CS 201
Homework Assignment 1
In this homework, you will implement a reservation system for a hotel chain. This hotel chain operates
different hotels each of which has a unique name. Each hotel can have different number of floors and
different number of rooms in each floor. The system should support making and cancelling reservations
for different hotels.
The reservation system will have the following functionalities. The details of these functionalities are
given below:
1. Add a hotel
2. Delete a hotel
3. Make a reservation
4. Cancel a reservation
5. Show the list of hotels
6. Show the list of rooms in a particular hotel
7. Show the list of reservations in a particular hotel
Add a hotel: The reservation system will allow the user to add a new hotel indicating its name, the
number of floors, and a list of the number of rooms for each floor. Since the hotel names must be unique,
the system should check whether or not the specified hotel already exists, and if it exists, it should not
allow the operation and display a warning message. Note also that each floor may have different number
of rooms. At the time of adding a new hotel, all rooms in this hotel become available.
Delete a hotel: The reservation system will allow the user to delete an existing hotel indicated by its
name. If the hotel does not exist, the system should display a warning message. Note that this operation
will also cancel all reservations for this hotel.
Make a reservation: The reservation system will allow the user to make a reservation for a particular
room in a hotel. The user will specify the name of the hotel and the floor number and room number for
the specific room requested. Both the floor numbers and the room numbers start from 1. A reservation
is possible if the hotel exists, if the particular room exists, and if it is available (i.e., it was not reserved
earlier). Otherwise, the system should not make any reservation and should display a warning message.
Cancel a reservation: The reservation system will allow the user to cancel a reservation for a particular room in a hotel. The user will specify the name of the hotel and the floor number and room number
for the specific room to be cancelled. A reservation can be cancelled if the hotel exists, if the particular
room exists, and if it was reserved earlier. Otherwise, the system should not cancel any reservation and
should display a warning message.
Show the list of hotels: The reservation system will allow the user to see the names of the hotels in
the system together with the number of floors and the total number of rooms in each hotel.
Show the list of rooms in a particular hotel: The reservation system will allow the user to see the
list of all rooms in a selected hotel. If no such hotel exists, the system should display a warning message.
If the hotel exists, the availability of each room should be displayed where “o” represents available rooms
and “x” represents reserved rooms (see the example output below).
Show the list of reservations in a particular hotel: The reservation system will allow the user to
see the list of all reserved rooms in a selected hotel. If no such hotel exists, the system should display a
warning message.
Below is the required public part of the HotelReservationSystem class that you must write in this
assignment. The name of the class must be HotelReservationSystem, and must include these public
member functions. The interface for the class must be written in the file called HotelReservationSystem.h
and its implementation must be written in the file called HotelReservationSystem.cpp. You can define
additional public and private member functions and data members in this class. You can also define additional classes in your solution. You must add the interfaces for these classes to the HotelReservationSystem.h
file, and must provide their implementations in the HotelReservationSystem.cpp file.
class HotelReservationSystem {
void addHotel( const string name, const int numFloors, const int *numRooms );
void deleteHotel( const string name );
void makeReservation( const string name, const int floor, const int room );
void cancelReservation( const string name, const int floor, const int room );
void showHotels();
void showRooms( const string name );
void showReservations( const string name );
Here is a test program that uses this class. The corresponding output is also given below.
Example test code:
#include <iostream
using namespace std;
#include "HotelReservationSystem.h"
int main() {
HotelReservationSystem hrs;
// hotel addition, deletion
int roomsH1[4] = {5, 4, 4, 3};
hrs.addHotel("H1", 4, roomsH1);
int roomsH2[7] = {3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5, 6};
hrs.addHotel("H2", 7, roomsH2);
int roomsH3[6] = {2, 3, 2, 5, 3, 3};
hrs.addHotel("H3", 6, roomsH3);
hrs.showHotels(); // H1, H2, H3
hrs.showHotels(); // H1, H2
hrs.deleteHotel("H4"); // warning: no such hotel
int roomsH4[3] = {3, 2, 5};
hrs.addHotel("H4", 3, roomsH4);
hrs.addHotel("H2", 3, roomsH4); // warning: existing hotel with the same name
hrs.showHotels(); // H1, H2, H4
// room reservations
hrs.showRooms("H2"); // ()
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 2, 2);
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 3, 5); // warning: no such room
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 5, 1);
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 6, 5);
hrs.makeReservation("H5", 2, 3); // warning: no such hotel
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 5, 1); // warning: room is already reserved
hrs.showRooms("H2"); // (2,2), (5,1), (6,5)
hrs.cancelReservation("H2", 2, 2);
hrs.cancelReservation("H4", 4, 4); // warning: no such room
hrs.makeReservation("H4", 1, 3);
hrs.cancelReservation("H2", 2, 2); // warning: no such reservation
hrs.makeReservation("H4", 3, 4);
hrs.makeReservation("H2", 2, 4);
hrs.showReservations("H2"); // (5,1), (6,5), (2,4)
hrs.showReservations("H3"); // warning: no such hotel
hrs.showReservations("H4"); // (1,3), (3,4)
// back to hotel deletion and then some reservations
hrs.makeReservation("H1", 2, 4);
hrs.makeReservation("H1", 1, 5);
hrs.cancelReservation("H2", 6, 5);
hrs.showRooms("H1"); // (2,4),(1,5)
hrs.showRooms("H2"); // (5,1),(2,4)
int roomsH5[10] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
hrs.addHotel("H5", 10, roomsH5);
hrs.showHotels(); // H1, H2, H5
return 0;
Output of the example test code:
Hotel H1 is added
Hotel H2 is added
Hotel H3 is added
Name #Floors #Rooms
H1 4 16
H2 7 37
H3 6 18
Hotel H3 is deleted
Name #Floors #Rooms
H1 4 16
H2 7 37
Hotel H4 does not exist for deletion
Hotel H4 is added
Hotel H2 already exists
Name #Floors #Rooms
H1 4 16
H2 7 37
H4 3 10
Hotel H2 rooms:
1: ooo
2: ooooo
3: oooo
4: oooooo
5: oooooooo
6: ooooo
7: oooooo
Room 2 on floor 2 is reserved at hotel H2
Room 5 on floor 3 does not exist at hotel H2
Room 1 on floor 5 is reserved at hotel H2
Room 5 on floor 6 is reserved at hotel H2
Hotel H5 does not exist for reservation
Room 1 on floor 5 is not available at hotel H2
Hotel H2 rooms:
1: ooo
2: oxooo
3: oooo
4: oooooo
5: xooooooo
6: oooox
7: oooooo
Reservation for room 2 on floor 2 is cancelled at hotel H2
Room 4 on floor 4 does not exist at hotel H4
Room 3 on floor 1 is reserved at hotel H4
Reservation for room 2 on floor 2 does not exist at hotel H2
Room 4 on floor 3 is reserved at hotel H4
Room 4 on floor 2 is reserved at hotel H2
Hotel H2 reservations:
Floor Room
2 4
5 1
6 5
Hotel H3 does not exist for showing reservations
Hotel H4 reservations:
Floor Room
1 3
3 4
Hotel H4 is deleted
Room 4 on floor 2 is reserved at hotel H1
Room 5 on floor 1 is reserved at hotel H1
Reservation for room 5 on floor 6 is cancelled at hotel H2
Hotel H1 rooms:
1: oooox
2: ooox
3: oooo
4: ooo
Hotel H2 rooms:
1: ooo
2: oooxo
3: oooo
4: oooooo
5: xooooooo
6: ooooo
7: oooooo
Name #Floors #Rooms
H1 4 16
H2 7 37
H5 10 30
Do not start your homework before reading these notes!!!
Output message for each operation should match the format shown in the output of the
example code.
1. This assignment is due by 23:59 on Monday, June 27, 2016. You should upload your homework
using the online submission form on the course home page before the deadline. No hardcopy
submission is needed. The standard rules about late homework submissions apply. Please see the
course home page for further discussion of the late homework policy as well as academic integrity.
2. You ARE NOT ALLOWED to modify the given parts of the header file. You MUST use dynamically allocated arrays in your implementation. You will get no points if you use fixed-sized arrays
or data structures such as vector from the standard library. Similarly, you will get no points if you
implement your homework using linked lists. Moreover, you ARE NOT ALLOWED to use any
global variables.
3. However, if necessary, you may define additional public and private data members and member
functions in your class. You can also define additional classes in your solution.
4. Your code must not have any memory leaks. You will lose points if you have memory leaks in your
program even though the outputs of the operations are correct.
5. In this assignment, you must have separate interface and implementation files (i.e., separate .h and
.cpp files) for your class. We will test your implementation by writing our own driver .cpp file which
will include your header file. For this reason, your class’ name MUST BE HotelReservationSystem
and your files’ name MUST BE HotelReservationSystem.h and HotelReservationSystem.cpp.
Note that you may write additional class(es) in your solution. You should put these two files (and
any additional files if you wrote additional classes in your solution) in a single archive file (e.g.,
zip, tar, rar). The submissions that do not obey these rules will not be graded.
6. We also recommend you to write your own driver file to test each of your functions. However, you
MUST NOT submit this test code (we will use our own test code). In other words, do not submit
a file that contains a function called main.
7. Make sure that each file that you submit (each and every file in the archive) contains your name,
section, and student number at the top as comments.
8. You are free to write your programs in any environment (you may use either Linux or Windows).
On the other hand, we will test your programs on “dijkstra.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr” and we will
expect your programs to compile and run on the dijkstra machine. If we could not get your program properly work on the dijkstra machine, you would lose a considerable amount of points.
Thus, we recommend you to make sure that your program compiles and properly works on dijkstra.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr before submitting your assignment.
9. This homework will be graded by your TA Nour Madhoun (nour.madhoun at gmail dot com).
Thus, you may ask your homework related questions directly to her.