CS 335 Semester 2: Project Description
The goal of this project is to implement a compilation toolchain, where the input is in Java language
and the output is x86 code.
Milestone 1
In this milestone, you have to construct a scanner and a parser for the Java language. The output
of your compiler should be the abstract syntax tree (AST) in a graphical form. The leaves of the
AST should be labeled by the token names. Also include the lexemes within parentheses in the
labels, for e.g., ID (myVarName).
The following is a conceptual outline of steps that you can follow for your implementation.
1. You can extend your Assignment 1 (Lexer) implementation. Do check that you have included
all necessary lexical details and grammar rules for Java.
2. Use Java grammar1
to implement the parser using any automated parser generator like Yacc.
For example, you will need to convert the Java grammar to an input script that is understood
by Yacc.
3. Integrate the lexer and parser interfaces so that the (1) parser can drive the lexer, and (2)
the lexer returns tokens to parser.
4. Add actions to the grammar script so that the output of the parser is a DOT script representing
the abstract syntax tree of the input program. Study the documentation of your parser
generator (for e.g., Yacc or ANTLR) to understand how actions are specified.
5. The DOT script, when processed by the Graphviz tool called dot, should produce a postscript
file with the diagram of the parse tree.
6. Submit ten nontrivial Java programs that can be compiled with your implementation.
7. Handle errors in the input Java programs. Print suitable error messages for the errors
encountered. Your compiler can terminate compilation and exit after the first error is
Other details. Your implementation must accept input file(s) and other options as command
line parameters. Use options like –input, –out, –help, and –verbose.
Graphviz and DOT. You can use a free graph visualization tool called Graphviz2
to visualize
the AST. There are two components of Graphviz that you will have to use: (1) the language
DOT for describing the AST, and (2) a tool called dot. For example, if graph1.dot is a DOT script
describing the AST, then the following generates a postscript program containing the visualization
of the AST.
$ d o t −Tps g ra p h 1 . d o t −o g ra p h 1 . ps
The dot tool takes care of the tree layout. You only need to specify the tree structure (i.e.,
nodes, labels, and edges) with the DOT language. You can read more about the DOT language
from http://www.graphviz.org/documentation/.
• Submission will be through Canvas.
• Create a zip file named “cs335_project_ <roll>.zip”. The zipped file should contain a
folder milestone1 with the following contents:
– All your source files must be in milestone1/src directory. You are free to choose your
implementation language.
– Create a directory milestone1/tests for your test cases. Name the test files as
“test_ <serial number>.java”.
– Use Makefile (or equivalent build tools like ant) for your implementation. You are free to
use wrapper scripts to automate building and executing your compiler.
– Your submission must include a milestone1/doc directory and a PDF file. The PDF file
should describe any tools that you used, and should include compilation and execution
instructions. Document all command line options.
You should use LATEX typesetting system for generating the PDF file.
• Your implementation should follow the prescribed steps so that the expect output format is
• We will evaluate your implementations on a Unix-like system, for example, a recent Debianbased distribution.
• We will evaluate the implementations with our own inputs and test cases, so remember to
test thoroughly.
• The TAs will meet with each group for evaluation. Make sure that your implementation
builds and runs correctly. A typical evaluation session could be as follows.
$ cd <m i l e s t o n e 1 >/ s r c
$ make
$ . / myASTGenerator . . / t e s t s / t e s t 5 . j a v a −−o u t=t e s t 5 . d o t