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CS 201: Data Structures Homework 8

CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 8

1 Goals
The goal of this assignment is to learn about and get practice with Stacks and Queues. You will
also get a chance to see how the complexity of these data structures translates into processing time.
2 Your Assignment
This is a partner assignment (unless you were not assigned a partner). You will be working with
a new partner than the previous partner assignments. You will complete the following tasks: (1)
You will implement a Stack using a Linked List. (2) You will implement a Queue using a circular
array. (3) You will use a program that I will provide to look at how the running time of your
implementations changes as the number of items in the Stack/Queue grows. (4) You will write two
short methods that utilize your Stack and Queue implementations to complete some small tasks.
Implementing a Stack with a Linked List
You will complete the code in the provided file that implements a Stack using a linked
list. Notice that this class implements that Stack ADT provided in the interface You
implementation will be a generic implementation that works with any datatype that is an Object.
This is the first time we are doing an implementation like this. Section 2.4 in your book shows
how to implement a generic ArrayList and has some good suggestions if you are struggling - in
particular, look at the program style box on page 71 if you are seeing weird looking compiler
messages. You will need to complete the methods in the following table. Make sure that you
implement these methods exactly as described (do not change the parameters, method names or
return types). Also, make sure that all of your methods keep the instance variables up to date.
MethodName(Parameters) Return type description
LLStack() LLStack Creates an empty Stack object.
isEmpty() boolean Returns true if the stack is empty; false otherwise.
size() int Returns the number of items currently stored in
the Stack.
push(E item) void Add item to the top of the Stack. Note, this
should work with any type E.
pop() E Removes and returns the item on the top
of the stack. If the stack is empty a
NoSuchElementException is thrown.
peek() E Returns the item on the top of the stack, but
does not modify the stack. If the stack is empty
a NoSuchElementException is thrown.
toString() String Returns a string representation of the stack. See
below for a specific example of the format the
string should take.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 8
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
Your toString() method should return a string in exactly the following format (three examples shown with a stack of integers).
top [ ] bottom (empty stack)
top [ 1 ] bottom (stack with one element)
top [ 5 2 8 ] bottom (stack with 3 elements)
In particular, use the toString() method for whatever objects are stored in the Stack to get
the item representations.
Implementing a Queue with a Circular Array
You will complete the code in the provided file that implements a Queue using
a circular array. Notice that this class implements that Queue ADT provided in the interface You implementation will be a generic implementation that works with any datatype
that is an Object. You will need to complete the methods in the following table. Make sure that
you implement these methods exactly as described (do not change the parameters, method names
or return types). Also, make sure that all of your methods keep the instance variables up to date.
MethodName(Parameters) Return type description
ArrayQueue() ArrayQueue Creates an empty Stack object. I’ve already provided this method. Do not change it.
isEmpty() boolean Returns true if the queue is empty; false otherwise.
size() int Returns the number of items currently stored in
the Queue.
enqueue(E item) void Add item to the rear of the Queue. Note, this
should work with any type E.
dequeue() E Removes and returns the item on the front
of the queue. If the queue is empty a
NoSuchElementException is thrown.
peek() E Returns the item at the front of the Queue, but
does not modify the queue. If the queue is empty
a NoSuchElementException is thrown.
toString() String Returns a string representation of the queue.
See below for a specific example of the format
the string should take.
resizeArray() void This should be a private method that doubles
the size of the underlying array. You will need
to call this method in your enqueue method.
Your toString() method should return a string in exactly the following format (two examples
shown with a queue of integers).
front: 4 rear: 5
front [ 1 ] rear (queue with one element)
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 8
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
front: 6 rear: 0
front [ 5 2 8 ] rear (queue with 3 elements wrapped)
In particular, use the toString() method for whatever objects are stored in the Queue to get
the item representations.
Analyzing Runtime of Your Implementations
I have provided you with the file that tests your Stack and Queue
implementations and measures their runtime (in terms of clock time while running). You should
test your implementations frequently as you code them in their individual main() functions, but
when you finish both you can use StackQueueTimeTest to ensure your implementations comply
with the Stack and Queue interfaces and are efficient. You can compile the test program in the
normal way: javac Java will automatically look for the rest of the
files it needs and also compile them (as long as they are all in the same directory), including the
Stack interface and both of your implementations, so be sure all of those files are in the same folder
The command java StackQueueTimeTest will run the test by executing a large number of
pushes and pops on both of your implementations and output the total runtime of each for different
input sizes. Note, this code should not run instantaneously, but it should definitely finish in under
a minute. If it is taking longer for your implementations, you are likely doing something that is
not efficient in your code. There is a TON of noise in these actual-time numbers, and Java does all
sorts of optimizations that make it hard to compare implementations, but you should see a general
trend of runtime growing linearly with N when you use big enough N’s to yield runtimes of a second
or more. Linear growth means that increasing N by some factor should increase runtime by the
same factor, e.g. doubling N should double the runtime, or tripling N should triple the runtime.
For example, on my computer, a test with an N of 50,000,000 (fifty-million) takes .6 seconds for
LLStack and .5 seconds for ArrayQueue. A test with an N of 100,000,000 (one-hundred-million),
or twice as big as the previous N, takes 0.95s for LLStack and 1.05s for ArrayQueue, or twice
as long. A test where N is again doubled to be 200,000,000 (two-hundred-million), takes 2s for
LLStack and ArrayQueue, or again twice as long as the previous.
This is exactly what you would expect given linear growth in runtime. Why do we expect
doubling the number of operations (N) to double the runtime? Turn in a text file with your
code that answers the previous question.
*** The above tests are meaningless with small N’s! You MUST use an N big enough to generate
runtimes of at least .1 seconds to get meaningful results, and results will be more consistent for
even bigger N’s. ***
Using Your Implementations
Lastly, you will turn in a file that implements a few methods that use
your stack an queue implementations. In particular, this file will contain the following 3 static
methods. Note: This class is just a container for these methods, so it does not need any instance
variables or constructors.
CS 201: Data Structures
Homework 8
Layla Oesper
Fall 2017
MethodName(Parameters) Returns description
reverseStack(Stack s) Stack s Returns a new Stack that contains the items in s
in the reverse order. For an added challenge, make
sure that s is unchanged at the end of the method.
testStackReverse(int m) void This method should first create a stack containing
the numbers 1, 2, . . . , m, with m on top. Use the
toString() method to print the contents of that
stack. Then call the reverseStack method on it
and use the toString() method to print the contents of that stack.
lastCustomer(int m, int n) int This methods will simulate some quirky behavior
of a line for food in the LDC. Originally there are
m students in line, number them 1, 2, . . . , m. The
person at the front of the line is then told to go
to the back of the line, doing this n times. The
person at the front of the line, then gets their food.
This process repeats until the line is empty (assuming no one else enters the line). The method
lastCustomer should return the number of the customer that is served LAST. You may assume that
m 0 and 1 ≤ n ≤ m. Use a queue to compute
your solution.
3 Submission and Grading
You’ll submit all your files to Moodle as a zipped file. One one partner from each pair needs to
submit the assignment. Specifically, put these files into a directory named
[your last name your partner’s last name]HW8, zip this directory, upload it to Moodle. For
example, if my partner was Schiller my directory would be named OesperSchillerHW8 and the
resulting file would be
This assignment is worth 24 points. Below is a partial list of the things that we’ll look for.
• Do you implement all of the requested methods as they are described? We’ll test this out by
running your various methods on different test cases.
• How efficient is your code? More efficient code will get a higher grade.
• Do your classes exhibit good organization and commenting? Don’t forget to follow the Style
Guidelines on Moodle.

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