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CS 342 Project #1 Generic Lists in Java

CS 342 Project #1
Generic Lists in Java

In this project you will implement your own versions of the stack and queue data
structures. Although the Java API provides built-in support for them, you will write your
own to practice the constructs and language details we have seen in class. That means
you are NOT allowed to use any pre existing libraries or classes for this assignment.
In this simplified version, each data structure is a singly linked list. The stack is LIFO
(last in first out) while the queue is FIFO (first in first out). Your implementation must be
generic as to allow for different types when each data structure object is instantiated.
You will also implement the Iterator design pattern; allowing users access to a custom
Iterator for your data structures.
Implementation Details:
You will download and use the Maven project template GLMavenFall19 from
Blackboard. You will find a file called in the src folder. This class contains
the main method. You should test this template with the Maven command “compile”.
This command will both compile your src code and run exec:java; resulting in the line
“hello generic lists” being printed and a successful build. The Maven command “test” will
run one test case that fails all the time. You will create a new file, inside of src/main/java,
for each outer class and interface. In comments at the top of the file,
please include your name and netid and university email as well as a brief description of
your project.
DO NOT add any folders or change the structure of the project in anyway. DO NOT alter
the pom.xml file.
CS 342 Project #1 Fall 2019
Create a generic abstract class called GenericList<I>:
This class will contain only two data fields:
Node<I> head (this is the head of the list).
int length (the length of the list and should be private)
This class should include the following methods:
print(): prints the items of the list, one value per line.
add(I data): adds the value to the list. This is abstract since the implementation
depends on what the data structure is.
delete(): returns the first value of the list and deletes the node.
This class should also define a generic inner class Node<T>: It will include two fields: T
data and Node<T> next;
***This class encapsulates a linked list. Defining a Node class and providing two
methods that a queue and stack have in common while leaving adding a node to each
implementation that inherits from it.***
Create two more classes GenericQueue<I> and GenericStack<I>. They both should
inherit from GenericList<I>.
The constructors for each class will take one parameter. That parameter will be a value
that will go in the first node of the list encapsulated by each instance of the class. Each
constructor should initialize the linked list head, with the value passed in by the
constructor. Each class should also implement the method add(I data), GenericQueue
will add to the back of the list while GenericStack will add to the front. Each class must
also keep track of the length of it’s list using the length data field defined in the abstract
CS 342 Project #1 Fall 2019
GenericQueue will have the methods enqueue(I data) and dequeue() which will call
the methods add(I data) and delete() respectively. Enqueue and dequeue merely call
add(I data) and delete(). The reason for this is that a user would expect these calls to
be implemented in each of those data structures. You will do the same with
GenericStack will have the methods push(I data) and pop() which will call the
methods add(I data) and delete() respectively.
Once implemented, you should be able to create instances of both GenericQueue and
GenericStack in main with most primitive wrapper classes. You should be able to add
and delete nodes to each data structure instance as well as print out the entire list and
check for the length of the list. You must follow this implementation: meaning you can
not add any additional data fields or classes. You may add getters/setters as need be.
Implementing Iterator Design Pattern:
You are to create an interface called CreateIterator. It will have one abstract method:
Iterator createIterator(). You will want both GenericQueue and GenericStack classes
to implement this interface.
You must also create a class to contain logic for iterating through your data structure.
Call this class GLIterator.
It should implement the java interface Iterator (java.util.Iterator). You will have to
implement two inherited methods: hasNext() and next().
You are expected to fully comment your code and use good coding practices.
CS 342 Project #1 Fall 2019
Electronic Submission:
Zip the Maven project GLMavenFall19 and name it with your netid + Project1: for
example, I would have a submission called, and submit it to the link
on Blackboard course website.
Assignment Details:
Late work is accepted. You may submit your code up to 24 hours late for a 10%
penalty. Anything later than 24 hours will not be graded and result in a zero.
We will test all projects on the command line using Maven 3.6.1. You may develop
in any IDE you chose but make sure your project can be run on the command line
using Maven commands. Any project that does not run will result in a zero. If you
are unsure about using Maven, come see your TA or Professor.

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