CS 201
Homework 2
Please check the submission rules towards the end of the document.
Points will be deducted in case of a violation of these rules!
Description: In this assignment you will write a C++ program that evaluates an
arithmetic expression (represented with an infix notation), then outputs this
expression in postfix form and also outputs the result of the calculation. The program
will first convert the input infix expression to a postfix expression (using the Stack ADT)
and then calculate the result (again, using the Stack ADT). The details are provided in
the following sections.
1) Input and Expected Output
The program will ask for an arithmetic expression in infix form. All the operators and
operands of the input expression should be separated with a space character and the
expression should end with a ‘;’ character. The input format is strict to be able to parse
the expression easily. The program will first print out the input expression in postfix
form, following the same formatting rules. Then, the result of the arithmetic expression
will be printed. A sample run of the program can be as follows. More test cases are
provided at the end of the document. The parts with bold face represent the user input.
Enter an arithmetic expression: 4 * 1 + 5 + 6 * 1 ;
Input expression in postfix form: 4 1 * 5 + 6 1 * + ;
The result is: 15
The program should support the basic four operators (i.e., +, -, *, /) and the use of
2) The Design
In this assignment you will implement a stack using a linked list. Depending on the
design choice, the implementation can be different. However, you should make sure that
the standard methods (i.e., push, pop, top, isEmpty) are supported by your stack
implementation. In the following, first the overall design of the program is discussed.
Then, we will describe the linked list implementation of the stack. The overall design is
depicted below.
+push(in item * : StackItem)
+pop() : StackItem*
+top() : StackItem*
+isEmpty() : bool
+Calculator(in infixExp : string)
+getPostfix() : string
+calculate() : int
-*stack : Stack
-postfixExpression : string
«uses» StackItem
Hereby, the main function consumes an arithmetic infix expression as input (from the
console). Then it creates a Calculator object to convert the input expression to postfix
form, and then to calculate the result. It prints out both the postfix expression and the
result of the calculation on the screen. The implementation of the main function (i.e., the
main.cpp file) will be provided to you.
The Stack class will implement a standard Stack ADT interface. Your stack
implementation should store objects of type StackItem. StackItem is a class, which can
store an operator or an operand of an expression. The implementation of the StackItem
class (StackItem.h and StackItem.cpp) will be provided to you. The implementation of
this class and the Stack class is discussed in the following section.
The Calculator class has two member attributes; postfixExpression of type string that
stores an expression in postfix form, and stack, a pointer variable of type Stack. The
class has also two methods; getPostfix and calculate.
The constructor of the Calculator class gets an infix expression as an argument. First, it
should initialize the stack object. Then, it should convert the infix expression to postfix
form using this stack. The resulting expression should be assigned to the
postfixExpression attribute.
The calculate method makes use of stack to evaluate the postfix expression and return
the result.
The getPostfix method just returns postfixExpression.
All the memory that is allocated within the methods should be freed before their return.
Also, the destructor of the Calculator class should free all the memory (e.g., stack object)
that is allocated within its constructor. The header file of the Calculator class
(Calculator.h) will be provided to you.
3) The Stack Implementation
The linked list based implementation of the Stack class is depicted below.
In linked list implementation of the Stack, the size does not need to be fixed. Hence, the
constructor of the Stack class will not have to take any arguments. The constructor of
the Calculator class can initialize the stack without specifying any predefined size.
The Stack class only keeps a pointer to the head node of the linked list. The list is empty
when this pointer points to NULL.
The StackItem class has four attributes; isOperator, op, n and next. A StackItem object
can either store an operator or an operand. If the object stores an operator, the
isOperator boolean variable is set to true and the op attribute is set to an integer
constant that represents an operator (e.g., 1 represents a plus operator, ”+”). If the
object stores an operand, then the isOperatorboolean variable is set to false and the n
attribute is set to the value of the operand. next keeps a pointer to another
The StackItem class has two constructors. One of these constructors takes as arguments
the value of the boolean attribute, and the value of op or n depending on the boolean
attribute. The other constructor takes a string (e.g., “+”, “34”, “(”, “-”, “5”, etc.) as input
and parses the string to set the attributes of the class accordingly. The toString method
returns a string that includes the operator or operand stored in the object. The init
method is a private method that initializes the member variables. It is reused by the two
constructors of the class. The implementation of the StackItem class will be provided to
4) Submission
Youwill submit this homework via the LMS system. You should follow the file-naming
conventions and guidelines below.
You should submit your source files as a ZIP archive file (NOT RAR or other
formats). The name of the file should be in format “<USERID>_hw<HOMEWORK-NR>.zip”. For example, if your username is vy1043, then
the name of the submitted file should be “vy1043_hw2.zip”. Pay attention that all
the letters are in lower-case. ZIP archive is supposed to contain just the source
files, no folders are allowed by any means.
The contents of the ZIP file should be as follows:
o main.cpp (includes the main function)
o Calculator.h (Calculator class definition)
o Calculator.cpp (Calculator class implementation)
o Stack.h (Stack class definition)
o Stack.cpp (Stack class implementation)
o StackItem.h (StackItem class definition)
o StackItem.cpp (StackItem class implementation)
Late submissions and C++ files that do not compile are not accepted.
You can resubmit your homework (until the deadline) if you need to.
Make sure that your program does not include commands specific to a
development environment, e.g., system(“pause”) or #pragmaonce in Visual
5) Sample Test Cases
Test Case 0;
Input: 4 * 1 + 5 + 6 * 1 ;
Output: 4 1 * 5 + 6 1 * + ;
Result: 15
Test Case 1;
Input: 4 + 3 * 6 + 5 ;
Output: 4 3 6 * + 5 + ;
Result: 27
Test Case 2;
Input: ( 4 + 3 ) * ( 6 + 5 ) ;
Output: 4 3 + 6 5 + * ;
Result: 77
Test Case 3;
Input: 1 + ( ( 4 + ( 4 * 4 ) / ( 4 + 3 + 1 ) - 4 ) + ( 6 + ( 3 * 1 ) ) ) * ( ( ( 1 + 2 ) * 4 ) - 3 ) ;
Output: 1 4 4 4 * 4 3 + 1 + / + 4 - 6 3 1 * + + 1 2 + 4 * 3 - * + ;
Result: 100
Test Case 4;
Input: 3555 + ( ( 40 + ( 40 * 4 ) / ( 5 + 32 + 3 ) - 40 ) + ( 63 + ( 3 * 1 ) ) ) * ( ( ( 1 + 211 ) * 4 ) - 35 ) ;
Output: 3555 40 40 4 * 5 32 + 3 + / + 40 - 63 3 1 * + + 1 211 + 4 * 35 - * + ;
Result: 60465