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CS 352: How to engineer faster solutions

CS 305: How to engineer faster solutions

This activity’s goal is to summarize all data-structure and programming trade-offs
we learned about in this class under the concept of code optimization. Code
optimization uses engineering trade-offs between different data-structures and
programming concepts to make the code base faster at executing while minimizing
the resource use (memory, disk I/O, etc). The activity is divided into three sections:
(1) code profiling to identify the code parts that take-up most execution time, (2)
optimization and analysis of alternative solutions using optimized code, and (3)
code optimization using the compiler. Work in groups of 3-4
Your names: ___________________________________________________
Problem statement:
It is not always obvious which part of the coded solution is the slowest or which
data-structure alterations would result in the best speed improvements.
Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to do the following:
 profile the code execution and identify the code base performance
 analyze the optimized code using alternative data-structures: arrays, linked
lists, hashes.
 use compiler optimization to translate the C language codebase to fast
machine code that is optimized for fastest execution possible but not
necessarily the best memory use
Part 1: Code profiling – same for every group.
1. Log into your Linux VDI (the terminal emulator like Mobaxterm won’t work for this
activity as it does not have all tools necessary). Go into your course folder and
cerate. Make a new lab12 directory:
cd /drives/p/cs305
mkdir lab12
2. Download the from moodle to your lab12 folder.
This is one of the solutions for the airport flight route finding that was assigned as
your last homework. Create a subfolder original and un-compress the archive you
downloaded into this subfolder.
3. In the command line (terminal), navigate to the project folder and compile the
code using the make tool.
4. The folder has an extra file called searches.txt
a. what does this file contain (useful commands: cat, head, tail, wc,...)
b. why so many entries in the searches.txt file?
c. how can we use this file since the routeFinder now takes only a single
argument <file name that contains airports and routes. You might want to
quickly examine main.c to see what the code does. Write the command line
directive to execute the routeFinder with AllUSRoutes file and searches.
5. measure the execution time of the routeFinder program that is loaded with
AllUSRoutes airports and routes and executes all searches in searches.txt file.
Use the time utility to measure the performance as such:
/usr/bin/time -v <the rest of the routeFinder command goes here
What are the values reported on the lines:
Command being timed: "./routeFinder AllUSRoutes.txt"
User time (seconds): _______________________
System time (seconds): ____________________
Percent of CPU this job got: ________________
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): ___________________
Which one do we care about the most? Why do these times differ?
6. The last step in the profiling task is to do the code base audit manually for its
efficiency. Identify any and all lines of code that could be simplified (merging loops),
code removed, data-structure simplified, data structure swapped for a higher
efficiency data-structure.
Summarize the major code optimizations you would make:
Draw a diagram of an alternative datastructure to represent the data for increased
efficiency (faster execution).
Report out part 1.
Part 2: Understand the optimized code.
At this point, download one of the code bases that you are assigned to investigate.
This code base contains an alternative solution for the same problem of finding the
shortest flight route from any airport to all other airports.
1. What is the code base you were assigned to analyze?
File name you downloaded and is:_________________
2. Unpack the downloaded the code base archive, into a new subfolder in the main
activity folder. Open the source files in the IDE and compare this implementation
with the original solution that you analyzed in the Part 1. Answering the following
answers will help you with understanding how is the alternative solution different
from the original code base. 
a. How are the structs defined in the .h file different in this version from the
b. What happened to the char** jump in the graph struct? Alternatively, how
does the solution print the airport labels now (where is the label
c. In the main.c after dijkstra is called, the shortest route is printed. How is
this different from the original implementation? The question above should
be helpful.
d. The dijkstra does all the work, but it mainly relies on getMin and
isEmpty. How do these functions (and the way they are called) differ from the
original solution?
3. Compile the code using the make utility. Repeat Part 1, Step 5 and record your
Measure the execution time of the routeFinder program that is loaded with
AllUSRoutes airports and routes and executes all searches in searches.txt file.
Use the time utility to measure the performance as such:
/usr/bin/time -v <the rest of the routeFinder command goes here
What are the values reported on the lines:
Command being timed: "./routeFinder AllUSRoutes.txt"
User time (seconds): _______________________
System time (seconds): ____________________
Percent of CPU this job got: ________________
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): ___________________
Report out part 2. 
Part 3: Implementing functions
GCC compiler and many other mature C compilers can help out with the
optimization of how the source code is translated to the C code. Let’ see how much
it can help us with the code base
1. Check out the gcc compiler documentation at:
a. Which sections of the manual are relevant to the code base optimization?
____________________ and ________________________
In detail read the first, read the first half page from
Which flags can we use in the makefile to force the gcc to optimize the code
b. Let’s use the above flag to make our code (more more more) optimized.
Navigate to the original source code sub-folder, open makefile for editing
and add the optimization flag after the “gcc -g “ directive. Save the
makefile and recompile the project suing “make clean; make”.
Repeat the Part 1 Step 5 and report the results here:
Measure the execution time of the routeFinder program that is loaded with
AllUSRoutes airports and routes and executes all searches in searches.txt
file. Use the time utility to measure the performance as such:
/usr/bin/time -v <the rest of the routeFinder command goes here
What are the values reported on the lines:
Command being timed: "./routeFinder AllUSRoutes.txt"
User time (seconds): _______________________
System time (seconds): ____________________
Percent of CPU this job got: ________________
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): ______________
 Did the optimization make a dent in the execution time? If so, by how much?
c. repeat the step above, but optimize the codebase with the alternative
solution you worked on in Part 2. (add the optimization flag to the make file
of the alternative solution, recompile the project, re-run the project and
report the results
What are the values reported on the lines:
Command being timed: "./routeFinder AllUSRoutes.txt"
User time (seconds): _______________________
System time (seconds): ____________________
Percent of CPU this job got: ________________
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): ______________
 Did the optimization make a dent in the execution time? If so, by how much?
2. Profile the code execution from the above using valgrind. Navigate to the subfolder original that contains the original solution. Use the following valgrind flag
to record all access times (while the command runs work on step 7):
valgrind –tool=callgrind <the rest of the executable command here
a. list the content of your working directory, there is a new file what is it’s name and
what does it have (useful commands: head -200, cat, ls)
b. open kcachegrind with the new file you have in your directory after running
valgrind. The file name’s is likely prefixed by “callgrind.out…”. From the
command line use the following: “kcachegrind <file callgrind.out… here”
What are the names of the names of functions that took 90% or more of the
program’s execution (listed in the left hand column). What functionality do they do
when the program executed?
c. Select (click on) the dijkstra function in the left hand column and on the right
hand column’s tab select “collee map”. What other functions were called from the
dijkstra function?
d. Number of times dijkstra function and getMin function were called:
dijkstra function: ________________
getMin function: _________________
e. Navigate to the sub-folder with the alternative solution. Repeat the profiled
execution and report:
--What are the names of the names of functions that took 70% or more time.
--What other functions were called from the dijkstra function?
--Number of times the dijkstra function and its “helper” functions were called
Report out Part 3.
Final discussion:
Under which circumstances would the above tested
alternative solutions improve the execution time?
Where else should we look to make speed improvements?
(Part 3, Section 2 should give you some ideas).
Why hash did not perform as well as expected?

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