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CS 325 - Homework Assignment 3

CS 325 - Homework Assignment 3
Problem 1: (2 points) Rod Cutting: (from the text CLRS) 15.1-2
Problem 2: (3 points)Modified Rod Cutting: (from the text CLRS) 15.1-3
Problem 3: (6 points) Test Time: OSU student, Benny, is taking his CS 325 algorithms exam which
consists of n questions. He notices that the professor has assigned points { p1, p2, ..., pn } to each
problem according to the professor's opinion of the difficulty of the problem. Benny wants to maximize
the total number of points he earns on the exam, but he is worried about running out of time since
there is only T minutes for the exam. He estimates that the amount of time it will take him to solve
each of the n questions is { t1, t2, ..., tn }. You can assume that Benny gets full credit for every question he
answers completely. Develop an algorithm to help Benny select which questions to answer to maximize
his total points earned. Note: NO partial credit is assigned to problems that are only partially
(a) Verbally describe a DP algorithm to solve this problem.
(b) Give pseudo code with enough detail to obtain the running time, include the formula used to fill the
table or array.
(c) What is the running time of your algorithm? Explain.
(d) Would Benny use this algorithm if the professor gave partial credit for partially completed questions
on the exam? Discuss.
Problem 4: (5 points) Making Change: Given coins of denominations (value) 1 = v1 < v2< … < vn, we wish
to make change for an amount A using as few coins as possible. Assume that vi’s and A are
integers. Since v1= 1 there will always be a solution.
Formally, an algorithm for this problem should take as input:
 An array V where V[i] is the value of the coin of the ith denomination.
 A value A which is the amount of change we are asked to make
The algorithm should return an array C where C[i] is the number of coins of value V[i] to return as
change and m the minimum number of coins it took. You must return exact change so
∑𝑉[𝑖] ∙ 𝐶[𝑖] = 𝐴
The objective is to minimize the number of coins returned or:
m = min ∑ 𝐶[𝑖]
a) Describe and give pseudocode for a dynamic programming algorithm to find the minimum
number of coins to make change for A.
CS 325 - Homework Assignment 3
b) What is the theoretical running time of your algorithm?
Problem 5: (10 points) Making Change Implementation
Submit a copy of all your files including the txt files and a README file that explains how to compile and
run your code in a ZIP file to TEACH. We will only test execution with an input file named amount.txt.
You may use any language you choose to implement your DP change algorithm. The program should
read input from a file named “amount.txt”. The file contains lists of denominations (V) followed on the
next line by the amount A.
Example amount.txt:
1 2 5
1 3 7 12
1 2 4 8
In the above example the first line contains the denominations V=(1, 2, 5) and the next line contains
the amount A = 10 for which we need change. There are three different denomination sets and
amounts in the above example. A denomination set will be on a single line and will always start with
the 1 “coin”.
The results should be written to a file named change.txt and should contain the denomination set,
the amount A, the change result array and the minimum number of coins used.
Example change.txt:
1 2 5
0 0 2
1 3 7 12
0 1 2 1
1 2 4 8
1 1 1 1
In the above example, to make 29 cents change from the denomination set (1, 3, 7, 12) you need
0: 1 cent coin, 1: 3 cent coin, 2: 7 cent coins and 1: 12 cent coin for a total of 4 coins.
Problem 6: (4 points)Making Change Experimental Running time
a) Collect experimental running time data for your algorithm in Problem 4. Explain in detail how
you collected the running times.
b) On three separate graphs plot the running time as a function of A, running time as a function
of n and running time as a function of nA. Fit trend lines to the data. How do these results
compare to your theoretical running time? (Note: n is the number of denominations in the
denomination set and A is the amount to make change)

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