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CS 271 and 462 PA 5

CS 271 and 462
PA 5 - Programming Assignment 5
Overview of This Assignment
4 Files:
 2 C source files
 1 header file
 1 makefile
You must upload the files to a CS Linux host, make, then run the executable on Linux.
Once you have finished and tested the programs, you will upload them to the PA 5 assignment in Canvas.
C Programming Skills That You Are Practicing in This Assignment
1. Become proficient at writing and using makefiles.
2. Become proficient in working with pointers in C.
3. Master the process of swapping.
4. Develop an understanding of the selection sort and insertion sort algorithms.
makefile - do this first!
 Include an "all" target that builds an executable named pa5 (no extension).
 Write separate targets for pa5, pa5.o, and sortingfunctions.o.
 Include a "clean" target that removes all object files (all files ending with .o).
pa5.c - the test program
1. Create a file named pa5.c. Copy the following code into your program. This is the initial version of your "test
program". You will modify this file as you go through the process of writing and testing the functions in this
The comments are there to show examples of what you might do to test your other functions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sortingfunctions.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE 10
int main (void) {
 // dynamically allocate memory space for an array
 int * arrayPtr = (int *) malloc (ARRAYSIZE * sizeof(int));
 // fill the array with random integers
 // print the array, 10 elements per line
 // sort the array using selection sort and print the return value
 // print the array, 10 elements per line
 // fill the array again with random integers
 // print the array
 // sort with insertion sort and print the return value
 // print the array

2. Create a file called sortingfunctions.h Write a preprocessor wrapper (following convention for constant name) and
then insert the following prototypes.
int selectionSort ( int * const array, int size );
int insertionSort ( int * const array, int size );
void swap ( int * num1, int * num2 );
void fillArray( int * const data, int size, int min, int max );
void neatPrint ( int * const data, int size, int numPerLine, int fieldSize );
3. Create a file called sortingfunctions.c Write the implementation of the five functions.
int selectionSort ( int * const data, int size );
 sorts the array using the selection sort algorithm
Caution: there are a lot of programs out there on the web that claim to
be selection sort written in C. The class syllabus prohibits copying
code from web sites. A grade of zero will be assigned for this
assignment if the TA or instructor sees evidence that you have copied
 You cannot use the bracket [ ] notation to access array elements. You
have to use pointer/offset notation.
 The return value is a count of the number of comparisons that are made.
Specifically, you should count the number of times that the program
executes an if statement that compares the values of two array elements.
int insertionSort ( int * const data, int size );
 sorts the array using the insertion sort algorithm
Caution: there are a lot of programs out there on the web that claim to
be insertion sort written in C. The class syllabus prohibits copying
code from web sites. A grade of zero will be assigned for this
assignment if the TA or instructor sees evidence that you have copied
 You cannot use the bracket [ ] notation to access array elements. You
have to use pointer/offset notation.
 The return value is a count of the number of comparisons that are made.
Specifically, you should count the number of times that the program
executes an if statement that compares the values of two array elements.
4. Create a file called helperfunctions.c Write the implementation of the three functions:
void swap ( int * num1, int * num2 );
 Exchanges the contents of the two memory locations.
void fillArray( int * const data, int size, int min, int max );
 Fills the array elements with integers from min to max (inclusive).
 You cannot use the bracket [ ] notation to access array elements. You
have to use pointer/offset notation.
void neatPrint ( int * const data, int size, int numPerLine, int fieldSize );
 Prints the array elements in nice, neat columns using the parameters
numPerLine and fieldSize to control the layout.
 You cannot use the bracket [ ] notation to access array elements. You
have to use pointer/offset notation.
5. Compile, test, and debug your program as needed.
6. Submit 4 files. Do not zip or tar the files.
 pa5.c
 sortingfunctions.h
 sortingfunctions.c
 makefile (You will need to copy this to a file named makefile.c so you can submit it.)

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