Feel free to modify if you decide to add
instance variables.
• String toString() : Create an empty String, loop through all nodes of the linked list and
add a description of each underlying Point (as a String) to the overall String. Note: You
may want to make use of the toString() method from the Point class.
• void draw() : Loop through all of the nodes in the linked list ad draw each Point object,
followed by a line from that Point to the next Point. Do this for all nodes except for the last
node in the list, for that node draw a line from the last Point to the first (or head) Point.
Make sure to use the draw() drawTo() methods in the Point class.
• int size() : Return the size of the linked list (in terms of Nodes). In order to be more
efficient, make sure to keep track of this value rather than re-computing this value whenever
this method is called.
• double distance() : Start with a distance of 0. Loop through all nodes of your linked list
and compute the distance from each Point to the next Point, add this distance to your total
distance. When you get to the last Node in your list, add the distance from this Point to the
first Point. Make sure to use the distanceTo(Point b) method from the Point class.
• void insertNearest(Point p) : Start with some local variable minDist = Double.MAX VALUE
that keeps track of the minimum distance found thus far between Point p and the nodes in
the linked list. Loop through all Nodes of the linked list and compute the distance from the
underlying Point object to p. If the distance is less than minDist make that distance the
new minDist and save a reference to the current node. After your loop finishes, insert a new
node for Point p after the saved node that had the minimum distance to p.
• void insertSmallest(Point p) : This is the most difficult of all the the methods to implement. Make sure your implement and test all other methods first, before starting on this
one. Start with some local variable smallestDist = Double.MAX VALUE that keeps track of
the minimum total distance of a path through all nodes. Loop through all nodes of the linked
list and determine what the new total distance of a tour would be if you inserted Point p
after each Point currently in the tour. You do not need to loop through the entire linked
list to compute the new distance for each insertion point, nor would that be a very efficient
approach. Instead, you need to use the following equation:
newDistance = currentTotalDistance - currentPoint.distanceTo(nextPoint) +
currentPoint.distanceTo(p) + p.distanceTo(nextPoint)
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
If newDistance is less than smallestDist, update smallestDist with this value and save
a reference to the current node. After the loop finishes, insert a new node for Point p after
the saved node associated with smallestDist.
• main() : I also include some code in this method to help you with debugging of your code. In
particular, I suggest you test each function as you write it and that you implement toString()
first as it will be useful for debugging other methods. You may certainly add and modify
code in this main() method as you see fit.
Running Code on Input Files
I include with this assignment two programs that will handle reading a bunch of data points from
a file (see below for a description of the file format) and calling the appropriate functions from the
tour class. These programs are and To run
one of these programs on an input file, for example tsp3.txt, you will first need to compile it using
javac, and then run it with the following command:
java NearestInsertion < tsp3.txt
Note that the “< tsp3.txt” part of the line is just telling Java to get its input from the file
tsp3.txt instead of waiting for the user to type it at the keyboard. If the program just hangs
without doing anything, you probably forgot the “<” or the “< tsp3.txt”. Lastly, we will uses
these two programs to test your code, so you should make sure that your code works as expected
with them.
Input File Format
The input file format will begin with two integers w and h, followed by pairs of real-valued x and y
coordinates. All x coordinates will be real numbers between 0 and w; all y coordinates will be real
valued numbers between 0 and h. As an example, the file tsp3.txt could contain the following
600 400
532.6531 247.7551
93.0612 393.6735
565.5102 290.0000
10.0000 10.0000
The zip file includes several example input files, or you can define your own. Below
you will find some information about the expected output for these input file to help you with
debugging your own code.
Insert Nearest Solution to tsp10.txt
$ java NearestInsertion < tsp10.txt
Tour distance = 1566.1363051360363
Number of points = 10
(110.0, 225.0)
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
(161.0, 280.0)
(157.0, 443.0)
(283.0, 379.0)
(306.0, 360.0)
(325.0, 554.0)
(397.0, 566.0)
(490.0, 285.0)
(552.0, 199.0)
(343.0, 110.0)
Insert Smallest Solution to tsp10.txt
$ java SmallestInsertion < tsp10.txt
Tour distance = 1655.7461857661865
Number of points = 10
(110.0, 225.0)
(283.0, 379.0)
(306.0, 360.0)
(343.0, 110.0)
(552.0, 199.0)
(490.0, 285.0)
(397.0, 566.0)
(325.0, 554.0)
(157.0, 443.0)
(161.0, 280.0)
Insert Nearest Solution to usa13509.txt
$ java NearestInsertion < usa13509.txt
Tour distance = 77449.97941714071
Number of points = 13509
See Figure 1 for a visual representation of the solution.
Insert Smallest Solution to usa13509.txt
$ java SmallestInsertion < usa13509.txt
Tour distance = 45074.77692017051
Number of points = 13509
See Figure 2 for a visual representation of the solution.
Note: It should take less than a minute (probably even faster than that) to run through the
example with 13,509 points (unless you are animating the results). If your code is taking much
longer, try to narrow down what part of the code is taking the longest. Turning in an efficient
solution will be part of what we consider when grading your code.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
Figure 1: Insert Nearest Solution to usa13509.txt
Figure 2: Insert Smallest Solution to usa13509.txt
3 Submission and Grading
You’ll submit all your files to Moodle as a zipped file. One one partner from each pair needs to
submit the assignment. Specifically, put these files into a directory named
[your last name your partner’s last name]HW6, zip this directory, upload it to Moodle. For
example, if my partner was Schiller my directory would be named OesperSchillerHW6 and the
resulting file would be
3.1 Grading
This assignment is worth 20 points. Below is a partial list of the things that we’ll look for when
evaluating your work.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 6
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
• Do you implement all of the requested methods as they are described? We’ll test this out by
running your various methods on different test cases. I suggest you focus on insertNearest
before attempting insertSmallest, which is significantly more difficult. You can still get up
to 17 out of 20 points on this assignment if you do everything except for insertSmallest.
• How efficient is your code? Are you looping extra times through the list of Nodes?
• Do your classes exhibit good organization and commenting? Don’t forget to follow the Style
Guidelines on Moodle.

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