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CS-303 Assignment 1 SOLVED

CS-303 Assignment 1
(25 points)
Q1) (20 points) Write a C++ program that can read data (let’s say file that has 10 lines, and each line
contains 10 integers) from a file into an array and perform the following functions:
1) A function to check if a certain integer exists in the array if the number is present return the
index where the number is present.
2) A function that can modify the value of an integer when called with the index of the integer in
the array and return the new value and old value back to the user.
3) A function that adds a new integer to the end of the array
4) A function which intakes an index of an array and replaces the value with either 0 or removes
the integer altogether.
Q2) (5 points) A way to indicate an error, especially if there are several possible errors in code, is
through the use of exceptions. Exceptions are used to signal that an error has occurred. You can insert
code in your program that throws an exception when a particular kind of error occurs. An exception
handler allows the user to catch or handle the exception. To avoid uncaught exceptions, you write a try
block that can throw an exception and follow it with a catch block that catches the exception and
handles it. Using the array code from question 1 perform the following:
1) (Add a try and catch blocks (refer to the slide 53 of chapter 2) to the user inputs for the
following functions from question 1:
§ A function that can modify the value of an integer when called with the index of
the integer in the array and return the new value and old value back to the user.
§ A function that adds a new integer to the end of the array
Submission guidelines:
1) You should have a header file and .cpp file. The header file should provide the function
declaration and .cpp file should have implementation details.
2) All the functionality of the program should be implemented as functions and methods.
3) The code should be well commented
4) Create a report (readme file) that contains instruction on how to run the code and screen shots
of the outputs
5) Upload your report and code files to GitHub.
6) Submit the GitHub link on Canvas by due date. 

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